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Neko v0.7.0

04 Dec 2023 - neko

The Neko the dev team is very glad to announce that Neko v0.7.0 has been released 😺! This is a major update in terms of features, user interaction, and improvements in the code design.

Some highlights are:

🔵 JSON-based case file format for easy automation and hierarchical specification of parameters.

🔵 Probes/history points.

🔵 Support for adding new source term types.

🔵 “Simulation components”, which allow to encapsulate something that “runs once per time step” in a single type.

🔵 Performance improvements that made Neko a Gordon Bell Prize finalist this year 🔥🔥🔥. The related paper (OA) can be found here

If you are looking for a peak-performance high-order incompressible CFD solver, you should check Neko out!