34 use,
intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_int
38 use mpi_f08,
only: mpi_sum, mpi_in_place, mpi_allreduce
46 s12_d, s13_d, s23_d, &
47 delta_d, nut_d, mult_d, c_s, n) &
48 bind(c, name =
49 use,
intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_int
51 type(c_ptr),
value :: s11_d, s22_d, s33_d, &
52 s12_d, s13_d, s23_d, &
53 delta_d, nut_d, mult_d
61 s12_d, s13_d, s23_d, &
62 delta_d, nut_d, mult_d, c_s, n) &
63 bind(c, name =
64 use,
intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_int
66 type(c_ptr),
value :: s11_d, s22_d, s33_d, &
67 s12_d, s13_d, s23_d, &
68 delta_d, nut_d, mult_d
82 s12_d, s13_d, s23_d, &
83 delta_d, nut_d, mult_d, c_s, n)
84 type(c_ptr) :: s11_d, s22_d, s33_d, &
85 s12_d, s13_d, s23_d, &
86 delta_d, nut_d, mult_d
91 s12_d, s13_d, s23_d, &
92 delta_d, nut_d, mult_d, c_s, n)
95 s12_d, s13_d, s23_d, &
96 delta_d, nut_d, mult_d, c_s, n)
98 call neko_error(
'opencl backend is not supported for device_smagorinsky_nut')
100 call neko_error(
'no device backend configured')
105end module device_smagorinsky_nut
type(mpi_comm) neko_comm
MPI communicator.
type(mpi_datatype) mpi_real_precision
MPI type for working precision of REAL types.
integer pe_size
MPI size of communicator.
subroutine, public device_smagorinsky_nut_compute(s11_d, s22_d, s33_d, s12_d, s13_d, s23_d, delta_d, nut_d, mult_d, c_s, n)
Compute the eddy viscosity field for the Sigma model indevice.
integer, parameter, public c_rp
integer, parameter, public rp
Global precision used in computations.
void cuda_smagorinsky_nut_compute(void *s11, void *s22, void *s33, void *s12, void *s13, void *s23, void *delta, void *nut, void *mult, real *c_s, int *n)