Neko 0.9.1
A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow simulations
Fortran HIP interface.
Data Types | |
interface | hipdevicegetname |
interface | hipdevicegetstreampriorityrange |
interface | hipdevicesynchronize |
interface | hipeventcreate |
interface | hipeventcreatewithflags |
interface | hipeventdestroy |
interface | hipeventrecord |
interface | hipeventsynchronize |
interface | hipfree |
interface | hipgetdevicecount |
interface | hipmalloc |
interface | hipmemcpy |
interface | hipmemcpyasync |
interface | hipstreamcreate |
interface | hipstreamcreatewithflags |
interface | hipstreamcreatewithpriority |
interface | hipstreamdestroy |
interface | hipstreamsynchronize |
interface | hipstreamwaitevent |
Enumerations | |
enum | { hipsuccess = 0 , hiperrorinvalidcontext = 1 , hiperrorinvalidkernelfile = 2 , hiperrormemoryallocation = 3 , hiperrorinitializationerror = 4 , hiperrorlaunchfailure = 5 , hiperrorlaunchoutofresources = 6 , hiperrorinvaliddevice = 7 , hiperrorinvalidvalue = 8 , hiperrorinvaliddevicepointer = 9 , hiperrorinvalidmemcpydirection = 10 , hiperrorunknown = 11 , hiperrorinvalidresourcehandle = 12 , hiperrornotready = 13 , hiperrornodevice = 14 , hiperrorpeeraccessalreadyenabled = 15 , hiperrorpeeraccessnotenabled = 16 , hiperrorruntimememory = 17 , hiperrorruntimeother = 18 , hiperrorhostmemoryalreadyregistered = 19 , hiperrorhostmemorynotregistered = 20 , hiperrormapbufferobjectfailed = 21 , hiperrortbd = 22 } |
Enum hipError_t. More... | |
enum | { hipmemcpyhosttohost = 0 , hipmemcpyhosttodevice = 1 , hipmemcpydevicetohost = 2 , hipmemcpydevicetodevice = 3 , hipmemcpydefault = 4 } |
Enum hipMemcpyKind. More... | |
Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine | hip_init |
subroutine | hip_finalize |
subroutine | hip_device_name (name) |
integer function | hip_device_count () |
Return the number of available HIP devices. | |
Variables | |
type(c_ptr), bind(C) | glb_cmd_queue = C_NULL_PTR |
Global HIP command queue. | |
type(c_ptr), bind(C) | aux_cmd_queue = C_NULL_PTR |
Aux HIP command queue. | |
integer | strm_high_prio |
High priority stream setting. | |
integer | strm_low_prio |
Low priority stream setting. | |
Definition at line 54 of file hip_intf.F90.
Enumerator | |
hipmemcpyhosttohost | |
hipmemcpyhosttodevice | |
hipmemcpydevicetohost | |
hipmemcpydevicetodevice | |
hipmemcpydefault |
Definition at line 81 of file hip_intf.F90.
Definition at line 282 of file hip_intf.F90.
subroutine hip_intf::hip_device_name | ( | character(len=*), intent(inout) | name | ) |
subroutine hip_intf::hip_finalize |
subroutine hip_intf::hip_init |
type(c_ptr), bind(C) hip_intf::aux_cmd_queue = C_NULL_PTR |
Definition at line 45 of file hip_intf.F90.
type(c_ptr), bind(C) hip_intf::glb_cmd_queue = C_NULL_PTR |
Definition at line 42 of file hip_intf.F90.
integer hip_intf::strm_high_prio |
Definition at line 48 of file hip_intf.F90.
integer hip_intf::strm_low_prio |
Definition at line 51 of file hip_intf.F90.