39 use,
intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : c_ptr
54 integer,
intent(in) :: n
56 real(kind=
intent(inout) :: z
57 real(kind=
intent(inout) :: r
58 type(c_ptr) :: z_d, r_d
Return the device pointer for an associated Fortran array.
Identity Krylov preconditioner for accelerators.
subroutine device_ident_update(this)
Mandatory update routine (NOP)
subroutine device_ident_solve(this, z, r, n)
The (default) naive preconditioner .
subroutine, public device_copy(a_d, b_d, n)
Copy a vector .
Device abstraction, common interface for various accelerators.
integer, parameter, public rp
Global precision used in computations.
Defines a canonical Krylov preconditioner for accelerators.
Defines a canonical Krylov preconditioner.