Neko  0.8.1
A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow simulations
advection.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  advection::advection_t
 Base abstract type for computing the advection operator. More...
type  advection::adv_no_dealias_t
 Type encapsulating advection routines with no dealiasing applied. More...
type  advection::adv_dealias_t
 Type encapsulating advection routines with dealiasing. More...
interface  advection::compute_adv
 Add advection operator to the right-hand-side for a fluld. More...
interface  advection::compute_scalar_adv
 Add advection operator to the right-hand-side for a scalar. More...
interface  advection::advection_free
 Destructor. More...


module  advection
 Subroutines to add advection terms to the RHS of a transport equation.


subroutine advection::init_no_dealias (this, coef)
 Constructor. More...
subroutine advection::free_no_dealias (this)
 Destructor. More...
subroutine advection::init_dealias (this, lxd, coef)
 Constructor. More...
subroutine advection::free_dealias (this)
 Destructor. More...
subroutine advection::compute_advection_dealias (this, vx, vy, vz, fx, fy, fz, Xh, coef, n)
 Add the advection term for the fluid, i.e. \(u \cdot \nabla u \), to the RHS. More...
subroutine advection::compute_advection_no_dealias (this, vx, vy, vz, fx, fy, fz, Xh, coef, n)
 Add the advection term for the fluid, i.e. \(u \cdot \nabla u \) to the RHS. More...
subroutine advection::compute_scalar_advection_no_dealias (this, vx, vy, vz, s, fs, Xh, coef, n)
 Add the advection term for a scalar, i.e. \(u \cdot \nabla s \), to the RHS. More...
subroutine advection::compute_scalar_advection_dealias (this, vx, vy, vz, s, fs, Xh, coef, n)
 Add the advection term for a scalar, i.e. \(u \cdot \nabla s \), to the RHS. More...