Neko 0.9.1
A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow simulations
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  • Jansson, N., 2021. Spectral Element Simulations on the NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA. In proc. HPCAsia 2021.
  • Karp, M., Podobas, A., Kenter, T., Jansson, N., Plessl, C., Schlatter, P. and Markidis, S., 2022. A high-fidelity flow solver for unstructured meshes on field-programmable gate arrays: Design, evaluation, and future challenges. In proc. HPCAsia 2022.
  • Karp, M., Jansson, N., Podobas, A., Schlatter, P., and Markidis, S., 2022. Reducing Communication in the Conjugate Gradient Method: A Case Study on High-Order Finite Elements. In proc. PASC 2022.
  • Karp, M., Massaro, D., Jansson, N., Hart, A., Wahlgren, J., Schlatter, P., and Markidis, S., 2023. Large-Scale Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulence Using GPUs and Modern Fortran. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 37, 5.
  • Jansson, N., Karp, M., Perez, A., Mukha, T., Ju, Y., Liu, J., Páll, S., Laure, E., Weinkauf, T., Schumacher, J., Schlatter, P., Markidis, S., 2023. Exploring the Ultimate Regime of Turbulent Rayleigh–Bénard Convection Through Unprecedented Spectral-Element Simulations. SC '23: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis.
  • Jansson, N., Karp, M., Podobas, A., Markidis, S. and Schlatter, P., 2024. Neko: A modern, portable, and scalable framework for high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics. Computer & Fluids, 275.