Neko 0.9.99
A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow simulations
No Matches
facet_zone::facet_zone_periodic_t Type Reference
Inheritance diagram for facet_zone::facet_zone_periodic_t:
Collaboration diagram for facet_zone::facet_zone_periodic_t:

Public Member Functions

procedure, pass(z) init (z, size)
 Initialize a periodic zone.
procedure, pass(z) free (z)
 Deallocate a zone.
procedure, pass(z) finalize (z)
 Finalize a periodic zone list.
procedure, pass(z) add_periodic_facet (z, facet, el, p_facet, p_el, pids, org_ids)
 Add a (facet, el) tuple to an unfinalized zone.
procedure, pass(z) init (z, size)
 Initialize a facet zone.
procedure, pass(z) free (z)
 Deallocate a facet zone.
procedure, pass(z) finalize (z)
 Finalize a zone list.
procedure, pass(z) add_facet (z, facet, el)
 Add a (facet, el) tuple to an unfinalized zone.

Public Attributes

type(tuple_i4_t), dimension(:), allocatable p_facet_el
type(tuple4_i4_t), dimension(:), allocatable p_ids
 Periodic ids, same for each periodic point.
type(tuple4_i4_t), dimension(:), allocatable org_ids
 Original ids point ids.
type(tuple_i4_t), dimension(:), allocatable facet_el
integer size

Private Attributes

type(stack_i4t2_t), private p_scratch
type(stack_i4t4_t), private p_id_scratch
type(stack_i4t4_t), private org_id_scratch
logical, private finalized = .false.
type(stack_i4t2_t), private scratch

Detailed Description

Definition at line 53 of file facet_zone.f90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ add_facet()

procedure, pass(z) facet_zone::facet_zone_t::add_facet ( class(facet_zone_t), intent(inout z,
integer, intent(in facet,
integer, intent(in el 
[in]facetFacet in the zone
[in]elElement in the zone

Definition at line 50 of file facet_zone.f90.

◆ add_periodic_facet()

procedure, pass(z) facet_zone::facet_zone_periodic_t::add_periodic_facet ( class(facet_zone_periodic_t), intent(inout z,
integer, intent(in facet,
integer, intent(in el,
integer, intent(in p_facet,
integer, intent(in p_el,
integer, dimension(4), intent(in pids,
integer, dimension(4), intent(in org_ids 
[in]facetFacet in the zone
[in]elElement in the zone
[in]p_facetFacet at periodic length
[in]p_elElement at periodic length
[in]pidsPeriodic id of points
[in]org_idsOriginal id of points

Definition at line 64 of file facet_zone.f90.

◆ finalize() [1/2]

procedure, pass(z) facet_zone::facet_zone_t::finalize ( class(facet_zone_t), intent(inout z)

Create a static list of (facet,el) tuples

Definition at line 49 of file facet_zone.f90.

◆ finalize() [2/2]

procedure, pass(z) facet_zone::facet_zone_periodic_t::finalize ( class(facet_zone_periodic_t), intent(inout z)

Create a static list of (facet,el) tuples

Definition at line 63 of file facet_zone.f90.

◆ free() [1/2]

procedure, pass(z) facet_zone::facet_zone_t::free ( class(facet_zone_t), intent(inout z)

Definition at line 48 of file facet_zone.f90.

◆ free() [2/2]

procedure, pass(z) facet_zone::facet_zone_periodic_t::free ( class(facet_zone_periodic_t), intent(inout z)

Definition at line 62 of file facet_zone.f90.

◆ init() [1/2]

procedure, pass(z) facet_zone::facet_zone_t::init ( class(facet_zone_t), intent(inout z,
integer, optional  size 

Definition at line 47 of file facet_zone.f90.

◆ init() [2/2]

procedure, pass(z) facet_zone::facet_zone_periodic_t::init ( class(facet_zone_periodic_t), intent(inout z,
integer, optional  size 

Definition at line 61 of file facet_zone.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ facet_el

type(tuple_i4_t), dimension(:), allocatable facet_zone::facet_zone_t::facet_el

Definition at line 42 of file facet_zone.f90.

◆ finalized

logical, private facet_zone::facet_zone_t::finalized = .false.

Definition at line 44 of file facet_zone.f90.

◆ org_id_scratch

type(stack_i4t4_t), private facet_zone::facet_zone_periodic_t::org_id_scratch

Definition at line 59 of file facet_zone.f90.

◆ org_ids

type(tuple4_i4_t), dimension(:), allocatable facet_zone::facet_zone_periodic_t::org_ids

Definition at line 58 of file facet_zone.f90.

◆ p_facet_el

type(tuple_i4_t), dimension(:), allocatable facet_zone::facet_zone_periodic_t::p_facet_el

Definition at line 54 of file facet_zone.f90.

◆ p_id_scratch

type(stack_i4t4_t), private facet_zone::facet_zone_periodic_t::p_id_scratch

Definition at line 57 of file facet_zone.f90.

◆ p_ids

type(tuple4_i4_t), dimension(:), allocatable facet_zone::facet_zone_periodic_t::p_ids

Definition at line 56 of file facet_zone.f90.

◆ p_scratch

type(stack_i4t2_t), private facet_zone::facet_zone_periodic_t::p_scratch

Definition at line 55 of file facet_zone.f90.

◆ scratch

type(stack_i4t2_t), private facet_zone::facet_zone_t::scratch

Definition at line 45 of file facet_zone.f90.

◆ size

integer facet_zone::facet_zone_t::size

Definition at line 43 of file facet_zone.f90.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: