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Neko 0.9.99
A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow simulations
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Modules List
Here is a list of all modules with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 MaabbAxis Aligned Bounding Box (aabb) implementation in Fortran
 Maabb_treeAxis Aligned Bounding Box (aabb) Tree data structure
 Mab_time_schemeAdam-Bashforth scheme for time integration
 Madv_dealiasSubroutines to add advection terms to the RHS of a transport equation
 Madv_dummyImplements adv_dummy_t
 Madv_no_dealiasSubroutines to add advection terms to the RHS of a transport equation
 Madv_oifsSubroutines to add advection terms to the RHS of a transport equation
 MadvectionSubroutines to add advection terms to the RHS of a transport equation
 Max_productDefines a Matrix-vector product
 MbcDefines a boundary condition
 Mbc_listDefines a list of bc_t
 Mbdf_time_schemeBackward-differencing scheme for time integration
 MbicgstabDefines various Bi-Conjugate Gradient Stabilized methods
 MblasiusDefines a Blasius profile dirichlet condition
 Mboussinesq_source_termImplements the boussinesq_source_term_t type
 Mboussinesq_source_term_cpuImplements the cpu kernel for the boussinesq_source_term_t type
 Mboussinesq_source_term_deviceImplements the device kernel for the boussinesq_source_term_t type
 Mbrinkman_source_termImplements the brinkman_source_term_t type
 McacgDefines a communication avoiding Conjugate Gradient method
 McaseDefines a simulation case
 McgDefines various Conjugate Gradient methods
 Mcg_cpldDefines a coupled Conjugate Gradient methods
 Mcg_deviceDefines various Conjugate Gradient methods for accelerators
 Mcg_sxDefines various Conjugate Gradient methods
 MchebyChebyshev preconditioner
 Mcheby_deviceChebyshev preconditioner
 McheckpointDefines a checkpoint
 Mchkp_fileNeko checkpoint file format
 Mchkp_outputDefines an output for a checkpoint
 Mconst_source_termImplements the const_source_term_t type
 Mconst_source_term_cpuImplements the cpu kernel for the const_source_term_t type
 Mconst_source_term_deviceImplements the device kernel for the const_source_term_t type
 Mcoriolis_source_termImplements the coriolis_source_term_t type. Maintainer: Timofey Mukha
 Mcoriolis_source_term_cpuImplements the cpu kernel for the coriolis_source_term_t type. Maintainer: Timofey Mukha
 McraypatInterface to CrayPat F77 API
 Mcsv_fileFile format for .csv files, used for any read/write operations involving floating point data
 Mcuda_filtersCuda interface binding for filters
 Mcuda_intfFortran CUDA interface
 McurveDefines a domain as a subset of facets in a mesh
 Mcylinder_point_zoneImplements a cylinder geometry subset
 Mdata_streamerImplements type data_streamer_t
 MdatadistDefines practical data distributions
 MderivativeImplements the derivative_t type
 MdeviceDevice abstraction, common interface for various accelerators
 Mdevice_identityIdentity Krylov preconditioner for accelerators
 Mdevice_jacobiJacobi preconditioner accelerator backend
 Mdevice_projectionInterface for device projection
 MdirichletDefines a dirichlet boundary condition
 MdistdataDistributed mesh data
 MdofmapDefines a mapping of the degrees of freedom
 Mdong_outflowDefines a dong outflow condition
 Mdynamic_smagorinskyImplements dynamic_smagorinsky_t
 Mdynamic_smagorinsky_cpuImplements the CPU kernel for the smagorinsky_t type
 Mdynamic_smagorinsky_deviceImplements the device kernel for the smagorinsky_t type
 Melementwise_filterImplements explicit_filter_t
 Meuler_res_cpuThis module implements CPU-based residual calculations for the Euler equations
 Mext_time_schemeExplicit extrapolation scheme for time integration
 Mfacet_normalDirichlet condition applied in the facet normal direction
 Mfacet_zoneDefines a zone as a subset of facets in a mesh
 Mfast3dFast diagonalization methods from NEKTON
 MfdmType for the Fast Diagonalization connected with the schwarz overlapping solves
 Mfdm_cpuFast Diagonalization
 Mfdm_sxFast Diagonalization SX-Aurora backend
 Mfdm_xsmmFast Diagonalization libxsmm backend
 MfieldDefines a field
 Mfield_dirichletDefines user dirichlet condition for a scalar field
 Mfield_dirichlet_vectorDefines inflow dirichlet conditions
 Mfield_registryDefines a registry for storing solution fields
 Mfield_seriesStores a series fields
 Mfield_writerImplements the field_writer_t type
 MfileModule for file I/O operations
 MfilterFilter to be applied to a scalar field
 MfiltersA module containing filter functions and subroutines. These functions are used to modify fields in a way that is useful for various simulations
 Mfilters_cpuCPU implementations of the filter functions
 Mfilters_deviceDevice implementations of the filter functions
 Mfld_fileNEKTON fld file format
 Mfld_file_dataSimple module to handle fld file series. Provides an interface to the different fields sotred in a fld file Also provides simple functions to scale and add different fld files. An example of using this module is shown in contrib/average_fields.f90 The fld_file_data_t should dynamically update each time one reads a new fld file. Martin Karp 1/2-2023
 Mfld_file_outputImplements fld_file_output_t
 Mflow_icInitial flow condition
 Mflow_profileDefines a flow profile
 Mfluid_auxAuxiliary routines for fluid solvers
 Mfluid_outputDefines an output for a fluid
 Mfluid_plan1Classic NEKTON formulation Compute pressure and velocity using consistent approximation spaces
 Mfluid_pnpnModular version of the Classic Nek5000 Pn/Pn formulation for fluids
 Mfluid_scheme_incompressibleFluid formulations
 Mfluid_source_termImplements the fluid_source_term_t type
 Mfluid_statsComputes various statistics for the fluid fields. We use the Reynolds decomposition for a field u = + u' = U + u' Spatial derivatives i.e. du/dx we denote dudx
 Mfluid_stats_outputImplements fluid_stats_ouput_t
 Mfluid_stats_simcompImplements the fluid_stats_simcomp_t type
 Mfluid_user_source_termImplements the fluid_user_source_term_t type
 Mforce_torqueImplements the force_torque_t type
 Mfusedcg_cpld_deviceDefines a fused Conjugate Gradient method for accelerators
 Mfusedcg_deviceDefines a fused Conjugate Gradient method for accelerators
 Mglobal_interpolationImplements global_interpolation given a dofmap
 MgmresDefines various GMRES methods
 Mgmres_deviceDefines various GMRES methods
 Mgmres_sxDefines various GMRES methods
 Mgradient_jump_penaltyImplements gradient_jump_penalty_t
 Mgs_bckndDefines a gather-scatter backend
 Mgs_commDefines a gather-scatter communication method
 Mgs_cpuGeneric Gather-scatter backend for CPUs
 Mgs_deviceGeneric Gather-scatter backend for accelerators
 Mgs_device_mpiDefines GPU aware MPI gather-scatter communication
 Mgs_device_ncclDefines NCCL based gather-scatter communication
 Mgs_device_shmemDefines GPU aware MPI gather-scatter communication
 Mgs_mpiDefines MPI gather-scatter communication
 Mgs_opsDefines Gather-scatter operations
 Mgs_sxGeneric Gather-scatter backend for NEC Vector Engines
 Mhdf5_fileHDF5 file format
 MhexDefines a hexahedron element
 Mhip_filtersHip interface binding for filters
 Mhip_intfFortran HIP interface
 MhsmgKrylov preconditioner
 MhtableImplements a hash table ADT
 MidentityKrylov preconditioner (identity)
 MinflowDefines inflow dirichlet conditions
 MinterpolationRoutines to interpolate between different spaces
 MjacobiJacobi preconditioner
 MjobctrlJob control
 Mjson_utilsUtilities for retrieving parameters from the case files
 MkrylovImplements the base abstract type for Krylov solvers plus helper types
 Mlambda2A simulation component that computes lambda2 The values are stored in the field registry under the name 'lambda2'
 Mles_modelImplements les_model_t
 Mles_simcompImplements the les_simcomp_t type
 Mlocal_interpolationRoutines to obtain interpolated values on a set of points with known rst coordinates in elements local to this process
 MloggerLogging routines
 MmapNEKTON map
 Mmap_1dCreates a 1d GLL point map along a specified direction based on the connectivity in the mesh
 Mmap_2dMaps a 3D dofmap to a 2D spectral element grid
 Mmap_fileNEKTON map file
 MmathopsCollection of vector field operations operating on a_i and b_i. Note that in general the indices i=1 \ldots gdim and j=1 \ldots n. gdim is assumed to be either 2 or 3 only
 MmatrixDefines a matrix
 Mmean_fieldImplements mean_field_t
 Mmean_flowDefines a mean flow field
 Mmean_flow_outputDefines an output for a mean flow field
 Mmean_sqr_fieldDefines a mean square field
 Mmean_sqr_flowDefines a mean squared flow field
 Mmean_sqr_flow_outputDefines an output for a mean squared flow field
 MmeshDefines a mesh
 Mmesh_fieldDefines a mesh field
 Mmxm_wrapperWrapper for all matrix-matrix product implementations
 MnekoMaster module
 Mneko_configBuild configurations
 Mneko_mpi_typesMPI derived types
 MneumannDefines a Neumann boundary condition
 MnmshNeko binary mesh format
 Mnmsh_fileNeko binary mesh data
 Mnon_normalDirichlet condition on axis aligned plane in the non normal direction
 MnvtxInterface to NVTX Based on https://github.com/maxcuda/NVTX_example
 MoctreeImplements an Octree
 Mopencl_filtersOpenCL interface binding for filters
 Mopencl_intfFortran OpenCL interface
 Mopencl_prgm_libOpenCL JIT program library
 Mopr_cpuOperators CPU backend
 Mopr_deviceOperators accelerator backends
 Mopr_sxOperators SX-Aurora backend
 Mopr_xsmmOperators libxsmm backend
 MoutputDefines an output
 Moutput_controllerImplements output_controller_t
 MparmetisInterface to ParMETIS
 Mpde_filterA PDE based filter
 MphmgHybrid ph-multigrid preconditioner
 MpipecgDefines a pipelined Conjugate Gradient methods
 Mpipecg_deviceDefines a pipelined Conjugate Gradient methods
 Mpipecg_sxDefines a pipelined Conjugate Gradient methods SX-Aurora backend
 Mpnpn_res_cpuResiduals in the Pn-Pn formulation (CPU version)
 Mpnpn_res_stress_cpuResiduals in the Pn-Pn formulation (CPU version)
 Mpnpn_res_stress_deviceResiduals in the Pn-Pn formulation (device version)
 Mpnpn_res_sxResiduals in the Pn-Pn formulation (SX version)
 Mpnpn_residualDefines Pressure and velocity residuals in the Pn-Pn formulation
 MpointImplements a point
 Mpoint_interpolatorRoutines to interpolate fields on a given element on a point in that element with given r,s,t coordinates
 MpreconKrylov preconditioner
 MprobesImplements probes
 MprofilerProfiling interface
 MprojectionProject x onto X, the space of old solutions and back again
 Mprojection_velProject x onto X , the space of old solutions and back again Couple projections for velocity
 MquadDefines a quadrilateral element
 Mre2NEKTON re2 format
 Mre2_fileNEKTON mesh data in re2 format
 MreaNEKTON session data
 Mrea_fileNEKTON session data reader
 MredistRedistribution routines
 Mrhs_makerRoutines to generate the right-hand sides for the convection-diffusion equation. Employs the EXT/BDF time integration schemes to compute the contributions coming from the explicitly extrapolated convective term and the BDF scheme applied to the time derivative. Inheritance is used to define implementation for different backends
 MroctxInterfxace to ROCTX
 Mrough_log_lawImplements rough_log_law_t
 Mruntime_statsRuntime statistics
 Mscalar_auxAuxiliary routines for fluid solvers
 Mscalar_icScalar initial condition
 Mscalar_pnpnContains the scalar_pnpn_t type
 Mscalar_residualDefines the residual for the scalar transport equation
 Mscalar_residual_cpuResiduals in the scalar equation (CPU version)
 Mscalar_residual_sxResiduals in the Pn-Pn formulation (SX version)
 Mscalar_schemeContains the scalar_scheme_t type
 Mscalar_source_termImplements the scalar_source_term_t type
 Mscalar_user_source_termImplements the scalar_user_source_term_t type
 MschwarzOverlapping schwarz solves
 Mscratch_registryDefines a registry for storing and requesting temporary fields This can be used when you have a function that will be called often and you don't want to create temporary fields (work arrays) inside it on each call
 Mshear_stressDefines a shear stress boundary condition for a vector field. Maintainer: Timofey Mukha
 MsigmaImplements sigma_t
 Msigma_cpuImplements the CPU kernel for the sigma_t type. Following Nicoud et al. "Using singular values to build a subgrid-scale model for large-eddy simulations" https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3623274
 Msigma_deviceImplements the device kernel for the sigma_t type
 MsignalInterface to signal handler
 Msigned_distanceModule containing Signed Distance Functions
 Msimcomp_executorContains the simcomp_executor_t type
 MsimulationSimulation driver
 Msimulation_componentSimulation components are objects that encapsulate functionality that can be fit to a particular compute pattern
 MsmagorinskyImplements smagorinsky_t
 Msmagorinsky_cpuImplements the CPU kernel for the smagorinsky_t type
 Msmagorinsky_deviceImplements the device kernel for the smagorinsky_t type
 Msource_scalarSource terms for scalars
 Msource_termImplements the source_term_t type and a wrapper source_term_wrapper_t
 Msource_term_handlerImplements the source_term_handler_t type
 MspaceDefines a function space
 MspaldingImplements spalding_t
 Mspectral_errorImplements type spectral_error_t
 MstackImplements a dynamic stack ADT
 MstatsDefines a container for all statistics
 Mstats_quantDefines a statistical quantity
 MstlStereolithography format
 Mstl_fileStereolithography (STL) file
 MstructsDefines structs that are used... Dont know if we should keep it though
 Msx_jacobiJacobi preconditioner SX-Aurora backend
 MsymmetryMixed Dirichlet-Neumann axis aligned symmetry plane
 MsystemInterface to system information routines
 MtensorTensor operations
 Mtensor_sxTensor operations SX-Aurora backend
 Mtensor_xsmmTensor operations libxsmm backend
 MtetDefines a tetrahedral element
 Mtet_meshDefines a tetrahedral mesh
 Mtime_based_controllerContains the time_based_controller_t type
 Mtime_interpolatorImplements type time_interpolator_t
 Mtime_schemeBase class for time integration schemes
 Mtime_scheme_controllerCompound scheme for the advection and diffusion operators in a transport equation
 Mtime_step_controllerImplements type time_step_controller
 Mtree_amgImplements the base type for TreeAMG hierarchy structure
 Mtree_amg_aggregateImplements an aggregation for TreeAMG hierarchy structure
 Mtree_amg_multigridImplements multigrid using the TreeAMG hierarchy structure. USE:
 Mtree_amg_smootherImplements smoothers for use with TreeAMG matrix vector product
 Mtree_amg_utilsImplements utilities for the TreeAMG hierarchy structure
 MtriDefines a triangular element
 Mtri_meshDefines a triangular surface mesh
 MtupleImplements a n-tuple
 Muser_intfInterfaces for user interaction with NEKO
 MusetImplements an unordered set ADT
 Musr_inflowDefines inflow dirichlet conditions
 Musr_scalarDefines dirichlet conditions for scalars
 MvectorDefines a vector
 MvorticityImplements the vorticity_t type
 MvremanImplements vreman_t
 Mvreman_cpuImplements the CPU kernel for the vreman_t type
 Mvreman_deviceImplements the device kernel for the vreman_t type
 Mvtk_fileLegacy VTK file format
 Mwall_modelImplements wall_model_t
 Mwall_model_bcDefines the wall_model_bc_t type. Maintainer: Timofey Mukha
 Mweak_gradImplements the weak_grad_t type
 Mzero_dirichletDefines a zero-valued Dirichlet boundary condition