►Maabb | Axis Aligned Bounding Box (aabb) implementation in Fortran |
Caabb_t | Axis Aligned Bounding Box (aabb) data structure |
Cintersection | Intersect two aabbs |
Cmerge | Merge two aabbs |
►Maabb_tree | Axis Aligned Bounding Box (aabb) Tree data structure |
Caabb_node_t | Node type for the Axis Aligned Bounding Box (aabb) Tree |
Caabb_tree_t | Axis Aligned Bounding Box (aabb) Tree |
►Mab_time_scheme | Adam-Bashforth scheme for time integration |
Cab_time_scheme_t | Explicit Adam-Bashforth scheme for time integration |
►Madv_dealias | Subroutines to add advection terms to the RHS of a transport equation |
Cadv_dealias_t | Type encapsulating advection routines with dealiasing |
►Madv_dummy | Implements adv_dummy_t |
Cadv_dummy_t | A zero-valued advection that can be used to kill the advection term |
►Madv_no_dealias | Subroutines to add advection terms to the RHS of a transport equation |
Cadv_no_dealias_t | Type encapsulating advection routines with no dealiasing applied |
►Madv_oifs | Subroutines to add advection terms to the RHS of a transport equation |
Cadv_oifs_t | |
►Madvection | Subroutines to add advection terms to the RHS of a transport equation |
Cadvection_free | Destructor |
Cadvection_t | Base abstract type for computing the advection operator |
Ccompute_adv | A factory for advection_t decendants. Both creates and initializes the object |
Ccompute_scalar_adv | Add advection operator to the right-hand-side for a scalar |
►Max_helm | |
Cax_helm_t | Matrix-vector product for a Helmholtz problem |
►Max_helm_cpu | |
Cax_helm_cpu_t | CPU matrix-vector product for a Helmholtz problem |
►Max_helm_device | |
Cax_helm_device_t | |
Chip_ax_helm | |
Chip_ax_helm_vector | |
Chip_ax_helm_vector_part2 | |
►Max_helm_full | |
Cax_helm_full_t | Matrix-vector product for a Helmholtz problem |
►Max_helm_full_cpu | |
Cax_helm_full_cpu_t | CPU matrix-vector product for a Helmholtz problem with full stress tensor |
►Max_helm_full_device | |
Cax_helm_full_device_t | |
Chip_ax_helm_stress_vector | |
Chip_ax_helm_stress_vector_part2 | |
►Max_helm_sx | |
Cax_helm_sx_t | |
►Max_helm_xsmm | |
Cax_helm_xsmm_t | |
►Max_product | Defines a Matrix-vector product |
Cax_compute | Factory routine for the a Helmholtz problem matrix-vector product. The selection is based on the compute backend |
Cax_compute_vector | Abstract interface for computing Ax inside a Krylov method, taking 3 components of a vector field in a coupled manner |
Cax_t | Base type for a matrix-vector product providing Ax |
►Mbc | Defines a boundary condition |
Cbc_alloc_t | |
Cbc_apply_scalar | Apply the boundary condition to a scalar field |
Cbc_apply_scalar_dev | Apply the boundary condition to a scalar field on the device |
Cbc_apply_vector | Apply the boundary condition to a vector field |
Cbc_apply_vector_dev | Apply the boundary condition to a vector field on the device |
Cbc_constructor | Constructor |
Cbc_destructor | Destructor |
Cbc_finalize | Finalize by building the mask and facet arrays |
Cbc_ptr_t | Pointer to a `bc_t` |
Cbc_t | Base type for a boundary condition |
►Mbc_list | Defines a list of bc_t |
Cbc_list_t | A list of allocatable `bc_t`. Follows the standard interface of lists |
►Mbdf_time_scheme | Backward-differencing scheme for time integration |
Cbdf_time_scheme_t | Implicit backward-differencing scheme for time integration |
►Mbicgstab | Defines various Bi-Conjugate Gradient Stabilized methods |
Cbicgstab_t | Standard preconditioned Bi-Conjugate Gradient Stabilized method |
►Mblasius | Defines a Blasius profile dirichlet condition |
Cblasius_t | Blasius profile for inlet (vector valued) |
►Mboussinesq_source_term | Implements the boussinesq_source_term_t type |
Cboussinesq_source_term_t | Bouyancy source term accroding to the Boussinesq approximation |
Mboussinesq_source_term_cpu | Implements the cpu kernel for the boussinesq_source_term_t type |
Mboussinesq_source_term_device | Implements the device kernel for the boussinesq_source_term_t type |
►Mbox_point_zone | |
Cbox_point_zone_t | A box-shaped point zone |
►Mbrinkman_source_term | Implements the brinkman_source_term_t type |
Cbrinkman_source_term_t | A Brinkman source term. The region and strength are controlled by assigning regions types and brinkman limits to the source term |
►Mcacg | Defines a communication avoiding Conjugate Gradient method |
Ccacg_t | S-step communication avoiding preconditioned conjugate gradient method |
►Mcase | Defines a simulation case |
Ccase_init | |
Ccase_t | |
►Mcg | Defines various Conjugate Gradient methods |
Ccg_t | Standard preconditioned conjugate gradient method |
►Mcg_cpld | Defines a coupled Conjugate Gradient methods |
Ccg_cpld_t | Coupled preconditioned conjugate gradient method |
►Mcg_device | Defines various Conjugate Gradient methods for accelerators |
Ccg_device_t | Device based preconditioned conjugate gradient method |
►Mcg_sx | Defines various Conjugate Gradient methods |
Csx_cg_t | Standard preconditioned conjugate gradient method (SX version) |
►Mcheby | Chebyshev preconditioner |
Ccheby_t | Defines a Chebyshev preconditioner |
►Mcheby_device | Chebyshev preconditioner |
Ccheby_device_t | Defines a Chebyshev preconditioner |
►Mcheckpoint | Defines a checkpoint |
Cchkp_t | |
►Mchkp_file | Neko checkpoint file format |
Cchkp_file_t | Interface for Neko checkpoint files |
►Mchkp_output | Defines an output for a checkpoint |
Cchkp_output_t | |
►Mcoefs | Coefficients |
Ccoef_t | Coefficients defined on a given (mesh, X_h ) tuple. Arrays use indices (i,j,k,e): element e, local coordinate (i,j,k) |
►Mcombine_point_zone | |
Ccombine_point_zone_t | A point zone that combines different point zones |
►Mcomm | |
Cneko_comm_wrapper_init | |
►Mconst_source_term | Implements the const_source_term_t type |
Cconst_source_term_t | A constant source term. The strength is specified with the values keyword, which should be an array, with a value for each component of the source |
Mconst_source_term_cpu | Implements the cpu kernel for the const_source_term_t type |
Mconst_source_term_device | Implements the device kernel for the const_source_term_t type |
►Mcoriolis_source_term | Implements the coriolis_source_term_t type. Maintainer: Timofey Mukha |
Ccoriolis_source_term_t | This source term adds the Coriolis force |
Mcoriolis_source_term_cpu | Implements the cpu kernel for the coriolis_source_term_t type. Maintainer: Timofey Mukha |
►Mcpr | Compression |
Ccpr_init | |
Ccpr_t | Include information needed for compressing fields |
Mcraypat | Interface to CrayPat F77 API |
►Mcsv_file | File format for .csv files, used for any read/write operations involving floating point data |
Ccsv_file_t | |
►Mcuda_filters | Cuda interface binding for filters |
Ccuda_permeability | |
Ccuda_smooth_step | |
Ccuda_step_function | |
►Mcuda_intf | Fortran CUDA interface |
Ccudadevicegetstreampriorityrange | |
Ccudadevicesynchronize | |
Ccudaeventcreate | |
Ccudaeventcreatewithflags | |
Ccudaeventdestroy | |
Ccudaeventrecord | |
Ccudaeventsynchronize | |
Ccudafree | |
Ccudagetdevice | |
Ccudagetdevicecount | |
Ccudagetdeviceproperties | |
Ccudamalloc | |
Ccudamemcpy | |
Ccudamemcpyasync | |
Ccudaprofilerstart | |
Ccudaprofilerstop | |
Ccudasetdevice | |
Ccudastreamcreate | |
Ccudastreamcreatewithflags | |
Ccudastreamcreatewithpriority | |
Ccudastreamdestroy | |
Ccudastreamsynchronize | |
Ccudastreamwaitevent | |
►Mcuda_math | |
Ccuda_absval | |
Ccuda_add2 | |
Ccuda_add2s1 | |
Ccuda_add2s2 | |
Ccuda_add2s2_many | |
Ccuda_add3 | |
Ccuda_add3s2 | |
Ccuda_add4 | |
Ccuda_addcol3 | |
Ccuda_addcol4 | |
Ccuda_addsqr2s2 | |
Ccuda_cadd | |
Ccuda_cadd2 | |
Ccuda_cfill | |
Ccuda_cfill_mask | |
Ccuda_cmult | |
Ccuda_cmult2 | |
Ccuda_col2 | |
Ccuda_col3 | |
Ccuda_copy | |
Ccuda_glsc2 | |
Ccuda_glsc3 | |
Ccuda_glsc3_many | |
Ccuda_glsum | |
Ccuda_invcol1 | |
Ccuda_invcol2 | |
Ccuda_masked_atomic_reduction | |
Ccuda_masked_copy | |
Ccuda_masked_red_copy | |
Ccuda_pwmax_sca2 | |
Ccuda_pwmax_sca3 | |
Ccuda_pwmax_vec2 | |
Ccuda_pwmax_vec3 | |
Ccuda_pwmin_sca2 | |
Ccuda_pwmin_sca3 | |
Ccuda_pwmin_vec2 | |
Ccuda_pwmin_vec3 | |
Ccuda_rzero | |
Ccuda_sub2 | |
Ccuda_sub3 | |
Ccuda_subcol3 | |
Ccuda_vcross | |
Ccuda_vdot3 | |
Ccuda_vlsc3 | |
►Mcurve | Defines a domain as a subset of facets in a mesh |
Ccurve_t | |
►Mcylinder_point_zone | Implements a cylinder geometry subset |
Ccylinder_point_zone_t | A cylindrical point zone |
►Mdata_streamer | Implements type data_streamer_t |
Cdata_streamer_t | Provides access to data streaming by interfacing with c++ ADIOS2 subroutines |
►Mdatadist | Defines practical data distributions |
Cdist_t | |
Clinear_dist_t | Load-balanced linear distribution M = PL + R |
►Mderivative | Implements the derivative_t type |
Cderivative_t | A simulation component that computes a derivative of a field. Wraps the duxyz operator |
►Mdevice | Device abstraction, common interface for various accelerators |
Cdevice_associate | Associate a Fortran array to a (allocated) device pointer |
Cdevice_associated | Check if a Fortran array is assoicated with a device pointer |
Cdevice_deassociate | Deassociate a Fortran array from a device pointer |
Cdevice_get_ptr | Return the device pointer for an associated Fortran array |
Cdevice_map | Map a Fortran array to a device (allocate and associate) |
Cdevice_memcpy | Copy data between host and device (or device and device) |
Cdevice_sync | Synchronize a device or stream |
►Mdevice_coef | |
Chip_coef_generate_dxyzdrst | |
Chip_coef_generate_geo | |
►Mdevice_dirichlet | |
Chip_dirichlet_apply_scalar | |
Chip_dirichlet_apply_vector | |
►Mdevice_dong_outflow | |
Chip_dong_outflow_apply_scalar | |
►Mdevice_dynamic_smagorinsky_nut | |
Chip_lij_compute_part1 | |
Chip_lij_compute_part2 | |
Chip_mij_compute_part1 | |
Chip_mij_nut_compute_part2 | |
Chip_s_abs_compute | |
►Mdevice_facet_normal | |
Chip_facet_normal_apply_surfvec | |
►Mdevice_gradient_jump_penalty | |
Chip_gradient_jump_penalty_finalize | |
Chip_pick_facet_value_hex | |
►Mdevice_identity | Identity Krylov preconditioner for accelerators |
Cdevice_ident_t | Defines a canonical Krylov preconditioner for accelerators |
►Mdevice_inflow | |
Chip_inflow_apply_vector | |
►Mdevice_inhom_dirichlet | |
Chip_inhom_dirichlet_apply_scalar | |
Chip_inhom_dirichlet_apply_vector | |
►Mdevice_jacobi | Jacobi preconditioner accelerator backend |
Ccuda_jacobi_update | |
Cdevice_jacobi_t | Defines a jacobi preconditioner |
Chip_jacobi_update | |
Copencl_jacobi_update | |
►Mdevice_math | |
Cdevice_pwmax | |
Cdevice_pwmin | |
►Mdevice_mathops | |
Chip_opadd2cm | |
Chip_opadd2col | |
Chip_opchsign | |
Chip_opcolv | |
Chip_opcolv3c | |
►Mdevice_projection | Interface for device projection |
Chip_project_on | |
Chip_project_ortho | |
►Mdevice_schwarz | |
Chip_schwarz_extrude | |
Chip_schwarz_toext3d | |
Chip_schwarz_toreg3d | |
►Mdevice_sigma_nut | |
Chip_sigma_nut_compute | |
►Mdevice_smagorinsky_nut | |
Chip_smagorinsky_nut_compute | |
►Mdevice_symmetry | |
Chip_symmetry_apply_vector | |
►Mdevice_vreman_nut | |
Chip_vreman_nut_compute | |
►Mdevice_zero_dirichlet | |
Chip_zero_dirichlet_apply_scalar | |
Chip_zero_dirichlet_apply_vector | |
►Mdirichlet | Defines a dirichlet boundary condition |
Cdirichlet_t | Generic Dirichlet boundary condition x = g on \partial \Omega |
►Mdistdata | Distributed mesh data |
Cdistdata_t | |
►Mdofmap | Defines a mapping of the degrees of freedom |
Cdofmap_t | |
►Mdong_outflow | Defines a dong outflow condition |
Cdong_outflow_t | Dong outflow condition Follows "A Convective-like Energy-Stable Open Boundary Condition for
Simulations of Incompressible Flows" by S. Dong |
Mdrag_torque | |
►Mdynamic_smagorinsky | Implements dynamic_smagorinsky_t |
Cdynamic_smagorinsky_t | Implements the dynamic Smagorinsky LES model |
Mdynamic_smagorinsky_cpu | Implements the CPU kernel for the smagorinsky_t type |
Mdynamic_smagorinsky_device | Implements the device kernel for the smagorinsky_t type |
►Melement | |
Celement_centroid | |
Celement_diameter | |
Celement_equal | |
Celement_facet_id | |
Celement_facet_order | |
Celement_t | Base type for an element |
►Melementwise_filter | Implements explicit_filter_t |
Celementwise_filter_t | Implements the explicit filter for SEM |
►Mentity | |
Centity_t | Base type for an entity |
►Meuler_res_cpu | This module implements CPU-based residual calculations for the Euler equations |
Ceuler_res_cpu_t | |
►Meuler_res_device | |
Ceuler_res_device_t | |
Ceuler_res_part_coef_mult_hip | |
Ceuler_res_part_e_flux_hip | |
Ceuler_res_part_mx_flux_hip | |
Ceuler_res_part_my_flux_hip | |
Ceuler_res_part_mz_flux_hip | |
Ceuler_res_part_rk_sum_hip | |
Ceuler_res_part_visc_hip | |
►Meuler_res_sx | |
Ceuler_res_sx_t | |
►Meuler_residual | |
Ceuler_rhs | Abstract interface to evaluate rhs |
Ceuler_rhs_t | Abstract type to compute rhs |
►Mext_time_scheme | Explicit extrapolation scheme for time integration |
Cext_time_scheme_t | Explicit extrapolation scheme for time integration |
►Mfacet_normal | Dirichlet condition applied in the facet normal direction |
Cfacet_normal_t | Dirichlet condition in facet normal direction |
►Mfacet_zone | Defines a zone as a subset of facets in a mesh |
Cfacet_zone_periodic_t | |
Cfacet_zone_t | |
Mfast3d | Fast diagonalization methods from NEKTON |
►Mfdm | Type for the Fast Diagonalization connected with the schwarz overlapping solves |
Cfdm_t | |
Csygv | |
Mfdm_cpu | Fast Diagonalization |
►Mfdm_device | |
Chip_fdm_do_fast | |
Mfdm_sx | Fast Diagonalization SX-Aurora backend |
Mfdm_xsmm | Fast Diagonalization libxsmm backend |
►Mfield | Defines a field |
Cfield_ptr_t | Field_ptr_t, To easily obtain a pointer to a field |
Cfield_t | |
►Mfield_dirichlet | Defines user dirichlet condition for a scalar field |
Cfield_dirichlet_t | User defined dirichlet condition, for which the user can work with an entire field. The type stores a separate dummy field field_bc , which is passed to the user routine and can be populated with arbitrary values. The boundary condition then copy-pastes these values to the actual solution field using the mask of the boundary condition. So, in the end, only the relevant boundary values are updated |
Cfield_dirichlet_update | Abstract interface defining a dirichlet condition on a list of fields |
►Mfield_dirichlet_vector | Defines inflow dirichlet conditions |
Cfield_dirichlet_vector_t | Extension of the user defined dirichlet condition field_dirichlet |
►Mfield_list | |
Cfield_list_t | Field_list_t, To be able to group fields together |
Mfield_math | |
►Mfield_registry | Defines a registry for storing solution fields |
Cfield_registry_t | |
►Mfield_series | Stores a series fields |
Cfield_series_ptr_t | Field_series_ptr_t, To easily obtain a pointer to a field series |
Cfield_series_t | |
►Mfield_writer | Implements the field_writer_t type |
Cfield_writer_t | A simulation component that writes a 3d field to a file |
►Mfile | Module for file I/O operations |
Cfile_t | A wrapper around a polymorphic generic_file_t that handles its init. This is essentially a factory for generic_file_t descendants additionally handling special CSV file parameters (header and precision) |
►Mfilter | Filter to be applied to a scalar field |
Cfilter_apply | The application of the filter |
Cfilter_free | Destructor |
Cfilter_init | The common constructor using a JSON dictionary |
Cfilter_t | Base abstract class for filter |
Mfilters | A module containing filter functions and subroutines. These functions are used to modify fields in a way that is useful for various simulations |
Mfilters_cpu | CPU implementations of the filter functions |
Mfilters_device | Device implementations of the filter functions |
►Mfld_file | NEKTON fld file format |
Cfld_file_t | Interface for NEKTON fld files |
►Mfld_file_data | Simple module to handle fld file series. Provides an interface to the different fields sotred in a fld file Also provides simple functions to scale and add different fld files. An example of using this module is shown in contrib/average_fields.f90 The fld_file_data_t should dynamically update each time one reads a new fld file. Martin Karp 1/2-2023 |
Cfld_file_data_t | |
►Mfld_file_output | Implements fld_file_output_t |
Cfld_file_output_t | A simple output saving a list of fields to a .fld file |
►Mflow_ic | Initial flow condition |
Cset_flow_ic | |
►Mflow_profile | Defines a flow profile |
Cblasius_profile | Abstract interface for computing a Blasius flow profile |
Mfluid_aux | Auxiliary routines for fluid solvers |
►Mfluid_output | Defines an output for a fluid |
Cfluid_output_t | Fluid output |
►Mfluid_plan1 | Classic NEKTON formulation Compute pressure and velocity using consistent approximation spaces |
Cfluid_plan1_t | |
►Mfluid_pnpn | Modular version of the Classic Nek5000 Pn/Pn formulation for fluids |
Cfluid_pnpn_t | |
►Mfluid_scheme_base | |
Cfluid_base_free_intrf | Deallocate a fluid formulation |
Cfluid_base_init_all_intrf | Initialize all fields |
Cfluid_base_init_common_intrf | Initialize common data for the current scheme |
Cfluid_scheme_base_compute_cfl_intrf | Compute the CFL number |
Cfluid_scheme_base_free_intrf | Abstract interface to dealocate a fluid formulation |
Cfluid_scheme_base_init_intrf | Abstract interface to initialize a fluid formulation |
Cfluid_scheme_base_restart_intrf | Abstract interface to restart a fluid scheme |
Cfluid_scheme_base_step_intrf | Abstract interface to compute a time-step |
Cfluid_scheme_base_t | Base type of all fluid formulations |
Cfluid_scheme_setup_bcs_intrf | Abstract interface to setup boundary conditions |
Cupdate_material_properties | Abstract interface to sets rho and mu |
Cvalidate_intrf | Abstract interface to validate the user inflow |
►Mfluid_scheme_compressible | |
Cfluid_scheme_compressible_t | Base type of compressible fluid formulations |
►Mfluid_scheme_compressible_euler | |
Cfluid_scheme_compressible_euler_t | |
►Mfluid_scheme_incompressible | Fluid formulations |
Cfluid_scheme_incompressible_t | Base type of all fluid formulations |
►Mfluid_source_term | Implements the fluid_source_term_t type |
Cfluid_source_term_t | Wrapper contaning and executing the fluid source terms |
►Mfluid_stats | Computes various statistics for the fluid fields. We use the Reynolds decomposition for a field u = + u' = U + u' Spatial derivatives i.e. du/dx we denote dudx |
Cfluid_stats_t | |
►Mfluid_stats_output | Implements fluid_stats_ouput_t |
Cfluid_stats_output_t | Defines an output for the fluid statistics computed using the fluid_stats_t object |
►Mfluid_stats_simcomp | Implements the fluid_stats_simcomp_t type |
Cfluid_stats_simcomp_t | A simulation component that computes the velocity and pressure statistics up to 4th order. Can be used to reconstruct the term budget of transport equations for, e.g. the Reynolds stresses and the turbulent kinetic energy |
►Mfluid_user_source_term | Implements the fluid_user_source_term_t type |
Cfluid_source_compute_pointwise | Computes the source term at a single point |
Cfluid_source_compute_vector | Computes the source term and adds the result to fields |
Cfluid_user_source_term_t | A source-term for the fluid, with procedure pointers pointing to the actual implementation in the user file |
►Mfluid_volflow | |
Cfluid_volflow_t | Defines volume flow |
►Mforce_torque | Implements the force_torque_t type |
Cforce_torque_t | A simulation component that computes the force_torque field. Added to the field registry as omega_x , omega_y , and omega_z` |
►Mfusedcg_cpld_device | Defines a fused Conjugate Gradient method for accelerators |
Ccuda_fusedcg_cpld_part1 | |
Ccuda_fusedcg_cpld_part2 | |
Ccuda_fusedcg_cpld_update_p | |
Ccuda_fusedcg_cpld_update_x | |
Cfusedcg_cpld_device_t | Fused preconditioned conjugate gradient method |
►Mfusedcg_device | Defines a fused Conjugate Gradient method for accelerators |
Ccuda_fusedcg_part2 | |
Ccuda_fusedcg_update_p | |
Ccuda_fusedcg_update_x | |
Cfusedcg_device_t | Fused preconditioned conjugate gradient method |
►Mgather_scatter | Gather-scatter |
Cgs_t | |
►Mgeneric_file | |
Cgeneric_file_read | |
Cgeneric_file_t | A generic file handler |
Cgeneric_file_write | |
►Mglobal_interpolation | Implements global_interpolation given a dofmap |
Cglobal_interpolation_t | Implements global interpolation for arbitrary points in the domain |
►Mgmres | Defines various GMRES methods |
Cgmres_t | Standard preconditioned generalized minimal residual method |
►Mgmres_device | Defines various GMRES methods |
Cgmres_device_t | Standard preconditioned generalized minimal residual method |
Chip_gmres_part2 | |
►Mgmres_sx | Defines various GMRES methods |
Csx_gmres_t | Standard preconditioned generalized minimal residual method (SX version) |
►Mgradient_jump_penalty | Implements gradient_jump_penalty_t |
Cgradient_jump_penalty_t | Implements the gradient jump penalty |
►Mgs_bcknd | Defines a gather-scatter backend |
Cgs_backend_free | Abstract interface for deallocating a Gather-Scatter backend |
Cgs_backend_init | Abstract interface for initialising a Gather-Scatter backend |
Cgs_bcknd_t | Gather-scatter backend |
Cgs_gather | Abstract interface for the Gather kernel v(dg(i)) = op(v(dg(i)), u(gd(i)) |
Cgs_scatter | Abstract interface for the Scatter kernel u(gd(i) = v(dg(i)) |
►Mgs_comm | Defines a gather-scatter communication method |
Cgs_comm_free | Abstract interface for deallocating a Gather-scatter communication method |
Cgs_comm_init | Abstract interface for initializing a Gather-scatter communication method |
Cgs_comm_t | Gather-scatter communication method |
Cgs_nbrecv | Abstract interface for initiating non-blocking recieve operations Posts non-blocking recieve of values and puts the values into buffers |
Cgs_nbsend | Abstract interface for initiating non-blocking send operations Sends the values in u(send_dof(send_pe(i))) to each rank send_pe(i) for all ranks in send_pe |
Cgs_nbwait | Abstract interface for waiting on non-blocking operations Waits and checks that data is in buffers and unpacks buffers into correct location in u u(recv_dof(recv_pe(i))) = gs_op(recieve_buffers(recv_pe) for this dof) |
►Mgs_cpu | Generic Gather-scatter backend for CPUs |
Cgs_cpu_t | Gather-scatter backend for CPUs |
►Mgs_device | Generic Gather-scatter backend for accelerators |
Cgs_device_t | Gather-scatter backend for offloading devices |
Chip_gather_kernel | |
Chip_scatter_kernel | |
►Mgs_device_mpi | Defines GPU aware MPI gather-scatter communication |
Cdevice_mpi_free_reqs | |
Cdevice_mpi_init_reqs | |
Cdevice_mpi_irecv | |
Cdevice_mpi_isend | |
Cdevice_mpi_test | |
Cdevice_mpi_waitall | |
Cdevice_mpi_waitany | |
Cgs_device_mpi_buf_t | Buffers for non-blocking communication and packing/unpacking |
Cgs_device_mpi_t | Gather-scatter communication using device MPI. The arrays are indexed per PE like send_pe and @ recv_pe |
Chip_gs_pack | |
Chip_gs_unpack | |
►Mgs_device_nccl | Defines NCCL based gather-scatter communication |
Cdevice_nccl_sendrecv | |
Cgs_device_nccl_buf_t | Buffers for non-blocking communication and packing/unpacking |
Cgs_device_nccl_t | Gather-scatter communication using NCCL The arrays are indexed per PE like send_pe and @ recv_pe |
Chip_gs_pack | |
Chip_gs_unpack | |
►Mgs_device_shmem | Defines GPU aware MPI gather-scatter communication |
Cgs_device_shmem_buf_t | Buffers for non-blocking communication and packing/unpacking |
Cgs_device_shmem_t | Gather-scatter communication using device SHMEM. The arrays are indexed per PE like send_pe and @ recv_pe |
►Mgs_mpi | Defines MPI gather-scatter communication |
Cgs_comm_mpi_t | MPI buffer for non-blocking operations |
Cgs_mpi_t | Gather-scatter communication using MPI |
Mgs_ops | Defines Gather-scatter operations |
►Mgs_sx | Generic Gather-scatter backend for NEC Vector Engines |
Cgs_sx_t | Gather-scatter backend for NEC SX-Aurora |
►Mhdf5_file | HDF5 file format |
Chdf5_file_t | Interface for HDF5 files |
►Mhex | Defines a hexahedron element |
Chex_t | Hexahedron element |
►Mhip_filters | Hip interface binding for filters |
Chip_permeability | |
Chip_smooth_step | |
Chip_step_function | |
►Mhip_intf | Fortran HIP interface |
Chipdevicegetname | |
Chipdevicegetstreampriorityrange | |
Chipdevicesynchronize | |
Chipeventcreate | |
Chipeventcreatewithflags | |
Chipeventdestroy | |
Chipeventrecord | |
Chipeventsynchronize | |
Chipfree | |
Chipgetdevicecount | |
Chipmalloc | |
Chipmemcpy | |
Chipmemcpyasync | |
Chipstreamcreate | |
Chipstreamcreatewithflags | |
Chipstreamcreatewithpriority | |
Chipstreamdestroy | |
Chipstreamsynchronize | |
Chipstreamwaitevent | |
►Mhip_math | |
Chip_absval | |
Chip_add2 | |
Chip_add2s1 | |
Chip_add2s2 | |
Chip_add2s2_many | |
Chip_add3 | |
Chip_add3s2 | |
Chip_add4 | |
Chip_addcol3 | |
Chip_addcol4 | |
Chip_addsqr2s2 | |
Chip_cadd | |
Chip_cadd2 | |
Chip_cfill | |
Chip_cfill_mask | |
Chip_cmult | |
Chip_cmult2 | |
Chip_col2 | |
Chip_col3 | |
Chip_copy | |
Chip_glsc2 | |
Chip_glsc3 | |
Chip_glsc3_many | |
Chip_glsum | |
Chip_invcol1 | |
Chip_invcol2 | |
Chip_masked_atomic_reduction | |
Chip_masked_copy | |
Chip_masked_red_copy | |
Chip_rzero | |
Chip_sub2 | |
Chip_sub3 | |
Chip_subcol3 | |
Chip_vcross | |
Chip_vdot3 | |
Chip_vlsc3 | |
►Mhsmg | Krylov preconditioner |
Chsmg_t | |
Cmultigrid_t | |
►Mhtable | Implements a hash table ADT |
Ch_cptr_t | |
Ch_tuple_t | Hash table entry, tuple (key, data) |
Chtable_cptr_t | C pointer based hash table |
Chtable_hash | |
Chtable_i4_t | Integer based hash table |
Chtable_i4t2_t | Integer 2-tuple based hash table |
Chtable_i4t4_t | Integer 4-tuple based hash table |
Chtable_i8_t | Integer*8 based hash table |
Chtable_iter_cptr_t | Iterator for a C pointer based hash table |
Chtable_iter_i4_t | Iterator for an integer based hash table |
Chtable_iter_i4t2_t | Iterator for an integer based 2-tuple hash table |
Chtable_iter_i4t4_t | Iterator for an integer based 4-tuple hash table |
Chtable_iter_i8_t | Iterator for an integer*8 based hash table |
Chtable_iter_pt_t | Iterator for a point based hash table |
Chtable_iter_r8_t | Iterator for a double precision based hash table |
Chtable_iter_t | Base type for a hash table iterator |
Chtable_pt_t | Point based hash table |
Chtable_r8_t | Double precision based hash table |
Chtable_t | Base type for a hash table |
►Midentity | Krylov preconditioner (identity) |
Cident_t | Defines a canonical Krylov preconditioner |
►Minflow | Defines inflow dirichlet conditions |
Cinflow_t | Dirichlet condition for inlet (vector valued) |
►Minterpolation | Routines to interpolate between different spaces |
Cinterpolator_t | Interpolation between two space::space_t |
►Mjacobi | Jacobi preconditioner |
Cjacobi_t | Defines a jacobi preconditioner |
►Mjobctrl | Job control |
Cjobctrl_set_time_limit | |
►Mjson_utils | Utilities for retrieving parameters from the case files |
Cjson_extract_item | |
Cjson_get | Retrieves a parameter by name or throws an error |
Cjson_get_or_default | Retrieves a parameter by name or assigns a provided default value. In the latter case also adds the missing paramter to the json |
►Mkrylov | Implements the base abstract type for Krylov solvers plus helper types |
Cksp_method | Abstract interface for a Krylov method's solve routine |
Cksp_method_coupled | Abstract interface for a Krylov method's coupled solve routine |
Cksp_monitor_t | Type for storing initial and final residuals in a Krylov solver |
Cksp_t | Base abstract type for a canonical Krylov method, solving Ax = f |
Cksp_t_free | Abstract interface for deallocating a Krylov method |
►Mlambda2 | A simulation component that computes lambda2 The values are stored in the field registry under the name 'lambda2' |
Clambda2_t | |
►Mles_model | Implements les_model_t |
Cles_model_compute | Compute eddy viscosity |
Cles_model_free | Destructor |
Cles_model_init | Common constructor |
Cles_model_t | Base abstract type for LES models based on the Boussinesq approximation |
►Mles_simcomp | Implements the les_simcomp_t type |
Cles_simcomp_t | A simulation component that drives the computation of the SGS viscosity |
►Mlocal_interpolation | Routines to obtain interpolated values on a set of points with known rst coordinates in elements local to this process |
Clocal_interpolator_t | Interpolation on a set of points with known rst coordinates in elements local to this process. Similar to point_interpolator, but prioritizes performance Only works with arrays of coordinates Performs interpolation with the configured NEKO_BCKND |
►Mlogger | Logging routines |
Clog_t | |
►Mmap | NEKTON map |
Cmap_init | |
Cmap_t | NEKTON vertex mapping |
►Mmap_1d | Creates a 1d GLL point map along a specified direction based on the connectivity in the mesh |
Cmap_1d_t | Type that encapsulates a mapping from each gll point in the mesh to its corresponding (global) GLL point index in one direction |
►Mmap_2d | Maps a 3D dofmap to a 2D spectral element grid |
Cmap_2d_t | |
►Mmap_file | NEKTON map file |
Cmap_file_t | Interface for NEKTON map files |
►Mmath | |
Cabscmp | |
Cflipv | |
Cpwmax | |
Cpwmin | |
Crelcmp | |
Creord | |
Csort | |
Cswap | |
Mmathops | Collection of vector field operations operating on a_i and b_i. Note that in general the indices i=1 \ldots gdim and j=1 \ldots n. gdim is assumed to be either 2 or 3 only |
►Mmatrix | Defines a matrix |
Cmatrix_t | |
►Mmean_field | Implements mean_field_t |
Cmean_field_t | Computes the temporal mean of a field |
►Mmean_flow | Defines a mean flow field |
Cmean_flow_t | |
►Mmean_flow_output | Defines an output for a mean flow field |
Cmean_flow_output_t | |
►Mmean_sqr_field | Defines a mean square field |
Cmean_sqr_field_t | |
►Mmean_sqr_flow | Defines a mean squared flow field |
Cmean_sqr_flow_t | |
►Mmean_sqr_flow_output | Defines an output for a mean squared flow field |
Cmean_sqr_flow_output_t | |
►Mmesh | Defines a mesh |
Cmesh_deform | |
Cmesh_element_t | |
Cmesh_t | |
►Mmesh_field | Defines a mesh field |
Cmesh_fld_t | |
►Mmxm_wrapper | Wrapper for all matrix-matrix product implementations |
Cmxm_blas | |
Cmxm_libxsmm | |
Mneko | Master module |
Mneko_config | Build configurations |
Mneko_mpi_types | MPI derived types |
►Mneumann | Defines a Neumann boundary condition |
Cneumann_t | A Neumann boundary condition for scalar fields. Sets the flux of the field to the chosen value |
►Mnmsh | Neko binary mesh format |
Cnmsh_curve_el_t | Neko curve data |
Cnmsh_hex_t | Neko hex element data |
Cnmsh_quad_t | Neko quad element data |
Cnmsh_t | Neko binary mesh element data |
Cnmsh_vertex_t | Neko binary mesh vertex data |
Cnmsh_zone_t | Neko zone data |
►Mnmsh_file | Neko binary mesh data |
Cnmsh_file_t | Interface for Neko nmsh files |
►Mnon_normal | Dirichlet condition on axis aligned plane in the non normal direction |
Cnon_normal_t | Dirichlet condition in non normal direction of a plane |
Mnum_types | |
Mnvtx | Interface to NVTX Based on https://github.com/maxcuda/NVTX_example |
►Moctree | Implements an Octree |
Coct_ptr_t | |
Coct_t | Defines an octree octant |
Coctree_t | Defines an octree |
►Mopencl_filters | OpenCL interface binding for filters |
Copencl_permeability | |
Copencl_smooth_step | |
Copencl_step_function | |
►Mopencl_intf | Fortran OpenCL interface |
Cclcreatebuffer | |
Cclcreatecommandqueue | |
Cclcreatecontext | |
Cclcreateuserevent | |
Cclenqueuebarrier | |
Cclenqueuecopybuffer | |
Cclenqueuemarker | |
Cclenqueuemarkerwithwaitlist | |
Cclenqueuereadbuffer | |
Cclenqueuewaitforevents | |
Cclenqueuewritebuffer | |
Cclfinish | |
Cclflush | |
Cclgetdeviceids | |
Cclgetdeviceinfo | |
Cclgetplatformids | |
Cclreleasecommandqueue | |
Cclreleasecontext | |
Cclreleasedevice | |
Cclreleaseevent | |
Cclreleasememobject | |
Cclreleaseprogram | |
Cclsetusereventstatus | |
Cclwaitforevents | |
►Mopencl_math | |
Copencl_add2 | |
Copencl_add2s1 | |
Copencl_add2s2 | |
Copencl_add2s2_many | |
Copencl_add3 | |
Copencl_add3s2 | |
Copencl_add4 | |
Copencl_addcol3 | |
Copencl_addcol4 | |
Copencl_addsqr2s2 | |
Copencl_cadd | |
Copencl_cadd2 | |
Copencl_cfill | |
Copencl_cfill_mask | |
Copencl_cmult | |
Copencl_cmult2 | |
Copencl_col2 | |
Copencl_col3 | |
Copencl_copy | |
Copencl_glsc2 | |
Copencl_glsc3 | |
Copencl_glsc3_many | |
Copencl_glsum | |
Copencl_invcol1 | |
Copencl_invcol2 | |
Copencl_masked_copy | |
Copencl_rone | |
Copencl_rzero | |
Copencl_sub2 | |
Copencl_sub3 | |
Copencl_subcol3 | |
Copencl_vdot3 | |
Mopencl_prgm_lib | OpenCL JIT program library |
Moperators | Operators |
Mopr_cpu | Operators CPU backend |
►Mopr_device | Operators accelerator backends |
Chip_cdtp | |
Chip_cfl | |
Chip_conv1 | |
Chip_dudxyz | |
Chip_lambda2 | |
Chip_opgrad | |
Mopr_sx | Operators SX-Aurora backend |
Mopr_xsmm | Operators libxsmm backend |
►Moutput | Defines an output |
Coutput_ptr_t | Wrapper around an output_t pointer |
Coutput_sample | Abstract interface for sampling an output type at time t |
Coutput_t | Abstract type defining an output type |
►Moutput_controller | Implements output_controller_t |
Coutput_controller_t | Centralized controller for a list of outputs |
►Mparmetis | Interface to ParMETIS |
Cparmetis_v3_partgeom | |
Cparmetis_v3_partmeshkway | |
►Mpde_filter | A PDE based filter |
Cpde_filter_t | A PDE based filter mapping $\rho \mapsto \tilde{\rho}$, see Lazarov & O. Sigmund 2010, by solving an equation of the form $\f -r^2 \nabla^2 \tilde{\rho} + \tilde{\rho} = \rho |
►Mphmg | Hybrid ph-multigrid preconditioner |
Cphmg_hrchy_t | |
Cphmg_lvl_t | |
Cphmg_t | |
►Mpipecg | Defines a pipelined Conjugate Gradient methods |
Cpipecg_t | Pipelined preconditioned conjugate gradient method |
►Mpipecg_device | Defines a pipelined Conjugate Gradient methods |
Ccuda_cg_update_xp | |
Ccuda_pipecg_vecops | |
Cpipecg_device_t | Pipelined preconditioned conjugate gradient method |
►Mpipecg_sx | Defines a pipelined Conjugate Gradient methods SX-Aurora backend |
Csx_pipecg_t | Pipelined preconditioned conjugate gradient method for SX-Aurora |
►Mpnpn_res_cpu | Residuals in the Pn-Pn formulation (CPU version) |
Cpnpn_prs_res_cpu_t | |
Cpnpn_vel_res_cpu_t | |
►Mpnpn_res_device | |
Cpnpn_prs_res_device_t | |
Cpnpn_prs_res_part1_hip | |
Cpnpn_prs_res_part2_hip | |
Cpnpn_prs_res_part3_hip | |
Cpnpn_vel_res_device_t | |
Cpnpn_vel_res_update_hip | |
►Mpnpn_res_stress_cpu | Residuals in the Pn-Pn formulation (CPU version) |
Cpnpn_prs_res_stress_cpu_t | CPU implementation of the pressure residual for the PnPn fluid with full viscous stress formulation |
Cpnpn_vel_res_stress_cpu_t | CPU implementation of the velocity residual for the PnPn fluid with full viscous stress formulation |
►Mpnpn_res_stress_device | Residuals in the Pn-Pn formulation (device version) |
Cpnpn_prs_res_part2_hip | |
Cpnpn_prs_res_stress_device_t | Device implementation of the pressure residual for the PnPn fluid with full viscous stress formulation |
Cpnpn_prs_stress_res_part1_hip | |
Cpnpn_prs_stress_res_part3_hip | |
Cpnpn_vel_res_stress_device_t | Device implementation of the velocity residual for the PnPn fluid with full viscous stress formulation |
Cpnpn_vel_res_update_hip | |
►Mpnpn_res_sx | Residuals in the Pn-Pn formulation (SX version) |
Cpnpn_prs_res_sx_t | |
Cpnpn_vel_res_sx_t | |
►Mpnpn_residual | Defines Pressure and velocity residuals in the Pn-Pn formulation |
Cpnpn_prs_res_t | Abstract type to compute pressure residual |
Cpnpn_vel_res_t | Abstract type to compute velocity residual |
Cprs_res | |
Cvel_res | |
►Mpoint | Implements a point |
Cpoint_ptr | Defines a pointer to a point type |
Cpoint_t | A point in \mathbb{R}^d with coordinates (x,y,z) |
►Mpoint_interpolator | Routines to interpolate fields on a given element on a point in that element with given r,s,t coordinates |
Cpoint_interpolator_t | Field interpolator to arbitrary points within an element. Tailored for experimentation, and convenience, not performance Does all interpolation on the CPU. Only considers one element If performant interpolation on many elements is required Look at local_interpolator_t, similar but with less functionality |
►Mpoint_zone | |
Cpoint_zone_criterion | Defines the criterion of selection of a GLL point to the point_zone |
Cpoint_zone_free | Destructor |
Cpoint_zone_init | The common constructor using a JSON object |
Cpoint_zone_pointer_t | A helper type to build a list of pointers to point_zones |
Cpoint_zone_t | Base abstract type for point zones |
Cpoint_zone_wrapper_t | A helper type to build a list of polymorphic point_zones |
►Mpoint_zone_registry | |
Cpoint_zone_registry_t | |
►Mprecon | Krylov preconditioner |
Cpc_solve | Abstract interface for solving M z = r |
Cpc_t | Defines a canonical Krylov preconditioner |
Cpc_update | |
►Mprobes | Implements probes |
Cprobes_t | |
Mprofiler | Profiling interface |
►Mprojection | Project x onto X, the space of old solutions and back again |
Cprojection_t | |
►Mprojection_vel | Project x onto X , the space of old solutions and back again Couple projections for velocity |
Cprojection_vel_t | |
►Mquad | Defines a quadrilateral element |
Cquad_t | Quadrilateral element |
►Mre2 | NEKTON re2 format |
Cre2v1_bc_t | NEKTON re2 bc data (version 1) |
Cre2v1_curve_t | NEKTON re2 curve data (version 1) |
Cre2v1_t | NEKTON re2 element data (version 1) |
Cre2v1_xy_t | NEKTON re2 element data (2d) (version 1) |
Cre2v1_xyz_t | NEKTON re2 element data (3d) (version 1) |
Cre2v2_bc_t | NEKTON re2 bc data (version 2) |
Cre2v2_curve_t | NEKTON re2 curve data (version 2) |
Cre2v2_t | NEKTON re2 element data (version 2) |
Cre2v2_xy_t | NEKTON re2 element data (2d) (version 2) |
Cre2v2_xyz_t | NEKTON re2 element data (3d) (version 2) |
►Mre2_file | NEKTON mesh data in re2 format |
Cre2_file_t | Interface for NEKTON re2 files |
►Mrea | NEKTON session data |
Crea_t | NEKTON session data struct |
►Mrea_file | NEKTON session data reader |
Crea_file_t | Interface for NEKTON ascii files |
Mredist | Redistribution routines |
►Mrhs_maker | Routines to generate the right-hand sides for the convection-diffusion equation. Employs the EXT/BDF time integration schemes to compute the contributions coming from the explicitly extrapolated convective term and the BDF scheme applied to the time derivative. Inheritance is used to define implementation for different backends |
Crhs_maker_bdf | |
Crhs_maker_bdf_t | Abstract type to add contributions to F from lagged BD terms |
Crhs_maker_ext | |
Crhs_maker_ext_t | Abstract type to sum up contributions to kth order extrapolation scheme |
Crhs_maker_oifs | |
Crhs_maker_oifs_t | Abstract type to add contributions of kth order OIFS scheme |
Crhs_maker_sumab | |
Crhs_maker_sumab_t | Abstract type to compute extrapolated velocity field for the pressure equation |
Cscalar_rhs_maker_bdf | |
Cscalar_rhs_maker_ext | |
Cscalar_rhs_maker_oifs | |
►Mrhs_maker_cpu | |
Crhs_maker_bdf_cpu_t | |
Crhs_maker_ext_cpu_t | |
Crhs_maker_oifs_cpu_t | |
Crhs_maker_sumab_cpu_t | |
►Mrhs_maker_device | |
Crhs_maker_bdf_device_t | |
Crhs_maker_bdf_hip | |
Crhs_maker_ext_device_t | |
Crhs_maker_ext_hip | |
Crhs_maker_sumab_device_t | |
Crhs_maker_sumab_hip | |
Cscalar_rhs_maker_bdf_hip | |
Cscalar_rhs_maker_ext_hip | |
►Mrhs_maker_sx | |
Crhs_maker_bdf_sx_t | |
Crhs_maker_ext_sx_t | |
Crhs_maker_oifs_sx_t | |
Crhs_maker_sumab_sx_t | |
Mroctx | Interfxace to ROCTX |
►Mrough_log_law | Implements rough_log_law_t |
Crough_log_law_t | Wall model based on the log-law for a rough wall. The formula defining the law is u^+ = log(z/z_0)/\kappa + B . Here, z is the wall-normal distance, as per tradition in atmospheric sciences, where this law is often used |
►Mrunge_kutta_time_scheme | |
Crunge_kutta_time_scheme_t | |
►Mruntime_stats | Runtime statistics |
Cruntime_stats_t | |
Mscalar_aux | Auxiliary routines for fluid solvers |
►Mscalar_ic | Scalar initial condition |
Cset_scalar_ic | |
►Mscalar_pnpn | Contains the scalar_pnpn_t type |
Cscalar_pnpn_t | |
►Mscalar_residual | Defines the residual for the scalar transport equation |
Cscalar_residual_interface | Interface for computing the residual of a scalar transport equation |
Cscalar_residual_t | Abstract type to compute scalar residual |
►Mscalar_residual_cpu | Residuals in the scalar equation (CPU version) |
Cscalar_residual_cpu_t | Wrapper type for the routine to compute the scalar residual on the CPU |
►Mscalar_residual_device | |
Cscalar_residual_device_t | |
Cscalar_residual_update_hip | |
►Mscalar_residual_sx | Residuals in the Pn-Pn formulation (SX version) |
Cscalar_residual_sx_t | |
►Mscalar_scheme | Contains the scalar_scheme_t type |
Cscalar_scheme_free_intrf | Abstract interface to dealocate a scalar formulation |
Cscalar_scheme_init_intrf | Abstract interface to initialize a scalar formulation |
Cscalar_scheme_restart_intrf | Abstract interface to restart a scalar formulation |
Cscalar_scheme_step_intrf | Abstract interface to compute a time-step |
Cscalar_scheme_t | Base type for a scalar advection-diffusion solver |
►Mscalar_source_term | Implements the scalar_source_term_t type |
Cscalar_source_term_t | Wrapper contaning and executing the scalar source terms |
►Mscalar_user_source_term | Implements the scalar_user_source_term_t type |
Cscalar_source_compute_pointwise | Computes the source term at a single point |
Cscalar_source_compute_vector | Computes the source term and adds the result to fields |
Cscalar_user_source_term_t | A source-term for the scalar, with procedure pointers pointing to the actual implementation in the user file |
►Mschwarz | Overlapping schwarz solves |
Cschwarz_t | |
►Mscratch_registry | Defines a registry for storing and requesting temporary fields This can be used when you have a function that will be called often and you don't want to create temporary fields (work arrays) inside it on each call |
Cscratch_registry_t | |
►Mshear_stress | Defines a shear stress boundary condition for a vector field. Maintainer: Timofey Mukha |
Cshear_stress_t | A shear stress boundary condition |
►Msigma | Implements sigma_t |
Csigma_t | Implements the Sigma LES model |
Msigma_cpu | Implements the CPU kernel for the sigma_t type. Following Nicoud et al. "Using singular values to build a
subgrid-scale model for large-eddy simulations" https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3623274 |
Msigma_device | Implements the device kernel for the sigma_t type |
►Msignal | Interface to signal handler |
Csighdl_set_timeout | |
Csighdl_timeout | |
Csighdl_trap_cpulimit | |
Csighdl_trap_usr | |
Csighdl_usr | |
Msigned_distance | Module containing Signed Distance Functions |
►Msimcomp_executor | Contains the simcomp_executor_t type |
Csimcomp_executor_t | Singleton type that serves as a driver for the simulation components. Stores all the components in the case and provides an interface matching that of a single simcomp, which executes the corresponding routines for each stored simcomp. The execution order is based on the order property of each simcomp. By default, the order is by the order of apparence in the case file |
Msimulation | Simulation driver |
►Msimulation_component | Simulation components are objects that encapsulate functionality that can be fit to a particular compute pattern |
Csimulation_component_free | Destructor |
Csimulation_component_init | The common constructor using a JSON dictionary |
Csimulation_component_t | Base abstract class for simulation components |
Csimulation_component_wrapper_t | A helper type that is needed to have an array of polymorphic objects |
►Msmagorinsky | Implements smagorinsky_t |
Csmagorinsky_t | Implements the smagorinsky LES model |
Msmagorinsky_cpu | Implements the CPU kernel for the smagorinsky_t type |
Msmagorinsky_device | Implements the device kernel for the smagorinsky_t type |
►Msource_scalar | Source terms for scalars |
Csource_scalar_t | Defines a source term for the scalar transport equation term f |
Csource_scalar_term | Abstract interface defining how to compute a source_scalar term |
Csource_scalar_term_pw | Abstract interface defining how to compute a source_scalar term pointwise |
►Msource_term | Implements the source_term_t type and a wrapper source_term_wrapper_t |
Csource_term_compute | Computes the source term and adds the result to fields |
Csource_term_free | Destructor |
Csource_term_init | The common constructor using a JSON object |
Csource_term_t | Base abstract type for source terms |
Csource_term_wrapper_t | A helper type that is needed to have an array of polymorphic objects |
►Msource_term_handler | Implements the source_term_handler_t type |
Csource_term_handler_init_user_source | |
Csource_term_handler_t | Abstract class for handling source terms |
►Mspace | Defines a function space |
Coperator(.eq.) | |
Coperator(.ne.) | |
Cspace_t | The function space for the SEM solution fields |
►Mspalding | Implements spalding_t |
Cspalding_t | Wall model based on Spalding's law of the wall. Reference: http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.3641728 |
►Mspectral_error | Implements type spectral_error_t |
Cspectral_error_t | Provides tools to calculate the spectral error indicator |
►Msphere_point_zone | |
Csphere_point_zone_t | A sphere-shaped point zone |
►Mstack | Implements a dynamic stack ADT |
Cstack_2i4r8t3_t | Mixed integer-double precision 3-tuple based stack |
Cstack_curve_t | Curved element stack |
Cstack_i4_t | Integer based stack |
Cstack_i4r8t2_t | Mixed integer-double precision 2-tuple based stack |
Cstack_i4t2_t | Integer 2-tuple based stack |
Cstack_i4t4_t | Integer 4-tuple based stack |
Cstack_i8_t | Integer*8 based stack |
Cstack_nc_t | Neko curve info based stack |
Cstack_nh_t | Neko hex element based stack |
Cstack_nq_t | Neko quad element based stack |
Cstack_nz_t | Neko zone based stack |
Cstack_pt_t | Point based stack |
Cstack_r8_t | Double precision based stack |
Cstack_t | Base type for a stack |
►Mstats | Defines a container for all statistics |
Cquantp_t | Pointer to an arbitrary quantitiy |
Cstats_t | Statistics backend |
►Mstats_quant | Defines a statistical quantity |
Cstats_quant_t | Abstract type defining a statistical quantity |
Cstats_quant_update | Abstract interface for updating/adding data to a quantitiy |
►Mstl | Stereolithography format |
Cstl_hdr_t | Defines a STL hdr |
Cstl_triangle_t | Defines a STL triangle |
►Mstl_file | Stereolithography (STL) file |
Cstl_file_t | Interface for STL files |
►Mstructs | Defines structs that are used... Dont know if we should keep it though |
Carray_ptr_t | Pointer to array |
Cstruct_curve_t | |
►Msx_jacobi | Jacobi preconditioner SX-Aurora backend |
Csx_jacobi_t | Defines a jacobi preconditioner for SX-Aurora |
►Msymmetry | Mixed Dirichlet-Neumann axis aligned symmetry plane |
Csymmetry_t | Mixed Dirichlet-Neumann symmetry plane condition |
►Msystem | Interface to system information routines |
Csystem_cpuid | Interface to a C function to retrieve the CPU name (type) |
►Mtensor | Tensor operations |
Ctranspose | |
Ctriple_tensor_product | |
Mtensor_cpu | |
►Mtensor_device | |
Chip_tnsr3d | |
Chip_tnsr3d_el_list | |
Mtensor_sx | Tensor operations SX-Aurora backend |
Mtensor_xsmm | Tensor operations libxsmm backend |
►Mtet | Defines a tetrahedral element |
Ctet_t | Tetrahedral element |
►Mtet_mesh | Defines a tetrahedral mesh |
Ctet_mesh_t | |
►Mtime_based_controller | Contains the time_based_controller_t type |
Cassignment(=) | |
Ctime_based_controller_t | A utility type for determening whether an action should be executed based on the current time value. Used to e.g. control whether we should write a file or execute a simcomp. Note that the nexecutions variable should be incremented externally by calling the register_execution procedure. This is to allow running the the check multiple times at the same time step |
►Mtime_interpolator | Implements type time_interpolator_t |
Ctime_interpolator_t | Provides a tool to perform interpolation in time |
►Mtime_scheme | Base class for time integration schemes |
Ccompute_coeffs | Interface for setting the scheme coefficients |
Ctime_scheme_t | Base abstract class for time integration schemes |
►Mtime_scheme_controller | Compound scheme for the advection and diffusion operators in a transport equation |
Ctime_scheme_controller_t | Implements the logic to compute the time coefficients for the advection and diffusion operators in a transport equation |
►Mtime_step_controller | Implements type time_step_controller |
Ctime_step_controller_t | Provides a tool to set time step dt |
►Mtree_amg | Implements the base type for TreeAMG hierarchy structure |
Ctamg_hierarchy_t | Type for a TreeAMG hierarchy |
Ctamg_lvl_t | Type for storing TreeAMG level information |
Ctamg_node_t | Type for storing TreeAMG tree node information |
►Mtree_amg_aggregate | Implements an aggregation for TreeAMG hierarchy structure |
Ctamg_agg_monitor_t | |
►Mtree_amg_multigrid | Implements multigrid using the TreeAMG hierarchy structure. USE: |
Ctamg_solver_t | Type for the TreeAMG solver |
Ctamg_wrk_t | |
►Mtree_amg_smoother | Implements smoothers for use with TreeAMG matrix vector product |
Camg_cheby_t | Type for Chebyshev iteration using TreeAMG matvec |
Camg_jacobi_t | Type for Chebyshev iteration using TreeAMG matvec |
Mtree_amg_utils | Implements utilities for the TreeAMG hierarchy structure |
►Mtri | Defines a triangular element |
Ctri_t | Triangular element |
►Mtri_mesh | Defines a triangular surface mesh |
Ctri_mesh_t | |
►Mtuple | Implements a n-tuple |
Ctuple3_i4_t | Integer based 3-tuple |
Ctuple4_i4_t | Integer based 4-tuple |
Ctuple_2i4r8_t | Mixed integer ( x, y ) double precision ( z ) 3-tuple |
Ctuple_assign_tuple | Abstract intf. for assigning a tuple to a tuple |
Ctuple_assign_vector | Abstract intf. for assigning a vector to a n-tuple |
Ctuple_equal | Abstract intf. for tuple comparison |
Ctuple_i4_t | Integer based 2-tuple |
Ctuple_i4r8_t | Mixed integer ( x ) double precision ( y ) 2-tuple (x, y) |
Ctuple_r8_t | Double precision based 2-tuple |
Ctuple_t | Base type for an n-tuple |
►Muser_intf | Interfaces for user interaction with NEKO |
Cuser_final_modules | Abstract interface for finalizating user variables |
Cuser_initialize_modules | Abstract interface for initilialization of modules |
Cuser_material_properties | Abstract interface for setting material properties |
Cuser_simcomp_init | Abstract interface for adding user defined simulation components |
Cuser_t | |
Cusercheck | Abstract interface for user defined check functions |
Cuseric | Abstract interface for user defined initial conditions |
Cuseric_compressible | Abstract interface for user defined initial conditions |
Cuseric_scalar | Abstract interface for user defined scalar initial conditions |
Cusermsh | Abstract interface for user defined mesh deformation functions |
►Muset | Implements an unordered set ADT |
Cuset_add | Inteface for adding key to an unorderd set |
Cuset_clear | Interface for clearing an unordered set |
Cuset_element | Interface for checking if key is an element of an unordered set |
Cuset_free | Interface for destroying an unordered set |
Cuset_i4_t | Integer based unordered set |
Cuset_i8_t | Integer*8 based unordered set |
Cuset_init | Interface for initializing an unordered set |
Cuset_r8_t | Double precision unordered set |
Cuset_remove | Inteface for removing key in an unorderd set |
Cuset_size | Interface for getting the cardinality of an unordered set |
Cuset_t | Base type for an unordered set |
►Musr_inflow | Defines inflow dirichlet conditions |
Cusr_inflow_eval | Abstract interface defining a user defined inflow condition (pointwise) |
Cusr_inflow_t | User defined dirichlet condition for velocity |
►Musr_scalar | Defines dirichlet conditions for scalars |
Cusr_scalar_bc_eval | Abstract interface defining a user defined scalar boundary condition (pointwise) Just imitating inflow for now, but we should update this Probably passing the whole field, params, coef, etc, would be good |
Cusr_scalar_t | User defined dirichlet condition for scalars |
►Mutils | Utilities |
Cneko_error | |
►Mvector | Defines a vector |
Cvector_ptr_t | |
Cvector_t | |
►Mvorticity | Implements the vorticity_t type |
Cvorticity_t | A simulation component that computes the vorticity field. Added to the field registry as omega_x , omega_y , and omega_z` |
►Mvreman | Implements vreman_t |
Cvreman_t | Implements the Vreman LES model |
Mvreman_cpu | Implements the CPU kernel for the vreman_t type |
Mvreman_device | Implements the device kernel for the vreman_t type |
►Mvtk_file | Legacy VTK file format |
Cvtk_file_t | Interface for legacy VTK files |
►Mwall_model | Implements wall_model_t |
Cwall_model_compute | Compute wall shear stress |
Cwall_model_free | Destructor |
Cwall_model_init | Common constructor |
Cwall_model_t | Base abstract type for wall-stress models for wall-modelled LES |
►Mwall_model_bc | Defines the wall_model_bc_t type. Maintainer: Timofey Mukha |
Cwall_model_bc_t | A shear stress boundary condition, computing the stress values using a wall model |
►Mweak_grad | Implements the weak_grad_t type |
Cweak_grad_t | A simulation component that computes the weak gradient of a field. Wraps the opgrad operator |
►Mzero_dirichlet | Defines a zero-valued Dirichlet boundary condition |
Czero_dirichlet_t | Zero-valued Dirichlet boundary condition. Used for no-slip walls, but also for various auxillary conditions, such as for residuals |