Base type of compressible fluid formulations.
procedure, pass(this) | scheme_init (this, msh, lx, params, scheme, user) |
| Constructors.
procedure, pass(this) | scheme_free (this) |
| Destructor for the base type.
procedure, pass(this) | validate (this) |
| Validate that all components are properly allocated.
procedure, pass(this) | compute_cfl (this, dt) |
| Compute the CFL number.
procedure, pass(this) | update_material_properties (this) |
| Set rho and mu.
procedure(fluid_scheme_base_init_intrf), deferred, pass | init (this, msh, lx, params, user) |
| Constructor.
procedure(fluid_scheme_base_free_intrf), deferred, pass | free (this) |
| Destructor.
procedure(fluid_scheme_base_step_intrf), deferred, pass | step (this, t, tstep, dt, ext_bdf, dt_controller) |
| Advance one step in time.
procedure(fluid_scheme_base_restart_intrf), deferred, pass | restart (this, dtlag, tlag) |
| Restart from a checkpoint.
procedure(fluid_scheme_setup_bcs_intrf), deferred, pass | setup_bcs (this, user, params) |
procedure(validate_intrf), deferred, pass | validate (this) |
| Set the user inflow.
procedure(fluid_scheme_base_compute_cfl_intrf), deferred, pass | compute_cfl (this, dt) |
| Compute the CFL number.
procedure(update_material_properties), deferred, pass | update_material_properties (this) |
| Set rho and mu.
type(field_t), pointer | m_x => null() |
| The momentum field.
type(field_t), pointer | m_y => null() |
| y-component of Momentum
type(field_t), pointer | m_z => null() |
| z-component of Momentum
type(field_t), pointer | e => null() |
| Total energy.
real(kind=rp) | gamma |
type(scratch_registry_t) | scratch |
| Manager for temporary fields.
type(space_t) | xh |
| Function space X_h .
type(dofmap_t) | dm_xh |
| Dofmap associated with X_h .
type(gs_t) | gs_xh |
| Gather-scatter associated with X_h .
type(coef_t) | c_xh |
| Coefficients associated with X_h .
type(time_scheme_controller_t), allocatable | ext_bdf |
type(field_t), pointer | u => null() |
| The velocity field.
type(field_t), pointer | v => null() |
| y-component of Velocity
type(field_t), pointer | w => null() |
| z-component of Velocity
type(field_t), pointer | p => null() |
| Pressure.
type(field_series_t) | ulag |
type(field_series_t) | vlag |
type(field_series_t) | wlag |
| fluid field (lag)
real(kind=rp) | rho |
| Density.
type(field_t) | rho_field |
type(field_t), pointer | f_x => null() |
| X-component of the right-hand side.
type(field_t), pointer | f_y => null() |
| Y-component of the right-hand side.
type(field_t), pointer | f_z => null() |
| Z-component of the right-hand side.
type(bc_list_t) | bcs_prs |
| Boundary conditions.
type(bc_list_t) | bcs_vel |
type(json_file), pointer | params |
| Parameters.
type(mesh_t), pointer | msh => null() |
| Mesh.
type(chkp_t) | chkp |
| Checkpoint.
character(len=neko_msh_max_zlbl_len), dimension(:), allocatable | bc_labels |
| Boundary condition labels (if any)
real(kind=rp) | mu |
| Dynamic viscosity.
type(field_t) | mu_field |
| The variable mu field.
logical | variable_material_properties = .false. |
| Is mu varying in time? Currently only due to LES models.
logical | freeze = .false. |
| Is the fluid frozen at the moment.
◆ compute_cfl() [1/2]
◆ compute_cfl() [2/2]
- Parameters
this | The compressible fluid scheme object |
dt | Current timestep size |
- Returns
- Computed CFL number
Definition at line 73 of file fluid_scheme_compressible.f90.
◆ free()
◆ init()
procedure(fluid_scheme_base_init_intrf), deferred, pass fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::init |
( |
class(fluid_scheme_base_t), intent(inout), target |
this, |
type(mesh_t), intent(inout), target |
msh, |
integer, intent(in) |
lx, |
type(json_file), intent(inout), target |
params, |
type(user_t), intent(in), target |
user |
) |
| |
pure virtualinherited |
◆ restart()
◆ scheme_free()
◆ scheme_init()
procedure, pass(this) fluid_scheme_compressible::fluid_scheme_compressible_t::scheme_init |
( |
class(fluid_scheme_compressible_t), intent(inout), target |
this, |
type(mesh_t), intent(inout), target |
msh, |
integer, intent(in) |
lx, |
type(json_file), intent(inout), target |
params, |
character(len=*), intent(in) |
scheme, |
type(user_t), intent(in), target |
user |
) |
| |
- Parameters
this | The compressible fluid scheme object |
msh | Mesh data structure |
lx | Polynomial order in x-direction |
params | JSON configuration parameters |
scheme | Name of the numerical scheme |
user | User-defined parameters and functions |
Definition at line 66 of file fluid_scheme_compressible.f90.
◆ setup_bcs()
◆ step()
procedure(fluid_scheme_base_step_intrf), deferred, pass fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::step |
( |
class(fluid_scheme_base_t), intent(inout), target |
this, |
real(kind=rp), intent(in) |
t, |
integer, intent(in) |
tstep, |
real(kind=rp), intent(in) |
dt, |
type(time_scheme_controller_t), intent(in) |
ext_bdf, |
type(time_step_controller_t), intent(in) |
dt_controller |
) |
| |
pure virtualinherited |
◆ update_material_properties() [1/2]
◆ update_material_properties() [2/2]
◆ validate() [1/2]
◆ validate() [2/2]
◆ bc_labels
◆ bcs_prs
type(bc_list_t) fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::bcs_prs |
inherited |
◆ bcs_vel
type(bc_list_t) fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::bcs_vel |
inherited |
◆ c_xh
type(coef_t) fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::c_xh |
inherited |
◆ chkp
type(chkp_t) fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::chkp |
inherited |
◆ dm_xh
type(dofmap_t) fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::dm_xh |
inherited |
type(field_t), pointer fluid_scheme_compressible::fluid_scheme_compressible_t::e => null() |
◆ ext_bdf
type(time_scheme_controller_t), allocatable fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::ext_bdf |
inherited |
◆ f_x
◆ f_y
◆ f_z
◆ freeze
logical fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::freeze = .false. |
inherited |
◆ gamma
real(kind=rp) fluid_scheme_compressible::fluid_scheme_compressible_t::gamma |
◆ gs_xh
type(gs_t) fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::gs_xh |
inherited |
◆ m_x
type(field_t), pointer fluid_scheme_compressible::fluid_scheme_compressible_t::m_x => null() |
◆ m_y
type(field_t), pointer fluid_scheme_compressible::fluid_scheme_compressible_t::m_y => null() |
◆ m_z
type(field_t), pointer fluid_scheme_compressible::fluid_scheme_compressible_t::m_z => null() |
◆ msh
◆ mu
real(kind=rp) fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::mu |
inherited |
◆ mu_field
type(field_t) fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::mu_field |
inherited |
◆ params
type(json_file), pointer fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::params |
inherited |
◆ rho
real(kind=rp) fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::rho |
inherited |
◆ rho_field
type(field_t) fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::rho_field |
inherited |
◆ scratch
◆ ulag
type(field_series_t) fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::ulag |
inherited |
◆ variable_material_properties
logical fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::variable_material_properties = .false. |
inherited |
◆ vlag
type(field_series_t) fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::vlag |
inherited |
◆ wlag
type(field_series_t) fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::wlag |
inherited |
◆ xh
type(space_t) fluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_t::xh |
inherited |
The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: