procedure, pass(this) | free (this) |
| Deallocate a mesh this.
procedure, pass(this) | finalize (this) |
procedure, pass(this) | mark_wall_facet (this, f, e) |
| Mark facet f in element e as a wall.
procedure, pass(this) | mark_inlet_facet (this, f, e) |
| Mark facet f in element e as an inlet.
procedure, pass(this) | mark_outlet_facet (this, f, e) |
| Mark facet f in element e as an outlet.
procedure, pass(this) | mark_sympln_facet (this, f, e) |
| Mark facet f in element e as a symmetry plane.
procedure, pass(this) | mark_periodic_facet (this, f, e, pf, pe, pids) |
| Mark facet f in element e as periodic with (pf, pe)
procedure, pass(this) | mark_outlet_normal_facet (this, f, e) |
| Mark facet f in element e as an outlet normal.
procedure, pass(this) | mark_labeled_facet (this, f, e, label) |
| Mark facet f in element e with label.
procedure, pass(this) | mark_curve_element (this, e, curve_data, curve_type) |
| Mark element e as a curve element.
procedure, pass(this) | apply_periodic_facet (this, f, e, pf, pe, pids) |
| Replaces the periodic point's id with a common id for matching periodic points.
procedure, pass(this) | all_deformed (this) |
| Set all elements as if they are deformed.
procedure, pass(this) | get_facet_ids (this, f, e, pids) |
| Get original ids of periodic points.
procedure, pass(this) | reset_periodic_ids (this) |
| Reset ids of periodic points to their original ids.
procedure, pass(this) | create_periodic_ids (this, f, e, pf, pe) |
| Creates common ids for matching periodic points.
procedure, pass(this) | generate_conn (this) |
| Generate element-to-element connectivity.
procedure, pass(this) | have_point_glb_idx (this, index) |
| Check if the mesh has a point given its global index.
generic | init (this, gdim, nelv) |
| Initialise a mesh.
generic | init (this, gdim, dist) |
| Initialise a mesh.
generic | add_element (this, el, p1, p2, p3, p4) |
| Add an element to the mesh.
generic | add_element (this, el, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8) |
| Add an element to the mesh.
generic | get_local (this, p) |
| Get local id for a mesh entity.
generic | get_local (this, e) |
| Get local id for a mesh entity.
generic | get_local (this, f) |
| Get local id for a mesh entity.
generic | get_global (this, e) |
| Get global id for a mesh entity.
generic | get_global (this, f) |
| Get global id for a mesh entity.
generic | is_shared (this, p) |
| Check if a mesh entity is shared.
generic | is_shared (this, e) |
| Check if a mesh entity is shared.
generic | is_shared (this, f) |
| Check if a mesh entity is shared.
integer | nelv |
| Number of elements.
integer | npts |
| Number of points per element.
integer | gdim |
| Geometric dimension.
integer | mpts |
| Number of (unique) points in the mesh.
integer | mfcs |
| Number of (unique) faces in the mesh.
integer | meds |
| Number of (unique) edges in the mesh.
integer | glb_nelv |
| Global number of elements.
integer | glb_mpts |
| Global number of unique points.
integer | glb_mfcs |
| Global number of unique faces.
integer | glb_meds |
| Global number of unique edges.
integer | offset_el |
| Element offset.
integer | max_pts_id |
| Max local point id.
type(point_t), dimension(:), allocatable | points |
| list of points
type(mesh_element_t), dimension(:), allocatable | elements |
| List of elements.
logical, dimension(:), allocatable | dfrmd_el |
| List of elements.
type(htable_i4_t) | htp |
| Table of unique points (global->local)
type(htable_i4t4_t) | htf |
| Table of unique faces (facet->local id)
type(htable_i4t2_t) | hte |
| Table of unique edges (edge->local id)
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable | facet_neigh |
| Facet to neigh. element table.
class(htable_t), allocatable | facet_map |
| Facet to element's id tuple and the mapping of the points between lower id element and higher \( t=(low_id element, element with higher global id) \).
type(stack_i4_t), dimension(:), allocatable | point_neigh |
| Point to neigh. table.
type(distdata_t) | ddata |
| Mesh distributed data.
logical, dimension(:), allocatable | neigh |
| Neighbouring ranks.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | neigh_order |
| Neighbour order.
integer(2), dimension(:,:), allocatable | facet_type |
| Facet type.
type(facet_zone_t) | wall |
| Zone of wall facets.
type(facet_zone_t) | inlet |
| Zone of inlet facets.
type(facet_zone_t) | outlet |
| Zone of outlet facets.
type(facet_zone_t) | outlet_normal |
| Zone of outlet normal facets.
type(facet_zone_t) | sympln |
| Zone of symmetry plane facets.
type(facet_zone_t), dimension(:), allocatable | labeled_zones |
| Zones with labeled facets.
type(facet_zone_periodic_t) | periodic |
| Zones with periodic facets.
type(curve_t) | curve |
| Set of curved elements.
logical | lconn = .false. |
| valid connectivity
logical | ldist = .false. |
| valid distributed data
logical | lnumr = .false. |
| valid numbering
logical | lgenc = .true. |
| generate connectivity
procedure(mesh_deform), pointer, pass | apply_deform => null() |
| enables user to specify a deformation that is applied to all x,y,z coordinates generated with this mesh
procedure, pass(this), private | init_nelv (this, gdim, nelv) |
| Initialise a mesh this with nelv elements.
procedure, pass(this), private | init_dist (this, gdim, dist) |
| Initialise a mesh this based on a distribution dist.
procedure, pass(this), private | add_quad (this, el, p1, p2, p3, p4) |
| Add a quadrilateral element to the mesh this.
procedure, pass(this), private | add_hex (this, el, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8) |
| Add a hexahedral element to the mesh this.
procedure, pass(this), private | add_edge (this, e) |
| Add a unique edge represented as a 2-tuple to the mesh.
procedure, pass(this), private | add_face (this, f) |
| Add a unique face represented as a 4-tuple to the mesh.
procedure, pass(this), private | add_point (this, p, idx) |
| Add a unique point to the mesh.
procedure, pass(this), private | get_local_point (this, p) |
| Return the local id of a point p.
procedure, pass(this), private | get_local_edge (this, e) |
| Return the local id of an edge e.
procedure, pass(this), private | get_local_facet (this, f) |
| Return the local id of a face f.
procedure, pass(this), private | get_global_edge (this, e) |
| Return the global id of an edge e.
procedure, pass(this), private | get_global_facet (this, f) |
| Return the local id of a face f.
procedure, pass(this), private | is_shared_point (this, p) |
| Check if a point is shared.
procedure, pass(this), private | is_shared_edge (this, e) |
| Check if an edge is shared.
procedure, pass(this), private | is_shared_facet (this, f) |
| Check if a facet is shared.
Definition at line 64 of file mesh.f90.