- Subprogram bc::bc_finalize_base (this)
- add 2D case
- Member buf
Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...
Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...
- Member cfl_d
Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...
Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...
- Subprogram coefs::coef_generate_area_and_normal (coef)
- cleanup once we have device math in place
- Subprogram coefs::coef_generate_mass (c)
rewrite this nest into a device kernel
cleanup once we have device math in place
- Subprogram coefs::coef_init_all (this, gs_h)
- Be clever and try to avoid allocating zeroed geom. factors
- Subprogram dofmap::dofmap_init (this, msh, xh)
- implement for 2d elements
- Subprogram dofmap::dofmap_number_faces (this)
- don't assume lx = ly = lz
- Subprogram fld_file::fld_file_write (this, data, t)
- fix support for single precision output?
- Subprogram fluid_plan1::fluid_plan1_t::init (this, msh, lx, param)
- Remaning plan1 related data, ax, precon etc
- Subprogram fluid_scheme_incompressible::fluid_scheme_bc_apply_prs (this, t, tstep)
- Why can't we call the interface here?
- Subprogram fluid_scheme_incompressible::fluid_scheme_bc_apply_vel (this, t, tstep, strong)
- Why can't we call the interface here?
- Member fusedcg_buf
Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...
Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...
- Member fusedcg_cpld_buf
Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...
Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...
- Subprogram gather_scatter::gs_schedule (gs)
Consider switching to a crystal router...
don't touch others data...
don't touch others data...
- Member gmres_bf1
Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...
Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...
- Subprogram gs_cpu::gs_scatter_cpu (this, v, m, dg, u, n, gd, nb, b, shrd, event)
- Make the kernel abstract
- Subprogram gs_mpi::gs_nbwait_mpi (this, u, n, op, strm)
- Check size etc against status
- Subprogram gs_sx::gs_scatter_sx (this, v, m, dg, u, n, gd, nb, b, shrd, event)
- Make the kernel abstract
- Subprogram htable::htable_iter_data (this, data)
- Remove once we figure out how to do this with value() for arbitrary data types
- Subprogram krylov::krylov_free (this)
- add calls to destroy precon. if necessary
- Subprogram logger::log_status (this, t, t_end)
- move to a future Time module
- Module map
- Figure out a better name for this module
- Subprogram map_file::map_file_read (this, data)
- Check if neli matches mapnel
- Subprogram mesh::mesh_generate_conn (this)
- These loop nests needs a lot of love...
- Subprogram mesh::mesh_generate_edge_conn (this)
- move this into distdata
- Subprogram mesh::mesh_generate_facet_numbering (this)
Since we now the neigh. we can actually do p2p here...
Move this into distdata as a method...
move this into distdata
- Subprogram mesh::mesh_get_local_point (this, p)
- why do we still need to do this?
- Subprogram mesh::mesh_have_point_glb_idx (this, index)
- Consider moving this to distdata
- Subprogram mesh::mesh_init_common (this)
resize onces final size is known
resize onces final size is known Only init if we generate connectivity
- Subprogram mesh::mesh_t::get_global (this, e)
- Add similar mappings for element ids
- Subprogram mesh::mesh_t::get_local (this, p)
- Add similar mappings for element ids
- Struct mesh_field::mesh_fld_t
- Add support for different data types
- Subprogram nmsh_file::nmsh_file_read (this, data)
- Fix the parallel reading in this part, let each rank read a piece and pass the pieces around, filtering out matching zones in the local mesh.
- Subprogram nmsh_file::nmsh_file_read_2d (this, msh)
- Fix the parallel reading in this part, let each rank read a piece and pass the pieces around, filtering out matching zones in the local mesh.
- Subprogram quad::quad_facet_id (this, t, side)
- sort this
- Subprogram re2_file::re2_file_read (this, data)
- Add support for curved side data Skip curved side data
- Subprogram re2_file::re2_file_read_bcs (msh, nbcs, dist, fh, mpi_offset, v2_format)
- Use element offset in parallel
- Subprogram re2_file::re2_file_write (this, data, t)
- Add support for curved side data
- Struct rea::rea_t
- add missing data fields
- Member red_s
- cleanup this mess
- Subprogram simulation::neko_solve (c)
Temporary fix until we have reworked the material properties
Temporary fix until we have reworked the material properties
Temporary fix until we have reworked the material properties
- Subprogram tensor::tensr3 (v, nv, u, nu, a, bt, ct, w)
- Add 2d case
- Subprogram tri::tri_facet_id (this, t, side)
- sort this