Neko 0.9.99
A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow simulations
No Matches
Todo List
Subprogram bc::bc_finalize_base (this)
add 2D case
Member buf

Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...

Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...

Member cfl_d

Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...

Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...

Subprogram coefs::coef_generate_area_and_normal (coef)
cleanup once we have device math in place
Subprogram coefs::coef_generate_mass (c)

rewrite this nest into a device kernel

cleanup once we have device math in place

Subprogram coefs::coef_init_all (this, gs_h)
Be clever and try to avoid allocating zeroed geom. factors
Subprogram dofmap::dofmap_init (this, msh, xh)
implement for 2d elements
Subprogram dofmap::dofmap_number_faces (this)
don't assume lx = ly = lz
Subprogram fld_file::fld_file_write (this, data, t)
fix support for single precision output?
Subprogram fluid_plan1::fluid_plan1_t::init (this, msh, lx, param)
Remaning plan1 related data, ax, precon etc
Subprogram fluid_scheme_incompressible::fluid_scheme_bc_apply_prs (this, t, tstep)
Why can't we call the interface here?
Subprogram fluid_scheme_incompressible::fluid_scheme_bc_apply_vel (this, t, tstep, strong)
Why can't we call the interface here?
Member fusedcg_buf

Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...

Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...

Member fusedcg_cpld_buf

Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...

Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...

Subprogram gather_scatter::gs_schedule (gs)

Consider switching to a crystal router...

don't touch others data...

don't touch others data...

Member gmres_bf1

Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...

Make sure that this gets deleted at some point...

Subprogram gs_cpu::gs_scatter_cpu (this, v, m, dg, u, n, gd, nb, b, shrd, event)
Make the kernel abstract
Subprogram gs_mpi::gs_nbwait_mpi (this, u, n, op, strm)
Check size etc against status
Subprogram gs_sx::gs_scatter_sx (this, v, m, dg, u, n, gd, nb, b, shrd, event)
Make the kernel abstract
Subprogram htable::htable_iter_data (this, data)
Remove once we figure out how to do this with value() for arbitrary data types
Subprogram krylov::krylov_free (this)
add calls to destroy precon. if necessary
Subprogram logger::log_status (this, t, t_end)
move to a future Time module
Module map
Figure out a better name for this module
Subprogram map_file::map_file_read (this, data)
Check if neli matches mapnel
Subprogram mesh::mesh_generate_conn (this)
These loop nests needs a lot of love...
Subprogram mesh::mesh_generate_edge_conn (this)
move this into distdata
Subprogram mesh::mesh_generate_facet_numbering (this)

Since we now the neigh. we can actually do p2p here...

Move this into distdata as a method...

move this into distdata

Subprogram mesh::mesh_get_local_point (this, p)
why do we still need to do this?
Subprogram mesh::mesh_have_point_glb_idx (this, index)
Consider moving this to distdata
Subprogram mesh::mesh_init_common (this)

resize onces final size is known

resize onces final size is known Only init if we generate connectivity

Subprogram mesh::mesh_t::get_global (this, e)
Add similar mappings for element ids
Subprogram mesh::mesh_t::get_local (this, p)
Add similar mappings for element ids
Struct mesh_field::mesh_fld_t
Add support for different data types
Subprogram nmsh_file::nmsh_file_read (this, data)
Fix the parallel reading in this part, let each rank read a piece and pass the pieces around, filtering out matching zones in the local mesh.
Subprogram nmsh_file::nmsh_file_read_2d (this, msh)
Fix the parallel reading in this part, let each rank read a piece and pass the pieces around, filtering out matching zones in the local mesh.
Subprogram quad::quad_facet_id (this, t, side)
sort this
Subprogram re2_file::re2_file_read (this, data)
Add support for curved side data Skip curved side data
Subprogram re2_file::re2_file_read_bcs (msh, nbcs, dist, fh, mpi_offset, v2_format)
Use element offset in parallel
Subprogram re2_file::re2_file_write (this, data, t)
Add support for curved side data
Struct rea::rea_t
add missing data fields
Member red_s
cleanup this mess
Subprogram simulation::neko_solve (c)

Temporary fix until we have reworked the material properties

Temporary fix until we have reworked the material properties

Temporary fix until we have reworked the material properties

Subprogram tensor::tensr3 (v, nv, u, nu, a, bt, ct, w)
Add 2d case
Subprogram tri::tri_facet_id (this, t, side)
sort this