Neko  0.8.99
A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow simulations
logger Module Reference

Logging routines.

Data Types

type  log_t


subroutine log_init (this)
 Initialize a log. More...
subroutine log_begin (this)
 Increase indention level. More...
subroutine log_end (this)
 Decrease indention level. More...
subroutine log_indent (this)
 Indent a log. More...
subroutine log_newline
 Write a new line to a log. More...
subroutine log_message (this, msg, lvl)
 Write a message to a log. More...
subroutine log_error (this, msg)
 Write an error message to a log. More...
subroutine log_warning (this, msg)
 Write a warning message to a log. More...
subroutine log_section (this, msg)
 Begin a new log section. More...
subroutine log_end_section (this, msg)
 End a log section. More...
subroutine log_status (this, t, T_end)
 Write status banner. More...
subroutine log_message_c (c_msg)
 Write a message to a log (from C) More...
subroutine log_error_c (c_msg)
 Write an error message to a log (from C) More...
subroutine log_warning_c (c_msg)
 Write a warning message to a log (from C) More...
subroutine log_section_c (c_msg)
 Begin a new log section (from C) More...
subroutine log_end_section_c ()
 End a log section (from C) More...


integer, parameter, public log_size = 80
type(log_t), public neko_log
 Global log stream. More...
integer, parameter, public neko_log_quiet = 0
 Always logged. More...
integer, parameter, public neko_log_info = 1
 Default log level. More...
integer, parameter, public neko_log_verbose = 2
 Verbose log level. More...
integer, parameter, public neko_log_debug = 10
 Debug log level. More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ log_begin()

subroutine logger::log_begin ( class(log_t), intent(inout)  this)

Definition at line 92 of file log.f90.

◆ log_end()

subroutine logger::log_end ( class(log_t), intent(inout)  this)

Definition at line 102 of file log.f90.

◆ log_end_section()

subroutine logger::log_end_section ( class(log_t), intent(inout)  this,
character(len=*), intent(in), optional  msg 

Definition at line 210 of file log.f90.

◆ log_end_section_c()

subroutine logger::log_end_section_c
This assumes the global log stream neko_log

Definition at line 339 of file log.f90.

◆ log_error()

subroutine logger::log_error ( class(log_t), intent(in)  this,
character(len=*), intent(in)  msg 

Definition at line 158 of file log.f90.

◆ log_error_c()

subroutine logger::log_error_c ( character(kind=c_char), dimension(*), intent(in)  c_msg)
This assumes the global log stream neko_log

Definition at line 274 of file log.f90.

◆ log_indent()

subroutine logger::log_indent ( class(log_t), intent(in)  this)

Definition at line 112 of file log.f90.

◆ log_init()

subroutine logger::log_init ( class(log_t), intent(inout)  this)

Definition at line 74 of file log.f90.

◆ log_message()

subroutine logger::log_message ( class(log_t), intent(in)  this,
character(len=*), intent(in)  msg,
integer, optional  lvl 

Definition at line 134 of file log.f90.

◆ log_message_c()

subroutine logger::log_message_c ( character(kind=c_char), dimension(*), intent(in)  c_msg)
This assumes the global log stream neko_log

Definition at line 252 of file log.f90.

◆ log_newline()

subroutine logger::log_newline

Definition at line 125 of file log.f90.

◆ log_section()

subroutine logger::log_section ( class(log_t), intent(inout)  this,
character(len=*), intent(in)  msg 

Definition at line 182 of file log.f90.

◆ log_section_c()

subroutine logger::log_section_c ( character(kind=c_char), dimension(*), intent(in)  c_msg)
This assumes the global log stream neko_log

Definition at line 318 of file log.f90.

◆ log_status()

subroutine logger::log_status ( class(log_t), intent(in)  this,
real(kind=rp), intent(in)  t,
real(kind=rp), intent(in)  T_end 
move to a future Time module

Definition at line 227 of file log.f90.

◆ log_warning()

subroutine logger::log_warning ( class(log_t), intent(in)  this,
character(len=*), intent(in)  msg 

Definition at line 170 of file log.f90.

◆ log_warning_c()

subroutine logger::log_warning_c ( character(kind=c_char), dimension(*), intent(in)  c_msg)
This assumes the global log stream neko_log

Definition at line 296 of file log.f90.

Variable Documentation

◆ log_size

integer, parameter, public logger::log_size = 80

Definition at line 40 of file log.f90.

◆ neko_log

type(log_t), public logger::neko_log

Definition at line 61 of file log.f90.

◆ neko_log_debug

integer, parameter, public logger::neko_log_debug = 10

Definition at line 69 of file log.f90.

◆ neko_log_info

integer, parameter, public logger::neko_log_info = 1

Definition at line 65 of file log.f90.

◆ neko_log_quiet

integer, parameter, public logger::neko_log_quiet = 0

Definition at line 63 of file log.f90.

◆ neko_log_verbose

integer, parameter, public logger::neko_log_verbose = 2

Definition at line 67 of file log.f90.