Neko 0.9.99
A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow simulations
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field_dirichlet_vector::field_dirichlet_vector_t Type Referenceabstract

Extension of the user defined dirichlet condition field_dirichlet More...

Inheritance diagram for field_dirichlet_vector::field_dirichlet_vector_t:
Collaboration diagram for field_dirichlet_vector::field_dirichlet_vector_t:

Public Member Functions

procedure, pass(thisinit_field (this, bc_name)
 Initializes thisfield_bc.
procedure, pass(thisfree (this)
procedure, pass(thisapply_scalar (this, x, n, t, tstep)
 Apply scalar by performing a masked copy.
procedure, pass(thisapply_vector (this, x, y, z, n, t, tstep)
 (No-op) Apply vector.
procedure, pass(thisapply_vector_dev (this, x_d, y_d, z_d, t, tstep)
 (No-op) Apply vector (device).
procedure, pass(thisapply_scalar_dev (this, x_d, t, tstep)
 Apply scalar (device).
procedure, pass(thisinit_base (this, coef)
procedure, pass(thisfree_base (this)
procedure, pass(thismark_facet (this, facet, el)
 Mark a facet on an element as part of the boundary condition.
procedure, pass(thismark_facets (this, facet_list)
 Mark all facets from a (facet, element) tuple list.
procedure, pass(thismark_zones_from_list (this, bc_zones, bc_key, bc_labels)
 Mark all facets from a list of zones, also marks type of bc in the mesh.
procedure, pass(thismark_zone (this, bc_zone)
 Mark all facets from a zone.
procedure, pass(thisfinalize (this)
 Finalize the construction of the bc by populting the msk and facet arrays.
procedure(bc_apply_scalar), deferred, pass apply_scalar (this, x, n, t, tstep)
 Apply the boundary condition to a scalar field.
procedure(bc_apply_vector), deferred, pass apply_vector (this, x, y, z, n, t, tstep)
 Apply the boundary condition to a vector field.
procedure(bc_apply_scalar_dev), deferred, pass apply_scalar_dev (this, x_d, t, tstep)
 Device version of apply_scalar.
procedure(bc_apply_vector_dev), deferred, pass apply_vector_dev (this, x_d, y_d, z_d, t, tstep)
 Device version of apply_vector.
procedure(bc_destructor), deferred, pass free (this)

Public Attributes

 A field list to store the bcs for passing to various subroutines.
 A bc list to store the bcs for passing to various subroutines.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable msk
 The linear index of each node in each boundary facet.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable facet
 A list of facet ids (1 to 6), one for each element in msk.
type(dofmap_t), pointer dof
 Map of degrees of freedom.
type(coef_t), pointer coef
 SEM coefficients.
type(mesh_t), pointer msh
 The mesh.
type(space_t), pointer xh
 The function space.
type(stack_i4t2_t) marked_facet
 Index tuples (facet, element) marked as part of the boundary condition.
type(c_ptr) msk_d = C_NULL_PTR
 Device pointer for msk.
type(c_ptr) facet_d = C_NULL_PTR
 Device pointer for facet.

Static Public Attributes

procedure(field_dirichlet_update), pointer, nopass update => null()
 Function pointer to the user routine performing the update of the values of the boundary fields.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 55 of file field_dirichlet_vector.f90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ apply_scalar() [1/2]

procedure(bc_apply_scalar), deferred, pass bc::bc_t::apply_scalar ( class(bc_t), intent(inout this,
real(kind=rp), dimension(n), intent(inout x,
integer, intent(in n,
real(kind=rp), intent(in), optional  t,
integer, intent(in), optional  tstep 
pure virtualinherited

Definition at line 87 of file bc.f90.

◆ apply_scalar() [2/2]

procedure, pass(this) field_dirichlet_vector::field_dirichlet_vector_t::apply_scalar ( class(field_dirichlet_vector_t), intent(inout this,
real(kind=rp), dimension(n), intent(inout x,
integer, intent(in n,
real(kind=rp), intent(in), optional  t,
integer, intent(in), optional  tstep 
xField onto which to copy the values (e.g. u,v,w,p or s).
nSize of the array x.
tstepTime step.

Definition at line 75 of file field_dirichlet_vector.f90.

◆ apply_scalar_dev() [1/2]

procedure(bc_apply_scalar_dev), deferred, pass bc::bc_t::apply_scalar_dev ( class(bc_t), intent(inout), target  this,
type(c_ptr)  x_d,
real(kind=rp), intent(in), optional  t,
integer, intent(in), optional  tstep 
pure virtualinherited

Definition at line 91 of file bc.f90.

◆ apply_scalar_dev() [2/2]

procedure, pass(this) field_dirichlet_vector::field_dirichlet_vector_t::apply_scalar_dev ( class(field_dirichlet_vector_t), intent(inout), target  this,
type(c_ptr)  x_d,
real(kind=rp), intent(in), optional  t,
integer, intent(in), optional  tstep 
x_dDevice pointer to the field onto which to copy the values.
tstepTime step.

Definition at line 82 of file field_dirichlet_vector.f90.

◆ apply_vector() [1/2]

procedure(bc_apply_vector), deferred, pass bc::bc_t::apply_vector ( class(bc_t), intent(inout this,
real(kind=rp), dimension(n), intent(inout x,
real(kind=rp), dimension(n), intent(inout y,
real(kind=rp), dimension(n), intent(inout z,
integer, intent(in n,
real(kind=rp), intent(in), optional  t,
integer, intent(in), optional  tstep 
pure virtualinherited

Definition at line 89 of file bc.f90.

◆ apply_vector() [2/2]

procedure, pass(this) field_dirichlet_vector::field_dirichlet_vector_t::apply_vector ( class(field_dirichlet_vector_t), intent(inout this,
real(kind=rp), dimension(n), intent(inout x,
real(kind=rp), dimension(n), intent(inout y,
real(kind=rp), dimension(n), intent(inout z,
integer, intent(in n,
real(kind=rp), intent(in), optional  t,
integer, intent(in), optional  tstep 
xx-component of the field onto which to apply the values.
yy-component of the field onto which to apply the values.
zz-component of the field onto which to apply the values.
nSize of the x, y and z arrays.
tstepTime step.

Definition at line 77 of file field_dirichlet_vector.f90.

◆ apply_vector_dev() [1/2]

procedure(bc_apply_vector_dev), deferred, pass bc::bc_t::apply_vector_dev ( class(bc_t), intent(inout), target  this,
type(c_ptr)  x_d,
type(c_ptr)  y_d,
type(c_ptr)  z_d,
real(kind=rp), intent(in), optional  t,
integer, intent(in), optional  tstep 
pure virtualinherited

Definition at line 93 of file bc.f90.

◆ apply_vector_dev() [2/2]

procedure, pass(this) field_dirichlet_vector::field_dirichlet_vector_t::apply_vector_dev ( class(field_dirichlet_vector_t), intent(inout), target  this,
type(c_ptr)  x_d,
type(c_ptr)  y_d,
type(c_ptr)  z_d,
real(kind=rp), intent(in), optional  t,
integer, intent(in), optional  tstep 
xx-component of the field onto which to apply the values.
yy-component of the field onto which to apply the values.
zz-component of the field onto which to apply the values.
tstepTime step.

Definition at line 79 of file field_dirichlet_vector.f90.

◆ finalize()

procedure, pass(this) bc::bc_t::finalize ( class(bc_t), intent(inout), target  this)

This will linearize the marked facet's indicies in the msk array.

Definition at line 85 of file bc.f90.

◆ free() [1/2]

procedure(bc_destructor), deferred, pass bc::bc_t::free ( class(bc_t), intent(inout), target  this)
pure virtualinherited

Definition at line 95 of file bc.f90.

◆ free() [2/2]

procedure, pass(this) field_dirichlet_vector::field_dirichlet_vector_t::free ( class(field_dirichlet_vector_t), intent(inout), target  this)

Definition at line 73 of file field_dirichlet_vector.f90.

◆ free_base()

procedure, pass(this) bc::bc_t::free_base ( class(bc_t), intent(inout this)

Definition at line 74 of file bc.f90.

◆ init_base()

procedure, pass(this) bc::bc_t::init_base ( class(bc_t), intent(inout this,
type(coef_t), intent(in), target  coef 
dofMap of degrees of freedom.

Definition at line 72 of file bc.f90.

◆ init_field()

procedure, pass(this) field_dirichlet_vector::field_dirichlet_vector_t::init_field ( class(field_dirichlet_vector_t), intent(inout this,
character(len=*), intent(in bc_name 

Definition at line 71 of file field_dirichlet_vector.f90.

◆ mark_facet()

procedure, pass(this) bc::bc_t::mark_facet ( class(bc_t), intent(inout this,
integer, intent(in facet,
integer, intent(in el 
facetThe index of the facet.
elThe index of the element.

Definition at line 76 of file bc.f90.

◆ mark_facets()

procedure, pass(this) bc::bc_t::mark_facets ( class(bc_t), intent(inout this,
type(stack_i4t2_t), intent(inout facet_list 
facet_listThe list of tuples.

Definition at line 78 of file bc.f90.

◆ mark_zone()

procedure, pass(this) bc::bc_t::mark_zone ( class(bc_t), intent(inout this,
class(facet_zone_t), intent(in bc_zone 
bc_zoneBoundary zone to be marked.

Definition at line 82 of file bc.f90.

◆ mark_zones_from_list()

procedure, pass(this) bc::bc_t::mark_zones_from_list ( class(bc_t), intent(inout this,
class(facet_zone_t), dimension(:), intent(in bc_zones,
character(len=*)  bc_key,
character(len=neko_msh_max_zlbl_len), dimension(:)  bc_labels 
bc_zoneArray of boundary zones.
bc_keyBoundary condition label, e.g. 'w' for wall.
bc_labelList of boundary condition labels.

Definition at line 80 of file bc.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ bc_list

type(bc_list_t) field_dirichlet_vector::field_dirichlet_vector_t::bc_list

Definition at line 65 of file field_dirichlet_vector.f90.

◆ bc_u

type(field_dirichlet_t) field_dirichlet_vector::field_dirichlet_vector_t::bc_u

Definition at line 57 of file field_dirichlet_vector.f90.

◆ bc_v

type(field_dirichlet_t) field_dirichlet_vector::field_dirichlet_vector_t::bc_v

Definition at line 59 of file field_dirichlet_vector.f90.

◆ bc_w

type(field_dirichlet_t) field_dirichlet_vector::field_dirichlet_vector_t::bc_w

Definition at line 61 of file field_dirichlet_vector.f90.

◆ coef

type(coef_t), pointer bc::bc_t::coef

Definition at line 59 of file bc.f90.

◆ dof

type(dofmap_t), pointer bc::bc_t::dof

Definition at line 57 of file bc.f90.

◆ facet

integer, dimension(:), allocatable bc::bc_t::facet

Definition at line 55 of file bc.f90.

◆ facet_d

type(c_ptr) bc::bc_t::facet_d = C_NULL_PTR

Definition at line 69 of file bc.f90.

◆ field_list

type(field_list_t) field_dirichlet_vector::field_dirichlet_vector_t::field_list

Definition at line 63 of file field_dirichlet_vector.f90.

◆ marked_facet

type(stack_i4t2_t) bc::bc_t::marked_facet

Definition at line 65 of file bc.f90.

◆ msh

type(mesh_t), pointer bc::bc_t::msh

Definition at line 61 of file bc.f90.

◆ msk

integer, dimension(:), allocatable bc::bc_t::msk

Definition at line 53 of file bc.f90.

◆ msk_d

type(c_ptr) bc::bc_t::msk_d = C_NULL_PTR

Definition at line 67 of file bc.f90.

◆ update

procedure(field_dirichlet_update), pointer, nopass field_dirichlet_vector::field_dirichlet_vector_t::update => null()

Definition at line 68 of file field_dirichlet_vector.f90.

◆ xh

type(space_t), pointer bc::bc_t::xh

Definition at line 63 of file bc.f90.

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