Neko  0.8.99
A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow simulations
box_point_zone::box_point_zone_t Type Reference

A box-shaped point zone. More...

Inheritance diagram for box_point_zone::box_point_zone_t:
Collaboration diagram for box_point_zone::box_point_zone_t:

Public Member Functions

procedure, pass(this) init => box_point_zone_init_from_json
 Constructor from json object file. More...
procedure, pass(this) free => box_point_zone_free
 Destructor. More...
procedure, pass(this) criterion => box_point_zone_criterion
 Defines the criterion of selection of a GLL point in the box point zone. More...
procedure, pass(this) init_base => point_zone_init_base
 Constructor for the point_zone_t base type. More...
procedure, pass(this) free_base => point_zone_free_base
 Destructor for the point_zone_t base type. More...
procedure, pass(this) finalize => point_zone_finalize
 Builds the mask from the scratch stack. More...
procedure, pass(this) add => point_zone_add
 Adds a point's linear index to the scratch stack. More...
procedure, pass(this) map => point_zone_map
 Maps the GLL points that verify a point_zone's criterion by adding them to the stack. More...

Public Attributes

real(kind=rp) xmin
real(kind=rp) xmax
real(kind=rp) ymin
real(kind=rp) ymax
real(kind=rp) zmin
real(kind=rp) zmax
integer, dimension(:), allocatable mask
 List of linear indices of the GLL points in the zone. More...
type(c_ptr) mask_d = c_null_ptr
 List of linear indices of the GLL points in the zone on the device. More...
integer size = 0
 Size of the point zone mask. More...
character(len=80) name
 Name of the point zone (used for retrieval in the point_zone_registry). More...
logical invert = .false.
 If we select the inverse of the criterion or not. More...

Private Attributes

type(stack_i4_t), private scratch
 Scratch stack of integers to build the list mask. More...
logical, private finalized = .false.
 Flag to indicate if point_zone_finalize has been called and the mask has been built. More...

Detailed Description

As defined here, a box is described by its x,y,z bounds, specified in the json file as e.g. "x_bounds": [<xmin>, <xmax>]", etc for y and z coordinates.

Definition at line 47 of file box_point_zone.f90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ add()

procedure, pass(this) point_zone::point_zone_t::add

Definition at line 71 of file point_zone.f90.

◆ criterion()

procedure, pass(this) box_point_zone::box_point_zone_t::criterion

Definition at line 60 of file box_point_zone.f90.

◆ finalize()

procedure, pass(this) point_zone::point_zone_t::finalize

Definition at line 69 of file point_zone.f90.

◆ free()

procedure, pass(this) box_point_zone::box_point_zone_t::free

Definition at line 58 of file box_point_zone.f90.

◆ free_base()

procedure, pass(this) point_zone::point_zone_t::free_base

Definition at line 67 of file point_zone.f90.

◆ init()

procedure, pass(this) box_point_zone::box_point_zone_t::init

Definition at line 56 of file box_point_zone.f90.

◆ init_base()

procedure, pass(this) point_zone::point_zone_t::init_base

Definition at line 65 of file point_zone.f90.

◆ map()

procedure, pass(this) point_zone::point_zone_t::map

Definition at line 74 of file point_zone.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ finalized

logical, private point_zone::point_zone_t::finalized = .false.

Definition at line 58 of file point_zone.f90.

◆ invert

logical point_zone::point_zone_t::invert = .false.

Definition at line 62 of file point_zone.f90.

◆ mask

integer, dimension(:), allocatable point_zone::point_zone_t::mask

Definition at line 49 of file point_zone.f90.

◆ mask_d

type(c_ptr) point_zone::point_zone_t::mask_d = c_null_ptr

Definition at line 51 of file point_zone.f90.

◆ name

character(len=80) point_zone::point_zone_t::name

Definition at line 60 of file point_zone.f90.

◆ scratch

type(stack_i4_t), private point_zone::point_zone_t::scratch

Definition at line 53 of file point_zone.f90.

◆ size

integer point_zone::point_zone_t::size = 0

Definition at line 55 of file point_zone.f90.

◆ xmax

real(kind=rp) box_point_zone::box_point_zone_t::xmax

Definition at line 49 of file box_point_zone.f90.

◆ xmin

real(kind=rp) box_point_zone::box_point_zone_t::xmin

Definition at line 48 of file box_point_zone.f90.

◆ ymax

real(kind=rp) box_point_zone::box_point_zone_t::ymax

Definition at line 51 of file box_point_zone.f90.

◆ ymin

real(kind=rp) box_point_zone::box_point_zone_t::ymin

Definition at line 50 of file box_point_zone.f90.

◆ zmax

real(kind=rp) box_point_zone::box_point_zone_t::zmax

Definition at line 53 of file box_point_zone.f90.

◆ zmin

real(kind=rp) box_point_zone::box_point_zone_t::zmin

Definition at line 52 of file box_point_zone.f90.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: