procedure, pass(this), public | pop (this) |
| Pop a curve element of the stack.
procedure, pass(this), public | array (this) |
| Return a pointer to the internal curve element array.
procedure, non_overridable, pass(this) | init (this, size) |
| Initialize a stack of arbitrary type.
procedure, non_overridable, pass(this) | free (this) |
| Destroy a stack.
procedure, non_overridable, pass(this) | clear (this) |
| Clear all entries of a stack.
procedure, non_overridable, pass(this) | size (this) |
| Return number of entries in the stack.
procedure, non_overridable, pass(this) | is_empty (this) |
| Return true if the stack is empty.
procedure, non_overridable, pass(this) | push (this, data) |
| Push data onto the stack.
Definition at line 112 of file stack.f90.