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subroutine | scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_init (this, msh, coef, gs, params, user, ulag, vlag, wlag, time_scheme, rho) |
| Boundary condition factory. Both constructs and initializes the object.
subroutine | scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_restart (this, dtlag, tlag) |
| I envision the arguments to this func might need to be expanded.
subroutine | scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_free (this) |
subroutine | scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_step (this, t, tstep, dt, ext_bdf, dt_controller) |
subroutine | scalar_pnpn::print_debug (this) |
subroutine | scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_setup_bcs_ (this, user) |
| Initialize boundary conditions.