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module | fld_file_data |
| Simple module to handle fld file series. Provides an interface to the different fields sotred in a fld file Also provides simple functions to scale and add different fld files. An example of using this module is shown in contrib/average_fields.f90 The fld_file_data_t should dynamically update each time one reads a new fld file. Martin Karp 1/2-2023.
subroutine | fld_file_data::fld_file_data_init (this, nelv, offset_el) |
| Initialise a fld_file_data object with nelv elements with a offset_nel.
integer function | fld_file_data::fld_file_data_size (this) |
| Get number of fields in this fld file.
subroutine | fld_file_data::fld_file_data_init_same (this, fld_file, n) |
| Genereate same fields as in another fld_file.
subroutine | fld_file_data::fld_file_data_init_n_fields (this, n_fields, n) |
| Genereate same fields as in another fld_file.
subroutine | fld_file_data::fld_file_data_get_list (this, ptr_list, n) |
| Get a list with pointers to the fields in the fld file.
subroutine | fld_file_data::fld_file_data_scale (this, c) |
| Scale the values stored in this fld_file_data.
subroutine | fld_file_data::fld_file_data_add (this, fld_data_add) |
| Add the values in another fld file to this.
subroutine | fld_file_data::fld_file_data_free (this) |
| Deallocate fld file data type.
type(global_interpolation_t) function | fld_file_data::fld_file_data_generate_interpolator (this, to_dof, to_msh, tolerance) |
| Generates a global_interpolation object to interpolate the fld data.