subroutine, public | device_dynamic_smagorinsky_nut::device_s_abs_compute (s_abs_d, s11_d, s22_d, s33_d, s12_d, s13_d, s23_d, n) |
| Compute the s_abs field for the Sigma model indevice.
subroutine, public | device_dynamic_smagorinsky_nut::device_lij_compute_part1 (l11_d, l22_d, l33_d, l12_d, l13_d, l23_d, u_d, v_d, w_d, fu_d, fv_d, fw_d, fuu_d, fvv_d, fww_d, fuv_d, fuw_d, fvw_d, n) |
| part 1 of the computing of the lij field
subroutine, public | device_dynamic_smagorinsky_nut::device_lij_compute_part2 (l11_d, l22_d, l33_d, l12_d, l13_d, l23_d, fuu_d, fvv_d, fww_d, fuv_d, fuw_d, fvw_d, n) |
| part 2 of the computing of the lij field
subroutine, public | device_dynamic_smagorinsky_nut::device_mij_compute_part1 (m11_d, m22_d, m33_d, m12_d, m13_d, m23_d, s_abs_d, s11_d, s22_d, s33_d, s12_d, s13_d, s23_d, fs_abs_d, fs11_d, fs22_d, fs33_d, fs12_d, fs13_d, fs23_d, fsabss11_d, fsabss22_d, fsabss33_d, fsabss12_d, fsabss13_d, fsabss23_d, delta_ratio2, n) |
| part 1 of the computing of the mij field
subroutine, public | device_dynamic_smagorinsky_nut::device_mij_nut_compute_part2 (m11_d, m22_d, m33_d, m12_d, m13_d, m23_d, l11_d, l22_d, l33_d, l12_d, l13_d, l23_d, fsabss11_d, fsabss22_d, fsabss33_d, fsabss12_d, fsabss13_d, fsabss23_d, num_d, den_d, c_dyn_d, delta_d, s_abs_d, nut_d, alpha, mult_d, n) |
| part 1 of the computing of the mij field