subroutine | htable::htable_init (this, size, key, data) |
| Initialize a hash table of type data.
subroutine | htable::htable_free (this) |
| Destroy a hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_clear (this) |
| Clear all entries in a hash table.
pure integer function | htable::htable_num_entries (this) |
| Return number of entries in the table.
pure integer function | htable::htable_size (this) |
| Return total size of htable.
recursive subroutine | htable::htable_set (this, key, data) |
| Insert tuple (key, value) into the hash table.
integer function | htable::htable_get (this, key, data) |
| Retrieve data associated with key into the hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_remove (this, key) |
| Remove a key from the hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_set_data (this, idx, data) |
| Set data at idx to value.
subroutine | htable::htable_get_data (this, idx, data) |
| Return data at idx in value.
pure logical function | htable::htable_eq_key (this, idx, key) |
| Compare key at idx to key.
subroutine | htable::htable_set_key (this, idx, key) |
| Set key at idx to key.
logical function | htable::htable_iter_next (this) |
| Advance the iterator to the next valid table entry.
subroutine | htable::htable_iter_reset (this) |
| Reset an iterator.
subroutine | htable::htable_iter_data (this, data) |
| Return the data at the current iterator position.
subroutine | htable::htable_i4_init (this, size, data) |
| Initialize an integer based hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_i4_set (this, key, data) |
| Insert an integer into the hash table.
integer function | htable::htable_i4_get (this, key, data) |
| Retrive an integer with key key from the hash table.
pure integer function | htable::htable_i4_hash (this, k, c) |
| Hash function for an integer based hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_i4_remove (this, key) |
| Remove an integer with key key from the hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_iter_i4_init (this, t) |
| Initialize an integer based hash table iterator.
subroutine | htable::htable_iter_i4_free (this) |
| Destroy an integer based hash table iterator.
integer function, pointer | htable::htable_iter_i4_value (this) |
| Return the current value of the integer based hash table iterator.
integer function, pointer | htable::htable_iter_i4_key (this) |
| Return the current key of the integer based hash table iterator.
subroutine | htable::htable_i8_init (this, size, data) |
| Initialize an integer*8 based hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_i8_set (this, key, data) |
| Insert an integer*8 into the hash table.
integer function | htable::htable_i8_get (this, key, data) |
| Retrive an integer*8 with key key from the hash table.
pure integer function | htable::htable_i8_hash (this, k, c) |
| Hash function for an integer*8 based hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_i8_remove (this, key) |
| Remove an integer*8 with key key from the hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_iter_i8_init (this, t) |
| Initialize an integer*8 based hash table iterator.
subroutine | htable::htable_iter_i8_free (this) |
| Destroy an integer*8 based hash table iterator.
integer(kind=i8) function, pointer | htable::htable_iter_i8_value (this) |
| Return the current value of the integer*8 based hash table iterator.
integer(kind=i8) function, pointer | htable::htable_iter_i8_key (this) |
| Return the current key of the integer*8 based hash table iterator.
subroutine | htable::htable_r8_init (this, size, data) |
| Initialize a double precision based hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_r8_set (this, key, data) |
| Insert a double precision key (with data) into the hash table.
integer function | htable::htable_r8_get (this, key, data) |
| Retrive a double precision float with key key from the hash table.
pure integer function | htable::htable_r8_hash (this, k, c) |
| Hash function for a double precision based hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_r8_remove (this, key) |
| Remove a double precision key key from the hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_iter_r8_init (this, t) |
| Initialize a double precision based hash table iterator.
subroutine | htable::htable_iter_r8_free (this) |
| Destroy a double precision based hash table iterator.
real(kind=dp) function, pointer | htable::htable_iter_r8_value (this) |
| Return the current value of the double precision based hash table iterator.
real(kind=dp) function, pointer | htable::htable_iter_r8_key (this) |
| Return the current key of the double precision based hash table iterator.
subroutine | htable::htable_pt_init (this, size, data) |
| Initialize a point based hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_pt_set (this, key, data) |
| Insert a point key (with data) into the hash table.
integer function | htable::htable_pt_get (this, key, data) |
| Retrive a point with key key from the hash table.
pure integer function | htable::htable_pt_hash (this, k, c) |
| Hash function for a point based hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_pt_remove (this, key) |
| Remove a point with key key from the hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_iter_pt_init (this, t) |
| Initialize a point based hash table iterator.
subroutine | htable::htable_iter_pt_free (this) |
| Destroy a point based hash table iterator.
type(point_t) function, pointer | htable::htable_iter_pt_value (this) |
| Return the current value of the point based hash table iterator.
type(point_t) function, pointer | htable::htable_iter_pt_key (this) |
| Return the current key of the point based hash table iterator.
subroutine | htable::htable_i4t2_init (this, size, data) |
| Initialize an integer 2-tuple hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_i4t2_set (this, key, data) |
| Insert an integer 2-tuple into the hash table.
integer function | htable::htable_i4t2_get (this, key, data) |
| Retrive an integer 2-tuple with key key from the hash table.
pure integer function | htable::htable_i4t2_hash (this, k, c) |
| Hash function for an integer 2-tuple hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_i4t2_remove (this, key) |
| Remove an integer 2-tuple with key key from the hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_iter_i4t2_init (this, t) |
| Initialize an integer 2-tuple based hash table iterator.
subroutine | htable::htable_iter_i4t2_free (this) |
| Destroy an integer 2-tuple based hash table iterator.
type(tuple_i4_t) function, pointer | htable::htable_iter_i4t2_value (this) |
| Return the current value of integer based 2-tuple hash table iterator.
type(tuple_i4_t) function, pointer | htable::htable_iter_i4t2_key (this) |
| Return the current key of integer based 2-tuple hash table iterator.
subroutine | htable::htable_i4t4_init (this, size, data) |
| Initialize an integer 4-tuple hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_i4t4_set (this, key, data) |
| Insert an integer 4-tuple into the hash table.
integer function | htable::htable_i4t4_get (this, key, data) |
| Retrive an integer 4-tuple with key key from the hash table.
pure integer function | htable::htable_i4t4_hash (this, k, c) |
| Hash function for an integer 4-tuple hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_i4t4_remove (this, key) |
| Remove an integer 4-tuple with key key from the hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_iter_i4t4_init (this, t) |
| Initialize an integer 4-tuple based hash table iterator.
subroutine | htable::htable_iter_i4t4_free (this) |
| Destroy an integer 4-tuple based hash table iterator.
type(tuple4_i4_t) function, pointer | htable::htable_iter_i4t4_value (this) |
| Return the current value of integer based 4-tuple hash table iterator.
type(tuple4_i4_t) function, pointer | htable::htable_iter_i4t4_key (this) |
| Return the current key of integer based 4-tuple hash table iterator.
subroutine | htable::htable_cptr_init (this, size, data) |
| Initialize a C pointer based hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_cptr_set (this, key, data) |
| Insert a C pointer into the hash table.
integer function | htable::htable_cptr_get (this, key, data) |
| Retrive a C pointer with key key from the hash table.
pure integer function | htable::htable_cptr_hash (this, k, c) |
| Hash function for an integer 4-tuple hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_cptr_remove (this, key) |
| Remove a C pointer with key key from the hash table.
subroutine | htable::htable_iter_cptr_init (this, t) |
| Initialize a C pointer based hash table iterator.
subroutine | htable::htable_iter_cptr_free (this) |
| Destroy a C pointer based hash table iterator.
type(h_cptr_t) function, pointer | htable::htable_iter_cptr_value (this) |
| Return the current value of C pointer based hash table iterator.
type(h_cptr_t) function, pointer | htable::htable_iter_cptr_key (this) |
| Return the current key of a C pointer based hash table iterator.