subroutine | spectral_error::spectral_error_init (this, json, case) |
| Constructor.
subroutine | spectral_error::spectral_error_init_from_attributes (this, coef) |
| Actual constructor.
subroutine | spectral_error::spectral_error_free (this) |
| Destructor.
subroutine | spectral_error::spectral_error_compute (this, t, tstep) |
| Compute the spectral error indicator.
subroutine | spectral_error::transform_to_spec_or_phys (u_hat, u, wk, coef, space) |
| Transform a field u to u_hat into physical or spectral space the result of the transformation is in u_hat.
subroutine | spectral_error::spectral_error_get_indicators (this, coef) |
| Transform and get the spectral error indicators.
subroutine | spectral_error::spectral_error_write (this, t) |
| Write error indicators in a field file.
subroutine | spectral_error::calculate_indicators (this, coef, eind, sig, lnelt, lx1, ly1, lz1, var) |
| Wrapper for old fortran 77 subroutines.
subroutine | spectral_error::speri_var (this, est, sig, var, nell, xa, xb, lx1, ly1, lz1) |
| Calculate the indicator in a specified variable.
subroutine | spectral_error::speri_extrap (this, estx, sigx, coef11, coef, ix_st, ix_en, nyl, nzl) |
| Extrapolate the Legendre spectrum from the last points.