Neko 0.9.99
A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow simulations
No Matches
operators.f90 File Reference

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module  operators


subroutine, public operators::dudxyz (du, u, dr, ds, dt, coef)
 Compute derivative of a scalar field along a single direction.
subroutine, public operators::div (res, ux, uy, uz, coef)
 Compute the divergence of a vector field.
subroutine, public operators::grad (ux, uy, uz, u, coef)
 Compute the gradient of a scalar field.
subroutine, public operators::opgrad (ux, uy, uz, u, coef, es, ee)
 Compute the weak gradient of a scalar field, i.e. the gradient multiplied by the mass matrix.
subroutine, public operators::ortho (x, glb_n_points, n)
 Othogonalize with regard to vector (1,1,1,1,1,1...,1)^T.
subroutine, public operators::cdtp (dtx, x, dr, ds, dt, coef, es, ee)
 Apply D^T to a scalar field, where D is the derivative matrix.
subroutine, public operators::conv1 (du, u, vx, vy, vz, xh, coef, es, ee)
 Compute the advection term.
subroutine operators::convect_scalar (du, u, c, xh_gll, xh_gl, coef_gll, coef_gl, gll_to_gl)
 Apply the convecting velocity c to the to the scalar field u, used in the OIFS scheme.
subroutine, public operators::curl (w1, w2, w3, u1, u2, u3, work1, work2, coef)
real(kind=rp) function, public operators::cfl (dt, u, v, w, xh, coef, nelv, gdim)
subroutine, public operators::strain_rate (s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23, u, v, w, coef)
 Compute the strain rate tensor, i.e 0.5 * du_i/dx_j + du_j/dx_i.
subroutine, public operators::lambda2op (lambda2, u, v, w, coef)
 Compute the Lambda2 field for a given velocity field.
subroutine, public operators::set_convect_rst (cr, cs, ct, cx, cy, cz, xh, coef)
 Transforms the convecting velocity field to the rst form of the GL space.
subroutine, public operators::runge_kutta (phi, c_r1, c_r23, c_r4, xh_gll, xh_gl, coef, coef_gl, gll_to_gl, tau, dtau, n, nel, n_gl)
 Compute one step of Runge Kutta time interpolation for OIFS scheme.