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subroutine | elementwise_filter::elementwise_filter_init_from_json (this, json, coef) |
| Constructor.
subroutine | elementwise_filter::elementwise_filter_init_from_attributes (this, nx, filter_type) |
| Actual Constructor.
subroutine | elementwise_filter::elementwise_filter_free (this) |
| Destructor.
subroutine | elementwise_filter::build_1d (this) |
| Build the 1d filter for an element.
subroutine | elementwise_filter::elementwise_field_filter_3d (this, f_out, f_in) |
| Filter a 3D field.
subroutine | elementwise_filter::build_1d_cpu (fh, fht, trnsfr, nx, filter_type) |
| Build the 1d filter for an element on the CPU. Suppose field x is filtered into x_hat by x_hat = fh*x.