46 public :: opr_cpu_dudxyz, opr_cpu_opgrad, opr_cpu_cdtp, &
48 opr_cpu_convect_scalar, opr_cpu_set_convect_rst
51 module subroutine opr_cpu_dudxyz(du, u, dr, ds, dt, coef)
52 type(coef_t),
target :: coef
53 real(kind=
intent(inout), &
54 dimension(coef%Xh%lx, coef%Xh%ly, coef%Xh%lz, coef%msh%nelv) :: du
55 real(kind=
intent(in), &
56 dimension(coef%Xh%lx, coef%Xh%ly, coef%Xh%lz, coef%msh%nelv) :: &
58 end subroutine opr_cpu_dudxyz
60 module subroutine opr_cpu_opgrad(ux, uy, uz, u, coef, e_start, e_end)
61 type(coef_t),
intent(in) :: coef
62 integer,
intent(in) :: e_start, e_end
63 real(kind=
intent(inout) :: ux(coef%Xh%lxyz, e_end - e_start + 1)
64 real(kind=
intent(inout) :: uy(coef%Xh%lxyz, e_end - e_start + 1)
65 real(kind=
intent(inout) :: uz(coef%Xh%lxyz, e_end - e_start + 1)
66 real(kind=
intent(in) :: u(coef%Xh%lxyz, e_end - e_start + 1)
67 end subroutine opr_cpu_opgrad
69 module subroutine opr_cpu_cdtp(dtx, x, dr, ds, dt, coef, e_start, e_end)
70 type(coef_t),
intent(in) :: coef
71 integer,
intent(in) :: e_start, e_end
72 real(kind=
intent(inout) :: dtx(coef%Xh%lxyz, e_end - e_start + 1)
73 real(kind=
intent(inout) :: x(coef%Xh%lxyz, e_end - e_start + 1)
74 real(kind=
intent(in) :: dr(coef%Xh%lxyz, e_end - e_start + 1)
75 real(kind=
intent(in) :: ds(coef%Xh%lxyz, e_end - e_start + 1)
76 real(kind=
intent(in) :: dt(coef%Xh%lxyz, e_end - e_start + 1)
77 end subroutine opr_cpu_cdtp
79 module subroutine opr_cpu_conv1(du, u, vx, vy, vz, xh, &
81 type(space_t),
intent(in) :: Xh
82 type(coef_t),
intent(in) :: coef
83 integer,
intent(in) :: e_start, e_end
84 real(kind=
intent(inout) :: du(xh%lxyz, e_end - e_start + 1)
85 real(kind=
intent(inout) :: &
86 u(xh%lx, xh%ly, xh%lz, e_end - e_start + 1)
87 real(kind=
intent(inout) :: &
88 vx(xh%lx, xh%ly, xh%lz, e_end - e_start + 1)
89 real(kind=
intent(inout) :: &
90 vy(xh%lx, xh%ly, xh%lz, e_end - e_start + 1)
91 real(kind=
intent(inout) :: &
92 vz(xh%lx, xh%ly, xh%lz, e_end - e_start + 1)
93 end subroutine opr_cpu_conv1
95 module subroutine opr_cpu_convect_scalar(du, u, c, xh_gll, xh_gl, &
96 coef_gll, coef_gl, gll_to_gl)
97 type(space_t),
intent(in) :: Xh_GL
98 type(space_t),
intent(in) :: Xh_GLL
99 type(coef_t),
intent(in) :: coef_GLL
100 type(coef_t),
intent(in) :: coef_GL
101 type(interpolator_t),
intent(inout) :: GLL_to_GL
102 real(kind=
intent(inout) :: &
103 du(xh_gll%lx, xh_gll%ly, xh_gll%lz, coef_gl%msh%nelv)
104 real(kind=
intent(inout) :: &
105 u(xh_gl%lx, xh_gl%lx, xh_gl%lx, coef_gl%msh%nelv)
106 real(kind=
intent(inout) :: c(xh_gl%lxyz, coef_gl%msh%nelv, 3)
108 end subroutine opr_cpu_convect_scalar
110 module subroutine opr_cpu_set_convect_rst(cr, cs, ct, cx, cy, cz, &
112 type(space_t),
intent(inout) :: Xh
113 type(coef_t),
intent(inout) :: coef
114 real(kind=
dimension(Xh%lxyz, coef%msh%nelv), &
115 intent(inout) :: cr, cs, ct
116 real(kind=
dimension(Xh%lxyz, coef%msh%nelv), &
117 intent(in) :: cx, cy, cz
118 end subroutine opr_cpu_set_convect_rst
123 subroutine opr_cpu_curl(w1, w2, w3, u1, u2, u3, work1, work2, c_Xh)
124 type(
intent(inout) :: w1
125 type(
intent(inout) :: w2
126 type(
intent(inout) :: w3
127 type(
intent(inout) :: u1
128 type(
intent(inout) :: u2
129 type(
intent(inout) :: u3
130 type(
intent(inout) :: work1
131 type(
intent(inout) :: work2
132 type(
intent(in) :: c_xh
139 call opr_cpu_dudxyz(work1%x, u3%x, c_xh%drdy, c_xh%dsdy, c_xh%dtdy, c_xh)
140 if (gdim .eq. 3)
141 call opr_cpu_dudxyz(work2%x, u2%x, c_xh%drdz, c_xh%dsdz, &
143 call sub3(w1%x, work1%x, work2%x, n)
145 call copy(w1%x, work1%x, n)
148 if (gdim .eq. 3)
149 call opr_cpu_dudxyz(work1%x, u1%x, c_xh%drdz, c_xh%dsdz, &
151 call opr_cpu_dudxyz(work2%x, u3%x, c_xh%drdx, c_xh%dsdx, &
153 call sub3(w2%x, work1%x, work2%x, n)
155 call rzero(work1%x, n)
156 call opr_cpu_dudxyz(work2%x, u3%x, c_xh%drdx, c_xh%dsdx, &
158 call sub3(w2%x, work1%x, work2%x, n)
161 call opr_cpu_dudxyz(work1%x, u2%x, c_xh%drdx, c_xh%dsdx, c_xh%dtdx, c_xh)
162 call opr_cpu_dudxyz(work2%x, u1%x, c_xh%drdy, c_xh%dsdy, c_xh%dtdy, c_xh)
163 call sub3(w3%x, work1%x, work2%x, n)
166 call opcolv(w1%x, w2%x, w3%x, c_xh%B, gdim, n)
167 call c_xh%gs_h%op(w1, gs_op_add)
168 call c_xh%gs_h%op(w2, gs_op_add)
169 call c_xh%gs_h%op(w3, gs_op_add)
170 call opcolv(w1%x, w2%x, w3%x, c_xh%Binv, gdim, n)
172 end subroutine opr_cpu_curl
174 function opr_cpu_cfl(dt, u, v, w, Xh, coef, nelv, gdim)
177 integer :: nelv, gdim
179 real(kind=
dimension(Xh%lx, Xh%ly, Xh%lz, nelv) :: u, v, w
180 real(kind=
rp) :: cflr, cfls, cflt, cflm
181 real(kind=
rp) :: ur, us, ut
183 integer :: i, j, k, e
185 if (gdim .eq. 3)
190 ur = ( u(i,j,k,e)*coef%drdx(i,j,k,e) &
191 + v(i,j,k,e)*coef%drdy(i,j,k,e) &
192 + w(i,j,k,e)*coef%drdz(i,j,k,e) ) &
193 * coef%jacinv(i,j,k,e)
194 us = ( u(i,j,k,e)*coef%dsdx(i,j,k,e) &
195 + v(i,j,k,e)*coef%dsdy(i,j,k,e) &
196 + w(i,j,k,e)*coef%dsdz(i,j,k,e) ) &
197 * coef%jacinv(i,j,k,e)
198 ut = ( u(i,j,k,e)*coef%dtdx(i,j,k,e) &
199 + v(i,j,k,e)*coef%dtdy(i,j,k,e) &
200 + w(i,j,k,e)*coef%dtdz(i,j,k,e) ) &
201 * coef%jacinv(i,j,k,e)
203 cflr = abs(dt*ur*xh%dr_inv(i))
204 cfls = abs(dt*us*xh%ds_inv(j))
205 cflt = abs(dt*ut*xh%dt_inv(k))
207 cflm = cflr + cfls + cflt
217 ur = ( u(i,j,1,e)*coef%drdx(i,j,1,e) &
218 + v(i,j,1,e)*coef%drdy(i,j,1,e) ) * coef%jacinv(i,j,1,e)
219 us = ( u(i,j,1,e)*coef%dsdx(i,j,1,e) &
220 + v(i,j,1,e)*coef%dsdy(i,j,1,e) ) * coef%jacinv(i,j,1,e)
222 cflr = abs(dt*ur*xh%dr_inv(i))
223 cfls = abs(dt*us*xh%ds_inv(j))
232 end function opr_cpu_cfl
234 subroutine opr_cpu_lambda2(lambda2, u, v, w, coef)
235 type(
intent(in) :: coef
237 type(
intent(in) :: u, v, w
238 real(kind=
rp) :: grad(coef%Xh%lxyz,3,3)
240 real(kind=
xp) :: eigen(3), b, c, d, q, r, theta, l2
241 real(kind=
xp) :: s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23, o12, o13, o23
242 real(kind=
xp) :: a11, a22, a33, a12, a13, a23
243 real(kind=
xp) :: msk1, msk2, msk3
245 do e = 1, coef%msh%nelv
246 call opr_cpu_opgrad(grad(1,1,1), grad(1,1,2), grad(1,1,3), &
247 u%x(1,1,1,e), coef,e,e)
248 call opr_cpu_opgrad(grad(1,2,1), grad(1,2,2), grad(1,2,3), &
249 v%x(1,1,1,e), coef,e,e)
250 call opr_cpu_opgrad(grad(1,3,1), grad(1,3,2), grad(1,3,3), &
251 w%x(1,1,1,e), coef,e,e)
253 do i = 1, coef%Xh%lxyz
259 s12 = 0.5_xp*(grad(i,1,2) + grad(i,2,1))
260 s13 = 0.5_xp*(grad(i,1,3) + grad(i,3,1))
261 s23 = 0.5_xp*(grad(i,2,3) + grad(i,3,2))
263 o12 = 0.5_xp*(grad(i,1,2) - grad(i,2,1))
264 o13 = 0.5_xp*(grad(i,1,3) - grad(i,3,1))
265 o23 = 0.5_xp*(grad(i,2,3) - grad(i,3,2))
267 a11 = s11*s11 + s12*s12 + s13*s13 - o12*o12 - o13*o13
268 a12 = s11 * s12 + s12 * s22 + s13 * s23 - o13 * o23
269 a13 = s11 * s13 + s12 * s23 + s13 * s33 + o12 * o23
271 a22 = s12*s12 + s22*s22 + s23*s23 - o12*o12 - o23*o23
272 a23 = s12 * s13 + s22 * s23 + s23 * s33 - o12 * o13
273 a33 = s13*s13 + s23*s23 + s33*s33 - o13*o13 - o23*o23
276 b = -(a11 + a22 + a33)
277 c = -(a12*a12 + a13*a13 + a23*a23 &
278 - a11 * a22 - a11 * a33 - a22 * a33)
279 d = -(2.0_xp * a12 * a13 * a23 - a11 * a23*a23 &
280 - a22 * a13*a13 - a33 * a12*a12 + a11 * a22 * a33)
283 q = (3.0_xp * c - b*b) / 9.0_xp
284 r = (9.0_xp * c * b - 27.0_xp * d - 2.0_xp * b*b*b) / 54.0_xp
285 theta = acos( r / sqrt(-q*q*q) )
287 eigen(1) = 2.0_xp * sqrt(-q) * cos(theta / 3.0_xp) - b / 3.0_xp
288 eigen(2) = 2.0_xp * sqrt(-q) * cos((theta + 2.0_xp *
pi) / 3.0_xp) - b / 3.0_xp
289 eigen(3) = 2.0_xp * sqrt(-q) * cos((theta + 4.0_xp *
pi) / 3.0_xp) - b / 3.0_xp
290 msk1 = merge(1.0_rp, 0.0_rp, eigen(2) .le. eigen(1) &
291 .and. eigen(1) .le. eigen(3) .or. eigen(3) &
292 .le. eigen(1) .and. eigen(1) .le. eigen(2) )
293 msk2 = merge(1.0_rp, 0.0_rp, eigen(1) .le. eigen(2) &
294 .and. eigen(2) .le. eigen(3) .or. eigen(3) &
295 .le. eigen(2) .and. eigen(2) .le. eigen(1))
296 msk3 = merge(1.0_rp, 0.0_rp, eigen(1) .le. eigen(3) &
297 .and. eigen(3) .le. eigen(2) .or. eigen(2) &
298 .le. eigen(3) .and. eigen(3) .le. eigen(1))
300 l2 = msk1 * eigen(1) + msk2 * eigen(2) + msk3 * eigen(3)
305 end subroutine opr_cpu_lambda2
Routines to interpolate between different spaces.
A simulation component that computes lambda2 The values are stored in the field registry under the na...
real(kind=rp), parameter, public pi
subroutine, public sub3(a, b, c, n)
Vector subtraction .
subroutine, public copy(a, b, n)
Copy a vector .
subroutine, public rzero(a, n)
Zero a real vector.
Collection of vector field operations operating on and . Note that in general the indices and ....
subroutine, public opcolv(a1, a2, a3, c, gdim, n)
integer, parameter, public xp
integer, parameter, public dp
integer, parameter, public rp
Global precision used in computations.
subroutine, public opr_cpu_curl(w1, w2, w3, u1, u2, u3, work1, work2, c_xh)
real(kind=rp) function, public opr_cpu_cfl(dt, u, v, w, xh, coef, nelv, gdim)
subroutine, public opr_cpu_lambda2(lambda2, u, v, w, coef)
Defines a function space.
Coefficients defined on a given (mesh, ) tuple. Arrays use indices (i,j,k,e): element e,...
Interpolation between two space::space_t.
The function space for the SEM solution fields.