Neko  0.8.1
A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow simulations
scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t Type Reference
Inheritance diagram for scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t:
Collaboration diagram for scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t:

Public Member Functions

procedure, pass(this) init => scalar_pnpn_init
 Constructor. More...
procedure, pass(this) restart => scalar_pnpn_restart
 To restart. More...
procedure, pass(this) free => scalar_pnpn_free
 Destructor. More...
procedure, pass(this) step => scalar_pnpn_step
 Solve for the current timestep. More...
procedure, pass(this) scheme_init => scalar_scheme_init
 Constructor for the base type. More...
procedure, pass(this) scheme_free => scalar_scheme_free
 Destructor for the base type. More...
procedure, pass(this) validate => scalar_scheme_validate
 Validate successful initialization. More...
procedure, pass(this) set_user_bc => scalar_scheme_set_user_bc
 Assings the evaluation function for user_bc. More...

Public Attributes

 The residual of the transport equation. More...
 Solution increment. More...
class(ax_t), allocatable ax
 Helmholz operator. More...
 Solution projection. More...
 Dirichlet conditions for the residual Collects all the Dirichlet condition facets into one bc and applies 0, Since the values never change there during the solve. More...
 A bc list for the bc_res. Contains only that, essentially just to wrap the if statement determining whether to apply on the device or CPU. More...
class(advection_t), allocatable adv
 Advection operator. More...
class(scalar_residual_t), allocatable res
 Computes the residual. More...
class(rhs_maker_ext_t), allocatable makeext
 Contributions to kth order extrapolation scheme. More...
class(rhs_maker_bdf_t), allocatable makebdf
 Contributions to the RHS from lagged BDF terms. More...
type(field_t), pointer u
 x-component of Velocity More...
type(field_t), pointer v
 y-component of Velocity More...
type(field_t), pointer w
 z-component of Velocity More...
type(field_t), pointer s
 The scalar. More...
 Lag arrays, i.e. solutions at previous timesteps. More...
type(space_t), pointer xh
 Function space \( X_h \). More...
type(dofmap_t), pointer dm_xh
 Dofmap associated with \( X_h \). More...
type(gs_t), pointer gs_xh
 Gather-scatter associated with \( X_h \). More...
type(coef_t), pointer c_xh
 Coefficients associated with \( X_h \). More...
type(field_t), pointer f_xh => null()
 Right-hand side. More...
type(scalar_source_term_t) source_term
 The source term for equation. More...
class(ksp_t), allocatable ksp
 Krylov solver. More...
integer ksp_maxiter
 Max iterations in the Krylov solver. More...
integer projection_dim
 Projection space size. More...
integer projection_activ_step
class(pc_t), allocatable pc
 Preconditioner. More...
type(dirichlet_t), dimension(neko_msh_max_zlbls) dir_bcs
 Dirichlet conditions. More...
type(field_dirichlet_t) field_dir_bc
 Field Dirichlet conditions. More...
procedure(field_dirichlet_update), pointer, nopass dirichlet_update_ => null()
 Pointer to user_dirichlet_update to be called in fluid_scheme_step. More...
 List of BC objects to pass to user_dirichlet_update. More...
type(field_list_t) field_dirichlet_fields
type(neumann_t), dimension(neko_msh_max_zlbls) neumann_bcs
 Neumann conditions. More...
type(usr_scalar_t) user_bc
 User Dirichlet conditions. More...
integer n_dir_bcs = 0
 Number of Dirichlet bcs. More...
integer n_neumann_bcs = 0
 Number of Neumann bcs. More...
 List of Dirichlet boundary conditions, including the user one. More...
 List of Neumann conditions list. More...
type(json_file), pointer params
 Case paramters. More...
type(mesh_t), pointer msh => null()
 Mesh. More...
 Checkpoint for restarts. More...
real(kind=rp), pointer lambda
 Thermal diffusivity. More...
real(kind=rp), pointer rho
 Density. More...
real(kind=rp), pointer cp
 Specific heat capacity. More...
character(len=neko_msh_max_zlbl_len), dimension(:), allocatable bc_labels
 Boundary condition labels (if any) More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 76 of file scalar_pnpn.f90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ free()

procedure, pass(this) scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t::free


Definition at line 120 of file scalar_pnpn.f90.

◆ init()

procedure, pass(this) scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t::init


Definition at line 116 of file scalar_pnpn.f90.

◆ restart()

procedure, pass(this) scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t::restart

To restart.

Definition at line 118 of file scalar_pnpn.f90.

◆ scheme_free()

procedure, pass(this) scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::scheme_free

Destructor for the base type.

Definition at line 149 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ scheme_init()

procedure, pass(this) scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::scheme_init

Constructor for the base type.

Definition at line 147 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ set_user_bc()

procedure, pass(this) scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::set_user_bc

Assings the evaluation function for user_bc.

Definition at line 153 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ step()

procedure, pass(this) scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t::step

Solve for the current timestep.

Definition at line 122 of file scalar_pnpn.f90.

◆ validate()

procedure, pass(this) scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::validate

Validate successful initialization.

Definition at line 151 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ abx1

type(field_t) scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t::abx1

Definition at line 103 of file scalar_pnpn.f90.

◆ abx2

type(field_t) scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t::abx2

Definition at line 103 of file scalar_pnpn.f90.

◆ adv

class(advection_t), allocatable scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t::adv

Advection operator.

Definition at line 100 of file scalar_pnpn.f90.

◆ ax

class(ax_t), allocatable scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t::ax

Helmholz operator.

Definition at line 85 of file scalar_pnpn.f90.

◆ bc_labels

character(len=neko_msh_max_zlbl_len), dimension(:), allocatable scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::bc_labels

Boundary condition labels (if any)

Definition at line 144 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ bc_res

type(dirichlet_t) scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t::bc_res

Dirichlet conditions for the residual Collects all the Dirichlet condition facets into one bc and applies 0, Since the values never change there during the solve.

Definition at line 93 of file scalar_pnpn.f90.

◆ bclst_dirichlet

type(bc_list_t) scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::bclst_dirichlet

List of Dirichlet boundary conditions, including the user one.

Definition at line 128 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ bclst_ds

type(bc_list_t) scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t::bclst_ds

A bc list for the bc_res. Contains only that, essentially just to wrap the if statement determining whether to apply on the device or CPU.

Definition at line 97 of file scalar_pnpn.f90.

◆ bclst_neumann

type(bc_list_t) scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::bclst_neumann

List of Neumann conditions list.

Definition at line 130 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ c_xh

type(coef_t), pointer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::c_xh

Coefficients associated with \( X_h \).

Definition at line 93 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ chkp

type(chkp_t) scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::chkp

Checkpoint for restarts.

Definition at line 136 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ cp

real(kind=rp), pointer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::cp

Specific heat capacity.

Definition at line 142 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ dir_bcs

type(dirichlet_t), dimension(neko_msh_max_zlbls) scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::dir_bcs

Dirichlet conditions.

Definition at line 109 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ dirichlet_update_

procedure(field_dirichlet_update), pointer, nopass scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::dirichlet_update_ => null()

Pointer to user_dirichlet_update to be called in fluid_scheme_step.

Definition at line 113 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ dm_xh

type(dofmap_t), pointer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::dm_xh

Dofmap associated with \( X_h \).

Definition at line 89 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ ds

type(field_t) scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t::ds

Solution increment.

Definition at line 82 of file scalar_pnpn.f90.

◆ f_xh

type(field_t), pointer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::f_xh => null()

Right-hand side.

Definition at line 95 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ field_dir_bc

type(field_dirichlet_t) scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::field_dir_bc

Field Dirichlet conditions.

Definition at line 111 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ field_dirichlet_bcs

type(bc_list_t) scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::field_dirichlet_bcs

List of BC objects to pass to user_dirichlet_update.

List of fields to pass to user_dirichlet_update

Definition at line 116 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ field_dirichlet_fields

type(field_list_t) scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::field_dirichlet_fields

Definition at line 118 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ gs_xh

type(gs_t), pointer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::gs_xh

Gather-scatter associated with \( X_h \).

Definition at line 91 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ ksp

class(ksp_t), allocatable scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::ksp

Krylov solver.

Definition at line 99 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ ksp_maxiter

integer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::ksp_maxiter

Max iterations in the Krylov solver.

Definition at line 101 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ lambda

real(kind=rp), pointer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::lambda

Thermal diffusivity.

Definition at line 138 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ makebdf

class(rhs_maker_bdf_t), allocatable scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t::makebdf

Contributions to the RHS from lagged BDF terms.

Definition at line 112 of file scalar_pnpn.f90.

◆ makeext

class(rhs_maker_ext_t), allocatable scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t::makeext

Contributions to kth order extrapolation scheme.

Definition at line 109 of file scalar_pnpn.f90.

◆ msh

type(mesh_t), pointer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::msh => null()


Definition at line 134 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ n_dir_bcs

integer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::n_dir_bcs = 0

Number of Dirichlet bcs.

Definition at line 124 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ n_neumann_bcs

integer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::n_neumann_bcs = 0

Number of Neumann bcs.

Definition at line 126 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ neumann_bcs

type(neumann_t), dimension(neko_msh_max_zlbls) scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::neumann_bcs

Neumann conditions.

Definition at line 120 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ params

type(json_file), pointer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::params

Case paramters.

Definition at line 132 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ pc

class(pc_t), allocatable scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::pc


Definition at line 107 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ proj_s

type(projection_t) scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t::proj_s

Solution projection.

Definition at line 88 of file scalar_pnpn.f90.

◆ projection_activ_step

integer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::projection_activ_step

Definition at line 105 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ projection_dim

integer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::projection_dim

Projection space size.

Steps to activate projection for ksp

Definition at line 103 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ res

class(scalar_residual_t), allocatable scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t::res

Computes the residual.

Definition at line 106 of file scalar_pnpn.f90.

◆ rho

real(kind=rp), pointer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::rho


Definition at line 140 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ s

type(field_t), pointer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::s

The scalar.

Definition at line 83 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ s_res

type(field_t) scalar_pnpn::scalar_pnpn_t::s_res

The residual of the transport equation.

Definition at line 79 of file scalar_pnpn.f90.

◆ slag

type(field_series_t) scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::slag

Lag arrays, i.e. solutions at previous timesteps.

Definition at line 85 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ source_term

type(scalar_source_term_t) scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::source_term

The source term for equation.

Definition at line 97 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ u

type(field_t), pointer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::u

x-component of Velocity

Definition at line 77 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ user_bc

type(usr_scalar_t) scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::user_bc

User Dirichlet conditions.

Definition at line 122 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ v

type(field_t), pointer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::v

y-component of Velocity

Definition at line 79 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ w

type(field_t), pointer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::w

z-component of Velocity

Definition at line 81 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

◆ xh

type(space_t), pointer scalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_t::xh

Function space \( X_h \).

Definition at line 87 of file scalar_scheme.f90.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: