Neko 0.9.1
A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow simulations
No Matches
fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t Type Referenceabstract

Base type of all fluid formulations. More...

Inheritance diagram for fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t:
Collaboration diagram for fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t:

Public Member Functions

procedure, pass(thisfluid_scheme_init_all (this, msh, lx, params, kspv_init, kspp_init, scheme, user)
 Constructor for the base type.
procedure, pass(thisfluid_scheme_init_common (this, msh, lx, params, scheme, user, kspv_init)
 Initialise a fluid scheme.
generic scheme_init (this, msh, lx, params, kspv_init, kspp_init, scheme, user)
 Constructor for the base type.
generic scheme_init (this, msh, lx, params, scheme, user, kspv_init)
 Initialise a fluid scheme.
procedure, pass(thisscheme_free (this)
 Destructor for the base type.
procedure, pass(thisvalidate (this)
 Validate that all components are properly allocated.
procedure, pass(thisbc_apply_vel (this, t, tstep)
 Apply pressure boundary conditions.
procedure, pass(thisbc_apply_prs (this, t, tstep)
 Apply velocity boundary conditions.
procedure, pass(thisset_usr_inflow (this, usr_eval)
 Set the user inflow procedure.
procedure, pass(thiscompute_cfl (this, dt)
 Compute the CFL number.
procedure, pass(thisset_material_properties (this, params, user)
 Set rho and mu.
procedure(fluid_scheme_init_intrf), deferred, pass init (this, msh, lx, params, user, time_scheme)
procedure(fluid_scheme_free_intrf), deferred, pass free (this)
procedure(fluid_scheme_step_intrf), deferred, pass step (this, t, tstep, dt, ext_bdf, dt_controller)
 Advance one step in time.
procedure(fluid_scheme_restart_intrf), deferred, pass restart (this, dtlag, tlag)
 Restart from a checkpoint.
procedure, pass(thisupdate_material_properties (this)
 Update variable material properties.

Public Attributes

type(field_t), pointer u => null()
 x-component of Velocity
type(field_t), pointer v => null()
 y-component of Velocity
type(field_t), pointer w => null()
 z-component of Velocity
type(field_t), pointer p => null()
 fluid field (lag)
 Function space \( X_h \).
 Dofmap associated with \( X_h \).
 Gather-scatter associated with \( X_h \).
 Coefficients associated with \( X_h \).
 The source term for the momentum equation.
type(field_t), pointer f_x => null()
 X-component of the right-hand side.
type(field_t), pointer f_y => null()
 Y-component of the right-hand side.
type(field_t), pointer f_z => null()
 Z-component of the right-hand side.
class(ksp_t), allocatable ksp_vel
 Krylov solver for velocity.
class(ksp_t), allocatable ksp_prs
 Krylov solver for pressure.
class(pc_t), allocatable pc_vel
 Velocity Preconditioner.
class(pc_t), allocatable pc_prs
 Velocity Preconditioner.
integer vel_projection_dim
 Size of the projection space for ksp_vel.
integer pr_projection_dim
 Size of the projection space for ksp_pr.
integer vel_projection_activ_step
 Steps to activate projection for ksp_vel.
integer pr_projection_activ_step
 Steps to activate projection for ksp_pr.
 No-slip wall for velocity.
class(bc_t), allocatable bc_inflow
 Dirichlet inflow for velocity.
 Wall model boundary condition.
logical if_gradient_jump_penalty
 Gradient jump panelty.
 User-computed Dirichlet velocity condition.
 User-computed Dirichlet pressure condition.
 Dirichlet pressure condition.
 Dong outflow condition.
 Symmetry plane for velocity.
 Symmetry plane for velocity.
 List of velocity conditions.
 List of neumann velocity conditions.
 List of pressure conditions.
 Boundary markings.
type(json_file), pointer params
type(mesh_t), pointer msh => null()
 Mean flow field.
 Fluid statistics.
 Mean squared flow field.
logical forced_flow_rate = .false.
 Is the flow rate forced?
logical freeze = .false.
 Freeze velocity at initial condition?
real(kind=rp) mu
 Dynamic viscosity.
 The variable mu field.
character(len=:), allocatable nut_field_name
 The turbulent kinematic viscosity field name.
logical variable_material_properties = .false.
 Is mu varying in time? Currently only due to LES models.
real(kind=rp) rho
 The variable density field.
 Manager for temporary fields.
character(len=neko_msh_max_zlbl_len), dimension(:), allocatable bc_labels
 Boundary condition labels (if any)

Private Member Functions

procedure, pass(this), private set_bc_type_output (this, params)
 Set boundary types for the diagnostic output.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 89 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ bc_apply_prs()

procedure, pass(this) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::bc_apply_prs ( class(fluid_scheme_t), intent(inout this,
real(kind=rp), intent(in t,
integer, intent(in tstep 
Why can't we call the interface here?

Definition at line 170 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ bc_apply_vel()

procedure, pass(this) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::bc_apply_vel ( class(fluid_scheme_t), intent(inout this,
real(kind=rp), intent(in t,
integer, intent(in tstep 
Why can't we call the interface here?

Definition at line 168 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ compute_cfl()

procedure, pass(this) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::compute_cfl ( class(fluid_scheme_t), intent(in this,
real(kind=rp), intent(in dt 

Definition at line 174 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ fluid_scheme_init_all()

procedure, pass(this) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::fluid_scheme_init_all ( class(fluid_scheme_t), intent(inout), target  this,
type(mesh_t), intent(inout), target  msh,
integer, intent(inout lx,
type(json_file), intent(inout), target  params,
logical  kspv_init,
logical  kspp_init,
character(len=*), intent(in scheme,
type(user_t), intent(in), target  user 

Definition at line 160 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ fluid_scheme_init_common()

procedure, pass(this) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::fluid_scheme_init_common ( class(fluid_scheme_t), intent(inout), target  this,
type(mesh_t), intent(inout), target  msh,
integer, intent(inout lx,
type(json_file), intent(inout), target  params,
character(len=*), intent(in scheme,
type(user_t), intent(in), target  user,
logical, intent(in kspv_init 

Initialize common data for the current scheme

Definition at line 161 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ free()

procedure(fluid_scheme_free_intrf), deferred, pass fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::free ( class(fluid_scheme_t), intent(inout this)
pure virtual

Definition at line 181 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ init()

procedure(fluid_scheme_init_intrf), deferred, pass fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::init ( class(fluid_scheme_t), intent(inout), target  this,
type(mesh_t), intent(inout), target  msh,
integer, intent(inout lx,
type(json_file), intent(inout), target  params,
type(user_t), intent(in), target  user,
type(time_scheme_controller_t), intent(in), target  time_scheme 
pure virtual

Definition at line 179 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ restart()

procedure(fluid_scheme_restart_intrf), deferred, pass fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::restart ( class(fluid_scheme_t), intent(inout), target  this,
real(kind=rp), dimension(10)  dtlag,
real(kind=rp), dimension(10)  tlag 
pure virtual

Definition at line 185 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ scheme_free()

procedure, pass(this) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::scheme_free ( class(fluid_scheme_t), intent(inout this)

Definition at line 164 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ scheme_init() [1/2]

generic fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::scheme_init ( class(fluid_scheme_t), intent(inout), target  this,
type(mesh_t), intent(inout), target  msh,
integer, intent(inout lx,
type(json_file), intent(inout), target  params,
logical  kspv_init,
logical  kspp_init,
character(len=*), intent(in scheme,
type(user_t), intent(in), target  user 

Definition at line 162 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ scheme_init() [2/2]

generic fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::scheme_init ( class(fluid_scheme_t), intent(inout), target  this,
type(mesh_t), intent(inout), target  msh,
integer, intent(inout lx,
type(json_file), intent(inout), target  params,
character(len=*), intent(in scheme,
type(user_t), intent(in), target  user,
logical, intent(in kspv_init 

Initialize common data for the current scheme

Definition at line 162 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ set_bc_type_output()

procedure, pass(this), private fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::set_bc_type_output ( class(fluid_scheme_t), intent(inout), target  this,
type(json_file), intent(inout params 
paramsThe JSON case file.

Definition at line 186 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ set_material_properties()

procedure, pass(this) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::set_material_properties ( class(fluid_scheme_t), intent(inout this,
type(json_file), intent(inout params,
type(user_t), intent(in), target  user 
paramsThe case paramter file.
userThe user interface.

Definition at line 176 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ set_usr_inflow()

procedure, pass(this) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::set_usr_inflow ( class(fluid_scheme_t), intent(inout this,
procedure(usr_inflow_eval usr_eval 

Definition at line 172 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ step()

procedure(fluid_scheme_step_intrf), deferred, pass fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::step ( class(fluid_scheme_t), intent(inout), target  this,
real(kind=rp), intent(inout t,
integer, intent(inout tstep,
real(kind=rp), intent(in dt,
type(time_scheme_controller_t), intent(inout ext_bdf,
type(time_step_controller_t), intent(in dt_controller 
pure virtual

Definition at line 183 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ update_material_properties()

procedure, pass(this) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::update_material_properties ( class(fluid_scheme_t), intent(inout this)

Definition at line 189 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ validate()

procedure, pass(this) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::validate ( class(fluid_scheme_t), intent(inout), target  this)

Definition at line 166 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ bc_dong

type(dong_outflow_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::bc_dong

Definition at line 128 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ bc_inflow

class(bc_t), allocatable fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::bc_inflow

Definition at line 116 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ bc_labels

character(len=neko_msh_max_zlbl_len), dimension(:), allocatable fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::bc_labels

Definition at line 157 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ bc_prs

type(dirichlet_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::bc_prs

Definition at line 127 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ bc_sh

type(shear_stress_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::bc_sh

Definition at line 130 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ bc_sym

type(symmetry_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::bc_sym

Definition at line 129 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ bc_wall

type(no_slip_wall_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::bc_wall

Definition at line 115 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ bc_wallmodel

type(wall_model_bc_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::bc_wallmodel

Definition at line 117 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ bclst_prs

type(bc_list_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::bclst_prs

Definition at line 133 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ bclst_vel

type(bc_list_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::bclst_vel

Definition at line 131 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ bclst_vel_neumann

type(bc_list_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::bclst_vel_neumann

Definition at line 132 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ bdry

type(field_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::bdry

Definition at line 134 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ c_xh

type(coef_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::c_xh

Definition at line 98 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ chkp

type(chkp_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::chkp

Definition at line 137 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ dm_xh

type(dofmap_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::dm_xh

Definition at line 96 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ f_x

type(field_t), pointer fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::f_x => null()

Definition at line 102 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ f_y

type(field_t), pointer fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::f_y => null()

Definition at line 104 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ f_z

type(field_t), pointer fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::f_z => null()

Definition at line 106 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ forced_flow_rate

logical fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::forced_flow_rate = .false.

Definition at line 141 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ freeze

logical fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::freeze = .false.

Definition at line 142 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ gradient_jump_penalty_u

type(gradient_jump_penalty_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::gradient_jump_penalty_u

Definition at line 120 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ gradient_jump_penalty_v

type(gradient_jump_penalty_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::gradient_jump_penalty_v

Definition at line 121 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ gradient_jump_penalty_w

type(gradient_jump_penalty_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::gradient_jump_penalty_w

Definition at line 122 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ gs_xh

type(gs_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::gs_xh

Definition at line 97 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ if_gradient_jump_penalty

logical fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::if_gradient_jump_penalty

Definition at line 119 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ ksp_prs

class(ksp_t), allocatable fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::ksp_prs

Definition at line 108 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ ksp_vel

class(ksp_t), allocatable fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::ksp_vel

Definition at line 107 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ mean

type(mean_flow_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::mean

Definition at line 138 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ mean_sqr

type(mean_sqr_flow_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::mean_sqr

Definition at line 140 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ msh

type(mesh_t), pointer fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::msh => null()

Definition at line 136 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ mu

real(kind=rp) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::mu

Definition at line 144 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ mu_field

type(field_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::mu_field

Definition at line 146 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ nut_field_name

character(len=:), allocatable fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::nut_field_name

Definition at line 148 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ p

type(field_t), pointer fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::p => null()

Definition at line 93 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ params

type(json_file), pointer fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::params

Definition at line 135 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ pc_prs

class(pc_t), allocatable fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::pc_prs

Definition at line 110 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ pc_vel

class(pc_t), allocatable fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::pc_vel

Definition at line 109 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ pr_projection_activ_step

integer fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::pr_projection_activ_step

Definition at line 114 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ pr_projection_dim

integer fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::pr_projection_dim

Definition at line 112 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ rho

real(kind=rp) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::rho

Definition at line 152 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ rho_field

type(field_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::rho_field

Definition at line 154 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ scratch

type(scratch_registry_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::scratch

Definition at line 155 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ source_term

type(fluid_source_term_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::source_term

Definition at line 100 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ stats

type(fluid_stats_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::stats

Definition at line 139 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ u

type(field_t), pointer fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::u => null()

Definition at line 90 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ ulag

type(field_series_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::ulag

Definition at line 94 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ user_field_bc_prs

type(field_dirichlet_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::user_field_bc_prs

Definition at line 126 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ user_field_bc_vel

type(field_dirichlet_vector_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::user_field_bc_vel

Definition at line 125 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ v

type(field_t), pointer fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::v => null()

Definition at line 91 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ variable_material_properties

logical fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::variable_material_properties = .false.

Definition at line 150 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ vel_projection_activ_step

integer fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::vel_projection_activ_step

Definition at line 113 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ vel_projection_dim

integer fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::vel_projection_dim

Definition at line 111 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ vlag

type(field_series_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::vlag

Definition at line 94 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ w

type(field_t), pointer fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::w => null()

Definition at line 92 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ wlag

type(field_series_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::wlag

Definition at line 94 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

◆ xh

type(space_t) fluid_scheme::fluid_scheme_t::xh

Definition at line 95 of file fluid_scheme.f90.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: