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module | field |
| Defines a field.
subroutine | field::field_init_internal_dof (this, msh, space, fld_name) |
| Initialize a field this on the mesh msh using an internal dofmap.
subroutine | field::field_init_external_dof (this, dof, fld_name) |
| Initialize a field this on the mesh msh using an internal dofmap.
subroutine | field::field_init_common (this, fld_name) |
| Initialize a field this.
subroutine | field::field_free (this) |
| Deallocate a field f.
subroutine | field::field_assign_field (this, g) |
| Assignment \( this = G \).
subroutine | field::field_assign_scalar (this, a) |
| Assignment \( this = a \).
subroutine | field::field_add_field (this, g) |
| Add \( this(u_1, u_2, ... , u_n) =
this(u_1, u_2, ... , u_n) + G(u_1, u_2, ... , u_n) \).
subroutine | field::field_add_scalar (this, a) |
| Add \( this(u_1, u_2, ... , u_n) =
this(u_1, u_2, ... , u_n) + a \).
pure integer function | field::field_size (this) |
| Return the size of the field based on the underlying dofmap.