subroutine | gather_scatter::gs_init (gs, dofmap, bcknd, comm_bcknd) |
| Initialize a gather-scatter kernel.
subroutine | gather_scatter::gs_free (gs) |
| Deallocate a gather-scatter kernel.
subroutine | gather_scatter::gs_init_mapping (gs) |
| Setup mapping of dofs to gather-scatter operations.
integer function | gs_mapping_add_dof (map_, dof, max_id) |
| Register a unique dof Takes the unique id dof and checks if it is in the htable map_ If it is we return the gather-scatter id this global dof has been assigned to. This is done as the global id can be very large max(integer8), but the number of local points is at most max(integer4)
recursive subroutine | gs_qsort_dofmap (dg, gd, n, lo, hi) |
| Sort the dof lists based on the dof to gather-scatter list.
subroutine | gs_find_blks (dg, blk_len, nblks, n, m) |
| Find blocks sharing dofs in non-facet data.
subroutine | gather_scatter::gs_schedule (gs) |
| Schedule shared gather-scatter operations.
subroutine | gather_scatter::gs_op_fld (gs, u, op, event) |
| Gather-scatter operation on a field u with op op.
subroutine | gather_scatter::gs_op_r4 (gs, u, n, op, event) |
| Gather-scatter operation on a rank 4 array.
subroutine | gather_scatter::gs_op_vector (gs, u, n, op, event) |
| Gather-scatter operation on a vector u with op op.