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type | fluid_stats_simcomp::fluid_stats_simcomp_t |
| A simulation component that computes the velocity and pressure statistics up to 4th order. Can be used to reconstruct the term budget of transport equations for, e.g. the Reynolds stresses and the turbulent kinetic energy. More...
subroutine | fluid_stats_simcomp::fluid_stats_simcomp_init_from_json (this, json, case) |
| Constructor from json.
subroutine | fluid_stats_simcomp::fluid_stats_simcomp_init_from_attributes (this, u, v, w, p, coef, start_time, hom_dir, stat_set) |
| Actual constructor.
subroutine | fluid_stats_simcomp::fluid_stats_simcomp_free (this) |
| Destructor.
subroutine | fluid_stats_simcomp::fluid_stats_simcomp_restart (this, t) |
subroutine | fluid_stats_simcomp::fluid_stats_simcomp_compute (this, t, tstep) |
| fluid_stats, called depending on compute_control and compute_value