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type | rough_log_law::rough_log_law_t |
| Wall model based on the log-law for a rough wall. The formula defining the law is u^+ = log(z/z_0)/\kappa + B . Here, z is the wall-normal distance, as per tradition in atmospheric sciences, where this law is often used. More...
subroutine | rough_log_law::rough_log_law_init (this, coef, msk, facet, nu, h_index, json) |
| Constructor from JSON.
subroutine | rough_log_law::rough_log_law_init_from_components (this, coef, msk, facet, nu, h_index, kappa, b, z0) |
| Constructor from components.
subroutine | rough_log_law::rough_log_law_free (this) |
| Destructor for the rough_log_law_t (base) class.
subroutine | rough_log_law::rough_log_law_compute (this, t, tstep) |
| Compute the wall shear stress.