Neko 0.9.1
A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow simulations
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
9 use num_types, only : rp
10 use math, only: cmult, add2
11 use vector, only : vector_t, vector_ptr_t
12 use field, only: field_t
13 use dofmap, only: dofmap_t
14 use space, only: space_t, gll
16 use utils, only: neko_error
17 use mesh, only: mesh_t
18 implicit none
19 private
21 type, public :: fld_file_data_t
22 type(vector_t) :: x
23 type(vector_t) :: y
24 type(vector_t) :: z
25 type(vector_t) :: u
26 type(vector_t) :: v
27 type(vector_t) :: w
28 type(vector_t) :: p
29 type(vector_t) :: t
30 integer, allocatable :: idx(:)
31 type(vector_t), allocatable :: s(:)
32 integer :: gdim
33 integer :: n_scalars = 0
34 real(kind=rp) :: time = 0.0
35 integer :: glb_nelv = 0
36 integer :: nelv = 0
37 integer :: offset_el = 0
38 integer :: lx = 0
39 integer :: ly = 0
40 integer :: lz = 0
41 integer :: t_counter = 0
42 ! meta file information (if any)
44 integer :: meta_nsamples = 0
45 integer :: meta_start_counter = 0
47 character(len=1024) :: fld_series_fname
48 contains
49 procedure, pass(this) :: init => fld_file_data_init
50 procedure, pass(this) :: free => fld_file_data_free
51 procedure, pass(this) :: scale => fld_file_data_scale
52 procedure, pass(this) :: add => fld_file_data_add
53 procedure, pass(this) :: size => fld_file_data_size
54 procedure, pass(this) :: get_list => fld_file_data_get_list
55 procedure, pass(this) :: init_same => fld_file_data_init_same
56 procedure, pass(this) :: init_n_fields => fld_file_data_init_n_fields
58 procedure, pass(this) :: generate_interpolator => &
60 end type fld_file_data_t
65 subroutine fld_file_data_init(this, nelv, offset_el)
66 class(fld_file_data_t), intent(inout) :: this
67 integer, intent(in), optional :: nelv, offset_el
69 call this%free()
70 if (present(nelv)) this%nelv = nelv
71 if (present(offset_el)) this%offset_el = offset_el
73 end subroutine fld_file_data_init
75 function fld_file_data_size(this) result(i)
76 class(fld_file_data_t) :: this
77 integer :: i
78 i = 0
79 if (this%u%n .gt. 0) i = i + 1
80 if (this%v%n .gt. 0) i = i + 1
81 if (this%w%n .gt. 0) i = i + 1
82 if (this%p%n .gt. 0) i = i + 1
83 if (this%t%n .gt. 0) i = i + 1
84 i = i + this%n_scalars
86 end function fld_file_data_size
89 subroutine fld_file_data_init_same(this, fld_file, n)
90 class(fld_file_data_t), target, intent(inout) :: this
91 class(fld_file_data_t), target, intent(in) :: fld_file
92 integer, intent(in) :: n
93 integer :: i, j
95 if(fld_file%u%n .gt. 0) then
96 call this%u%init(n)
97 end if
98 if(fld_file%v%n .gt. 0) then
99 call this%v%init(n)
100 end if
101 if(fld_file%w%n .gt. 0) then
102 call this%w%init(n)
103 end if
104 if(fld_file%p%n .gt. 0) then
105 call this%p%init(n)
106 end if
107 if(fld_file%t%n .gt. 0) then
108 call this%t%init(n)
109 end if
110 this%n_scalars = fld_file%n_scalars
111 allocate(this%s(fld_file%n_scalars))
112 do j = 1, fld_file%n_scalars
113 call this%s(j)%init(n)
114 end do
116 end subroutine fld_file_data_init_same
119 subroutine fld_file_data_init_n_fields(this, n_fields, n)
120 class(fld_file_data_t), target, intent(inout) :: this
121 integer, intent(in) :: n, n_fields
122 integer :: i, j
125 if(n_fields .gt. 0) then
126 call this%u%init(n)
127 end if
128 if(n_fields .gt. 1) then
129 call this%v%init(n)
130 end if
131 if(n_fields .gt. 2) then
132 call this%w%init(n)
133 end if
134 if(n_fields .gt. 3) then
135 call this%p%init(n)
136 end if
137 if(n_fields .gt. 4) then
138 call this%t%init(n)
139 end if
140 if (n_fields .gt. 5) then
141 this%n_scalars = n_fields-5
142 allocate(this%s(this%n_scalars))
143 do j = 1, this%n_scalars
144 call this%s(j)%init(n)
145 end do
146 end if
148 end subroutine fld_file_data_init_n_fields
151 subroutine fld_file_data_get_list(this, ptr_list, n)
152 class(fld_file_data_t), target, intent(in) :: this
153 integer, intent(in) :: n
154 integer :: i, j
155 type(vector_ptr_t), intent(inout) :: ptr_list(n)
156 i = 1
157 if (this%u%n .gt. 0) then
158 ptr_list(i)%ptr => this%u
159 i = i + 1
160 end if
161 if (this%v%n .gt. 0) then
162 ptr_list(i)%ptr => this%v
163 i = i + 1
164 end if
165 if (this%w%n .gt. 0) then
166 ptr_list(i)%ptr => this%w
167 i = i + 1
168 end if
169 if (this%p%n .gt. 0) then
170 ptr_list(i)%ptr => this%p
171 i = i + 1
172 end if
173 if (this%t%n .gt. 0) then
174 ptr_list(i)%ptr => this%t
175 i = i + 1
176 end if
177 do j = 1, this%n_scalars
178 ptr_list(i)%ptr => this%s(j)
179 i = i +1
180 end do
182 end subroutine fld_file_data_get_list
187 subroutine fld_file_data_scale(this, c)
188 class(fld_file_data_t), intent(inout) :: this
189 real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: c
190 integer :: i
192 if (this%u%n .gt. 0) call cmult(this%u%x, c, this%u%n)
193 if (this%v%n .gt. 0) call cmult(this%v%x, c, this%v%n)
194 if (this%w%n .gt. 0) call cmult(this%w%x, c, this%w%n)
195 if (this%p%n .gt. 0) call cmult(this%p%x, c, this%p%n)
196 if (this%t%n .gt. 0) call cmult(this%t%x, c, this%t%n)
198 do i = 1, this%n_scalars
199 if (this%s(i)%n .gt. 0) call cmult(this%s(i)%x, c, this%s(i)%n)
200 end do
202 end subroutine fld_file_data_scale
205 subroutine fld_file_data_add(this, fld_data_add)
206 class(fld_file_data_t), intent(inout) :: this
207 class(fld_file_data_t), intent(in) :: fld_data_add
208 integer :: i
210 if (this%u%n .gt. 0) call add2(this%u%x, fld_data_add%u%x, this%u%n)
211 if (this%v%n .gt. 0) call add2(this%v%x, fld_data_add%v%x, this%v%n)
212 if (this%w%n .gt. 0) call add2(this%w%x, fld_data_add%w%x, this%w%n)
213 if (this%p%n .gt. 0) call add2(this%p%x, fld_data_add%p%x, this%p%n)
214 if (this%t%n .gt. 0) call add2(this%t%x, fld_data_add%t%x, this%t%n)
216 do i = 1, this%n_scalars
217 if (this%s(i)%n .gt. 0) call add2(this%s(i)%x, fld_data_add%s(i)%x, &
218 this%s(i)%n)
219 end do
220 end subroutine fld_file_data_add
223 subroutine fld_file_data_free(this)
224 class(fld_file_data_t), intent(inout) :: this
225 integer :: i
226 call this%x%free()
227 call this%y%free()
228 call this%z%free()
229 call this%u%free()
230 call this%v%free()
231 call this%w%free()
232 call this%p%free()
233 call this%t%free()
234 if (allocated(this%s)) then
235 do i = 1, this%n_scalars
236 call this%s(i)%free()
237 end do
238 deallocate(this%s)
239 end if
240 this%n_scalars = 0
241 this%time = 0.0
242 this%glb_nelv = 0
243 this%nelv = 0
244 this%offset_el = 0
245 this%lx = 0
246 this%ly = 0
247 this%lz = 0
248 this%t_counter = 0
249 this%meta_nsamples = 0
250 this%meta_start_counter = 0
251 if(allocated(this%idx)) deallocate(this%idx)
252 end subroutine fld_file_data_free
258 function fld_file_data_generate_interpolator(this, to_dof, &
259 to_msh, tolerance) result(global_interp)
260 class(fld_file_data_t), intent(in) :: this
261 type(dofmap_t), intent(in), target :: to_dof
262 type(mesh_t), intent(in), target :: to_msh
263 real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: tolerance
265 type(global_interpolation_t) :: global_interp
267 ! --- variables for interpolation
268 type(space_t) :: fld_xh
269 real(kind=rp), allocatable :: x_coords(:,:,:,:), y_coords(:,:,:,:), &
270 z_coords(:,:,:,:)
271 real(kind=rp) :: center_x, center_y, center_z
272 integer :: e, i
273 ! ---
275 type(space_t), pointer :: to_xh
276 to_xh => to_dof%Xh
278 ! Safeguard in case we didn't read mesh information
279 if (.not. allocated(this%x%x) .or. &
280 .not. allocated(this%y%x) .or. &
281 .not. allocated(this%z%x)) call neko_error("Unable to retrieve &
282&mesh information from fld data.")
284 ! Create a space based on the fld data
285 call fld_xh%init(gll, this%lx, this%ly, this%lz)
287 ! These are the coordinates of our current dofmap
288 ! that we use for the interpolation
289 allocate(x_coords(to_xh%lx, to_xh%ly, to_xh%lz, to_msh%nelv))
290 allocate(y_coords(to_xh%lx, to_xh%ly, to_xh%lz, to_msh%nelv))
291 allocate(z_coords(to_xh%lx, to_xh%ly, to_xh%lz, to_msh%nelv))
297 do e = 1, to_msh%nelv
298 center_x = 0d0
299 center_y = 0d0
300 center_z = 0d0
301 do i = 1, to_xh%lxyz
302 center_x = center_x + to_dof%x(i, 1, 1, e)
303 center_y = center_y + to_dof%y(i, 1, 1, e)
304 center_z = center_z + to_dof%z(i, 1, 1, e)
305 end do
306 center_x = center_x / to_xh%lxyz
307 center_y = center_y / to_xh%lxyz
308 center_z = center_z / to_xh%lxyz
309 do i = 1, to_xh%lxyz
310 x_coords(i, 1, 1, e) = to_dof%x(i, 1, 1, e) - &
311 tolerance * (to_dof%x(i, 1, 1, e) - center_x)
312 y_coords(i, 1, 1, e) = to_dof%y(i, 1, 1, e) - &
313 tolerance * (to_dof%y(i, 1, 1, e) - center_y)
314 z_coords(i, 1, 1, e) = to_dof%z(i, 1, 1, e) - &
315 tolerance * (to_dof%z(i, 1, 1, e) - center_z)
316 end do
317 end do
319 ! The initialization is done based on the variables created from
320 ! fld data
321 call global_interp%init(this%x%x, this%y%x, this%z%x, this%gdim, &
322 this%nelv, fld_xh, tol = tolerance)
323 call global_interp%find_points(x_coords, y_coords, z_coords, &
324 to_dof%size())
326 deallocate(x_coords)
327 deallocate(y_coords)
328 deallocate(z_coords)
332end module fld_file_data
Defines a mapping of the degrees of freedom.
Definition dofmap.f90:35
Defines a field.
Definition field.f90:34
Simple module to handle fld file series. Provides an interface to the different fields sotred in a fl...
integer function fld_file_data_size(this)
Get number of fields in this fld file.
subroutine fld_file_data_add(this, fld_data_add)
Add the values in another fld file to this.
subroutine fld_file_data_init_same(this, fld_file, n)
Genereate same fields as in another fld_file.
subroutine fld_file_data_get_list(this, ptr_list, n)
Get a list with pointers to the fields in the fld file.
subroutine fld_file_data_free(this)
Deallocate fld file data type.
subroutine fld_file_data_init(this, nelv, offset_el)
Initialise a fld_file_data object with nelv elements with a offset_nel.
subroutine fld_file_data_init_n_fields(this, n_fields, n)
Genereate same fields as in another fld_file.
subroutine fld_file_data_scale(this, c)
Scale the values stored in this fld_file_data.
type(global_interpolation_t) function fld_file_data_generate_interpolator(this, to_dof, to_msh, tolerance)
Generates a global_interpolation object to interpolate the fld data.
NEKTON fld file format.
Definition fld_file.f90:35
Implements global_interpolation given a dofmap.
Definition math.f90:60
subroutine, public cmult(a, c, n)
Multiplication by constant c .
Definition math.f90:311
subroutine, public add2(a, b, n)
Vector addition .
Definition math.f90:587
Defines a mesh.
Definition mesh.f90:34
integer, parameter, public rp
Global precision used in computations.
Definition num_types.f90:12
Defines a function space.
Definition space.f90:34
integer, parameter, public gll
Definition space.f90:48
Definition utils.f90:35
Defines a vector.
Definition vector.f90:34
Implements global interpolation for arbitrary points in the domain.
The function space for the SEM solution fields.
Definition space.f90:62