62 logical,
intent(in) :: if_ext
63 real(kind=
intent(in) :: t
64 integer,
intent(in) :: tstep
65 type(
intent(in) :: coef
66 type(
intent(inout) :: nut
67 type(
intent(in) :: delta
68 real(kind=
intent(in) :: c
70 type(
pointer :: g11, g12, g13, g21, g22, g23, g31, g32, g33
71 type(
pointer :: u, v, w
73 real(kind=
rp) :: pi_3 = 4.0_rp/3.0_rp*atan(1.0_rp)
76 integer :: temp_indices(9)
83 if (if_ext .eqv. .true.)
104 call dudxyz(g11%x, u%x, coef%drdx, coef%dsdx, coef%dtdx, coef)
105 call dudxyz(g12%x, u%x, coef%drdy, coef%dsdy, coef%dtdy, coef)
106 call dudxyz(g13%x, u%x, coef%drdz, coef%dsdz, coef%dtdz, coef)
108 call dudxyz(g21%x, v%x, coef%drdx, coef%dsdx, coef%dtdx, coef)
109 call dudxyz(g22%x, v%x, coef%drdy, coef%dsdy, coef%dtdy, coef)
110 call dudxyz(g23%x, v%x, coef%drdz, coef%dsdz, coef%dtdz, coef)
112 call dudxyz(g31%x, w%x, coef%drdx, coef%dsdx, coef%dtdx, coef)
113 call dudxyz(g32%x, w%x, coef%drdy, coef%dsdy, coef%dtdy, coef)
114 call dudxyz(g33%x, w%x, coef%drdz, coef%dsdz, coef%dtdz, coef)
127 g21%x_d, g22%x_d, g23%x_d, &
128 g31%x_d, g32%x_d, g33%x_d, &
129 delta%x_d, nut%x_d, coef%mult_d, &
130 c, eps, g11%dof%size())
133 call device_col2(nut%x_d, coef%mult_d, nut%dof%size())
subroutine, public device_sigma_nut_compute(g11_d, g12_d, g13_d, g21_d, g22_d, g23_d, g31_d, g32_d, g33_d, delta_d, nut_d, mult_d, c, eps, n)
Compute the eddy viscosity field for the Sigma model indevice.
subroutine, public dudxyz(du, u, dr, ds, dt, coef)
Compute derivative of a scalar field along a single direction.