61 type(
intent(inout) :: msh
62 type(
intent(inout) :: Xh
63 type(
intent(inout) :: coef
64 real(kind=
intent(inout) :: w(xh%lx, xh%ly, xh%lz, msh%nelv)
65 real(kind=
intent(inout) :: u(xh%lx, xh%ly, xh%lz, msh%nelv)
67 call neko_error(
"The full Helmholtz operators cannot be applied to a &
subroutine ax_helm_full_compute(w, u, coef, msh, xh)
Compute the product for a single vector. Not implemented for the full stress formulation.
Defines a Matrix-vector product.
subroutine, public addcol4(a, b, c, d, n)
Returns .
integer, parameter, public rp
Global precision used in computations.
Defines a function space.
Matrix-vector product for a Helmholtz problem.
Base type for a matrix-vector product providing .
Coefficients defined on a given (mesh, ) tuple. Arrays use indices (i,j,k,e): element e,...
The function space for the SEM solution fields.