132 center, scale, coef, long_print)
134 real(kind=
intent(in) :: center(3)
135 real(kind=
intent(in) :: scale
136 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: zone_name
137 integer,
intent(in) :: zone_id
138 type(
intent(in) :: coef
139 logical,
intent(in) :: long_print
140 integer :: n_pts, glb_n_pts, ierr
141 character(len=1000) :: log_buf
144 this%zone_id = zone_id
147 this%zone_name = zone_name
148 if (long_print )
149 this%print_format =
151 this%print_format =
160 call this%bc%init_base(this%coef)
161 call this%bc%mark_zone(this%case%msh%labeled_zones(this%zone_id))
162 call this%bc%finalize()
163 n_pts = this%bc%msk(0)
164 call this%n1%init(n_pts)
165 call this%n2%init(n_pts)
166 call this%n3%init(n_pts)
167 call this%r1%init(n_pts)
168 call this%r2%init(n_pts)
169 call this%r3%init(n_pts)
170 call this%force1%init(n_pts)
171 call this%force2%init(n_pts)
172 call this%force3%init(n_pts)
173 call this%force4%init(n_pts)
174 call this%force5%init(n_pts)
175 call this%force6%init(n_pts)
176 call this%s11msk%init(n_pts)
177 call this%s22msk%init(n_pts)
178 call this%s33msk%init(n_pts)
179 call this%s12msk%init(n_pts)
180 call this%s13msk%init(n_pts)
181 call this%s23msk%init(n_pts)
182 call this%pmsk%init(n_pts)
184 this%n1%x, this%n2%x, this%n3%x, n_pts)
186 this%u%size(), n_pts)
188 this%u%size(), n_pts)
190 this%u%size(), n_pts)
192 call mpi_allreduce(n_pts, glb_n_pts, 1, &
195 call neko_log%section(
'Force/torque calculation')
196 write(log_buf,
'Zone ', zone_id,
' ', trim(zone_name)
198 write(log_buf,
'(A,I6, I6)')
'Global number of GLL points in zone: ', glb_n_pts
200 write(log_buf,
'Average of zone''s coordinates: ', &
201 glsum(this%r1%x, n_pts)/glb_n_pts, &
202 glsum(this%r2%x, n_pts)/glb_n_pts, &
203 glsum(this%r3%x, n_pts)/glb_n_pts
205 write(log_buf,
'Center for torque calculation: ', center
207 write(log_buf,
'Scale: ', scale
211 call cadd(this%r1%x,-center(1), n_pts)
212 call cadd(this%r2%x,-center(2), n_pts)
213 call cadd(this%r3%x,-center(3), n_pts)
214 if (neko_bcknd_device .eq. 1 .and. n_pts .gt. 0)
248 real(kind=
intent(in) :: t
249 integer,
intent(in) :: tstep
250 real(kind=
rp) :: dgtq(12) = 0.0_rp
251 integer :: n_pts, temp_indices(6)
252 type(
pointer :: s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23
253 character(len=1000) :: log_buf
255 n_pts = this%bc%msk(0)
265 s13%x, s23%x, this%u, this%v, this%w, this%coef)
268 if (neko_bcknd_device .eq. 0)
270 this%u%size(), n_pts)
272 this%u%size(), n_pts)
274 this%u%size(), n_pts)
276 this%u%size(), n_pts)
278 this%u%size(), n_pts)
280 this%u%size(), n_pts)
282 this%u%size(), n_pts)
284 this%force4%x, this%force5%x, this%force6%x, &
295 this%case%fluid%mu, &
297 dgtq(1) =
glsum(this%force1%x, n_pts)
298 dgtq(2) =
glsum(this%force2%x, n_pts)
299 dgtq(3) =
glsum(this%force3%x, n_pts)
300 dgtq(4) =
glsum(this%force4%x, n_pts)
301 dgtq(5) =
glsum(this%force5%x, n_pts)
302 dgtq(6) =
glsum(this%force6%x, n_pts)
307 call vcross(this%s11msk%x, this%s22msk%x, this%s33msk%x, &
308 this%r1%x, this%r2%x, this%r3%x, &
309 this%force1%x, this%force2%x, this%force3%x, n_pts)
311 dgtq(7) =
glsum(this%s11msk%x, n_pts)
312 dgtq(8) =
glsum(this%s22msk%x, n_pts)
313 dgtq(9) =
glsum(this%s33msk%x, n_pts)
317 call vcross(this%s11msk%x, this%s22msk%x, this%s33msk%x, &
318 this%r1%x, this%r2%x, this%r3%x, &
319 this%force4%x, this%force5%x, this%force6%x, n_pts)
320 dgtq(10) =
glsum(this%s11msk%x, n_pts)
321 dgtq(11) =
glsum(this%s22msk%x, n_pts)
322 dgtq(12) =
glsum(this%s33msk%x, n_pts)
324 if (n_pts .gt. 0)
326 this%bc%msk_d, this%u%size(), n_pts)
328 this%bc%msk_d, this%u%size(), n_pts)
330 this%bc%msk_d, this%u%size(), n_pts)
332 this%bc%msk_d, this%u%size(), n_pts)
334 this%bc%msk_d, this%u%size(), n_pts)
336 this%bc%msk_d, this%u%size(), n_pts)
338 this%bc%msk_d, this%u%size(), n_pts)
355 this%case%fluid%mu, &
360 this%r1%x_d, this%r2%x_d, this%r3%x_d, &
361 this%force1%x_d, this%force2%x_d, &
362 this%force3%x_d, n_pts)
363 call device_vcross(this%s12msk%x_d,this%s13msk%x_d,this%s23msk%x_d, &
364 this%r1%x_d, this%r2%x_d, this%r3%x_d, &
365 this%force4%x_d, this%force5%x_d, this%force6%x_d, n_pts)
380 dgtq = this%scale*dgtq
381 write(log_buf,
'(A, I4, A, A)')
'Force and torque on zone ', &
382 this%zone_id,
' ', this%zone_name
384 write(log_buf,
'(A)') &
385 'Time step, time, total force/torque, pressure, viscous, direction'
387 write(log_buf, this%print_format) &
388 tstep,t,dgtq(1)+dgtq(4),dgtq(1),dgtq(4),
', forcex'
390 write(log_buf, this%print_format) &
391 tstep,t,dgtq(2)+dgtq(5),dgtq(2),dgtq(5),
', forcey'
393 write(log_buf, this%print_format) &
394 tstep,t,dgtq(3)+dgtq(6),dgtq(3),dgtq(6),
', forcez'
396 write(log_buf, this%print_format) &
397 tstep,t,dgtq(7)+dgtq(10),dgtq(7),dgtq(10),
', torquex'
399 write(log_buf, this%print_format) &
400 tstep,t,dgtq(8)+dgtq(11),dgtq(8),dgtq(11),
', torquey'
402 write(log_buf, this%print_format) &
403 tstep,t,dgtq(9)+dgtq(12),dgtq(9),dgtq(12),
', torquez'