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Neko 0.9.99
A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow simulations
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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Caabb_tree::aabb_node_tNode type for the Axis Aligned Bounding Box (aabb) Tree
 Caabb::aabb_tAxis Aligned Bounding Box (aabb) data structure
 Caabb_tree::aabb_tree_tAxis Aligned Bounding Box (aabb) Tree
 Cadvection::advection_tBase abstract type for computing the advection operator
 Ctree_amg_smoother::amg_cheby_tType for Chebyshev iteration using TreeAMG matvec
 Ctree_amg_smoother::amg_jacobi_tType for Chebyshev iteration using TreeAMG matvec
 Cstructs::array_ptr_tPointer to array
 Cax_product::ax_computeFactory routine for the a Helmholtz problem matrix-vector product. The selection is based on the compute backend
 Cax_product::ax_compute_vectorAbstract interface for computing \( Ax \) inside a Krylov method, taking 3 components of a vector field in a coupled manner
 Cax_product::ax_tBase type for a matrix-vector product providing \( Ax \)
 Cbc::bc_apply_scalarApply the boundary condition to a scalar field
 Cbc::bc_apply_scalar_devApply the boundary condition to a scalar field on the device
 Cbc::bc_apply_vectorApply the boundary condition to a vector field
 Cbc::bc_apply_vector_devApply the boundary condition to a vector field on the device
 Cbc::bc_finalizeFinalize by building the mask and facet arrays
 Cbc_list::bc_list_tA list of allocatable `bc_t`. Follows the standard interface of lists
 Cbc::bc_ptr_tPointer to a `bc_t`
 Cbc::bc_tBase type for a boundary condition
 Cflow_profile::blasius_profileAbstract interface for computing a Blasius flow profile
 Ccoefs::coef_tCoefficients defined on a given (mesh, \( X_h \)) tuple. Arrays use indices (i,j,k,e): element e, local coordinate (i,j,k)
 Cadvection::compute_advA factory for advection_t decendants. Both creates and initializes the object
 Ctime_scheme::compute_coeffsInterface for setting the scheme coefficients
 Cadvection::compute_scalar_advAdd advection operator to the right-hand-side for a scalar
 Ccpr::cpr_tInclude information needed for compressing fields
 Cdata_streamer::data_streamer_tProvides access to data streaming by interfacing with c++ ADIOS2 subroutines
 Cdevice::device_associateAssociate a Fortran array to a (allocated) device pointer
 Cdevice::device_associatedCheck if a Fortran array is assoicated with a device pointer
 Cdevice::device_deassociateDeassociate a Fortran array from a device pointer
 Cdevice::device_get_ptrReturn the device pointer for an associated Fortran array
 Cdevice::device_mapMap a Fortran array to a device (allocate and associate)
 Cdevice::device_memcpyCopy data between host and device (or device and device)
 Cdevice::device_syncSynchronize a device or stream
 Centity::entity_tBase type for an entity
 Ceuler_residual::euler_rhsAbstract interface to evaluate rhs
 Ceuler_residual::euler_rhs_tAbstract type to compute rhs
 Cfield_dirichlet::field_dirichlet_updateAbstract interface defining a dirichlet condition on a list of fields
 Cfield_list::field_list_tField_list_t, To be able to group fields together
 Cfield::field_ptr_tField_ptr_t, To easily obtain a pointer to a field
 Cfield_series::field_series_ptr_tField_series_ptr_t, To easily obtain a pointer to a field series
 Cfile::file_tA wrapper around a polymorphic generic_file_t that handles its init. This is essentially a factory for generic_file_t descendants additionally handling special CSV file parameters (header and precision)
 Cfilter::filter_applyThe application of the filter
 Cfilter::filter_initThe common constructor using a JSON dictionary
 Cfilter::filter_tBase abstract class for filter
 Cfluid_scheme_base::fluid_base_free_intrfDeallocate a fluid formulation
 Cfluid_scheme_base::fluid_base_init_all_intrfInitialize all fields
 Cfluid_scheme_base::fluid_base_init_common_intrfInitialize common data for the current scheme
 Cfluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_compute_cfl_intrfCompute the CFL number
 Cfluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_free_intrfAbstract interface to dealocate a fluid formulation
 Cfluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_init_intrfAbstract interface to initialize a fluid formulation
 Cfluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_restart_intrfAbstract interface to restart a fluid scheme
 Cfluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_step_intrfAbstract interface to compute a time-step
 Cfluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_base_tBase type of all fluid formulations
 Cfluid_scheme_base::fluid_scheme_setup_bcs_intrfAbstract interface to setup boundary conditions
 Cfluid_user_source_term::fluid_source_compute_pointwiseComputes the source term at a single point
 Cfluid_user_source_term::fluid_source_compute_vectorComputes the source term and adds the result to fields
 Cfluid_volflow::fluid_volflow_tDefines volume flow
 Cgeneric_file::generic_file_tA generic file handler
 Cglobal_interpolation::global_interpolation_tImplements global interpolation for arbitrary points in the domain
 Cgradient_jump_penalty::gradient_jump_penalty_tImplements the gradient jump penalty
 Cgs_bcknd::gs_backend_freeAbstract interface for deallocating a Gather-Scatter backend
 Cgs_bcknd::gs_backend_initAbstract interface for initialising a Gather-Scatter backend
 Cgs_bcknd::gs_bcknd_tGather-scatter backend
 Cgs_comm::gs_comm_freeAbstract interface for deallocating a Gather-scatter communication method
 Cgs_comm::gs_comm_initAbstract interface for initializing a Gather-scatter communication method
 Cgs_mpi::gs_comm_mpi_tMPI buffer for non-blocking operations
 Cgs_comm::gs_comm_tGather-scatter communication method
 Cgs_device_mpi::gs_device_mpi_buf_tBuffers for non-blocking communication and packing/unpacking
 Cgs_device_nccl::gs_device_nccl_buf_tBuffers for non-blocking communication and packing/unpacking
 Cgs_device_shmem::gs_device_shmem_buf_tBuffers for non-blocking communication and packing/unpacking
 Cgs_bcknd::gs_gatherAbstract interface for the Gather kernel \( v(dg(i)) = op(v(dg(i)), u(gd(i)) \)
 Cgs_comm::gs_nbrecvAbstract interface for initiating non-blocking recieve operations Posts non-blocking recieve of values and puts the values into buffers
 Cgs_comm::gs_nbsendAbstract interface for initiating non-blocking send operations Sends the values in u(send_dof(send_pe(i))) to each rank send_pe(i) for all ranks in send_pe
 Cgs_comm::gs_nbwaitAbstract interface for waiting on non-blocking operations Waits and checks that data is in buffers and unpacks buffers into correct location in u u(recv_dof(recv_pe(i))) = gs_op(recieve_buffers(recv_pe) for this dof)
 Cgs_bcknd::gs_scatterAbstract interface for the Scatter kernel \( u(gd(i) = v(dg(i)) \)
 Chtable::h_tuple_tHash table entry, tuple (key, data)
 Chtable::htable_iter_tBase type for a hash table iterator
 Chtable::htable_tBase type for a hash table
 Cinterpolation::interpolator_tInterpolation between two space::space_t
 Caabb::intersectionIntersect two aabbs
 Cjson_utils::json_getRetrieves a parameter by name or throws an error
 Cjson_utils::json_get_or_defaultRetrieves a parameter by name or assigns a provided default value. In the latter case also adds the missing paramter to the json
 Ckrylov::ksp_methodAbstract interface for a Krylov method's solve routine
 Ckrylov::ksp_method_coupledAbstract interface for a Krylov method's coupled solve routine
 Ckrylov::ksp_monitor_tType for storing initial and final residuals in a Krylov solver
 Ckrylov::ksp_tBase abstract type for a canonical Krylov method, solving \( Ax = f \)
 Ckrylov::ksp_t_freeAbstract interface for deallocating a Krylov method
 Cles_model::les_model_computeCompute eddy viscosity
 Cles_model::les_model_initCommon constructor
 Cles_model::les_model_tBase abstract type for LES models based on the Boussinesq approximation
 Clocal_interpolation::local_interpolator_tInterpolation on a set of points with known rst coordinates in elements local to this process. Similar to point_interpolator, but prioritizes performance Only works with arrays of coordinates Performs interpolation with the configured NEKO_BCKND
 Cmap_1d::map_1d_tType that encapsulates a mapping from each gll point in the mesh to its corresponding (global) GLL point index in one direction
 Cmap::map_tNEKTON vertex mapping
 Caabb::mergeMerge two aabbs
 Cnmsh::nmsh_curve_el_tNeko curve data
 Cnmsh::nmsh_tNeko binary mesh element data
 Cnmsh::nmsh_vertex_tNeko binary mesh vertex data
 Cnmsh::nmsh_zone_tNeko zone data
 Coctree::oct_tDefines an octree octant
 Coctree::octree_tDefines an octree
 Coutput_controller::output_controller_tCentralized controller for a list of outputs
 Coutput::output_ptr_tWrapper around an output_t pointer
 Coutput::output_sampleAbstract interface for sampling an output type at time t
 Coutput::output_tAbstract type defining an output type
 Cprecon::pc_solveAbstract interface for solving \( M z = r \)
 Cprecon::pc_tDefines a canonical Krylov preconditioner
 Cpnpn_residual::pnpn_prs_res_tAbstract type to compute pressure residual
 Cpnpn_residual::pnpn_vel_res_tAbstract type to compute velocity residual
 Cpoint_interpolator::point_interpolator_tField interpolator to arbitrary points within an element. Tailored for experimentation, and convenience, not performance Does all interpolation on the CPU. Only considers one element If performant interpolation on many elements is required Look at local_interpolator_t, similar but with less functionality
 Cpoint::point_ptrDefines a pointer to a point type
 Cpoint_zone::point_zone_criterionDefines the criterion of selection of a GLL point to the point_zone
 Cpoint_zone::point_zone_initThe common constructor using a JSON object
 Cpoint_zone::point_zone_pointer_tA helper type to build a list of pointers to point_zones
 Cpoint_zone::point_zone_tBase abstract type for point zones
 Cpoint_zone::point_zone_wrapper_tA helper type to build a list of polymorphic point_zones
 Cstats::quantp_tPointer to an arbitrary quantitiy
 Cre2::re2v1_bc_tNEKTON re2 bc data (version 1)
 Cre2::re2v1_curve_tNEKTON re2 curve data (version 1)
 Cre2::re2v1_tNEKTON re2 element data (version 1)
 Cre2::re2v2_bc_tNEKTON re2 bc data (version 2)
 Cre2::re2v2_curve_tNEKTON re2 curve data (version 2)
 Cre2::re2v2_tNEKTON re2 element data (version 2)
 Crea::rea_tNEKTON session data struct
 Crhs_maker::rhs_maker_bdf_tAbstract type to add contributions to F from lagged BD terms
 Crhs_maker::rhs_maker_ext_tAbstract type to sum up contributions to kth order extrapolation scheme
 Crhs_maker::rhs_maker_oifs_tAbstract type to add contributions of kth order OIFS scheme
 Crhs_maker::rhs_maker_sumab_tAbstract type to compute extrapolated velocity field for the pressure equation
 Cscalar_residual::scalar_residual_interfaceInterface for computing the residual of a scalar transport equation
 Cscalar_residual::scalar_residual_tAbstract type to compute scalar residual
 Cscalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_free_intrfAbstract interface to dealocate a scalar formulation
 Cscalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_init_intrfAbstract interface to initialize a scalar formulation
 Cscalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_restart_intrfAbstract interface to restart a scalar formulation
 Cscalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_step_intrfAbstract interface to compute a time-step
 Cscalar_scheme::scalar_scheme_tBase type for a scalar advection-diffusion solver
 Cscalar_user_source_term::scalar_source_compute_pointwiseComputes the source term at a single point
 Cscalar_user_source_term::scalar_source_compute_vectorComputes the source term and adds the result to fields
 Csimcomp_executor::simcomp_executor_tSingleton type that serves as a driver for the simulation components. Stores all the components in the case and provides an interface matching that of a single simcomp, which executes the corresponding routines for each stored simcomp. The execution order is based on the order property of each simcomp. By default, the order is by the order of apparence in the case file
 Csimulation_component::simulation_component_initThe common constructor using a JSON dictionary
 Csimulation_component::simulation_component_tBase abstract class for simulation components
 Csimulation_component::simulation_component_wrapper_tA helper type that is needed to have an array of polymorphic objects
 Csource_scalar::source_scalar_tDefines a source term for the scalar transport equation term \( f \)
 Csource_scalar::source_scalar_termAbstract interface defining how to compute a source_scalar term
 Csource_scalar::source_scalar_term_pwAbstract interface defining how to compute a source_scalar term pointwise
 Csource_term::source_term_computeComputes the source term and adds the result to fields
 Csource_term_handler::source_term_handler_tAbstract class for handling source terms
 Csource_term::source_term_initThe common constructor using a JSON object
 Csource_term::source_term_tBase abstract type for source terms
 Csource_term::source_term_wrapper_tA helper type that is needed to have an array of polymorphic objects
 Cspace::space_tThe function space for the SEM solution fields
 Cstack::stack_tBase type for a stack
 Cstats_quant::stats_quant_tAbstract type defining a statistical quantity
 Cstats_quant::stats_quant_updateAbstract interface for updating/adding data to a quantitiy
 Cstats::stats_tStatistics backend
 Cstl::stl_hdr_tDefines a STL hdr
 Cstl::stl_triangle_tDefines a STL triangle
 Csystem::system_cpuidInterface to a C function to retrieve the CPU name (type)
 Ctree_amg::tamg_hierarchy_tType for a TreeAMG hierarchy
 Ctree_amg::tamg_lvl_tType for storing TreeAMG level information
 Ctree_amg::tamg_node_tType for storing TreeAMG tree node information
 Ctree_amg_multigrid::tamg_solver_tType for the TreeAMG solver
 Ctime_based_controller::time_based_controller_tA utility type for determening whether an action should be executed based on the current time value. Used to e.g. control whether we should write a file or execute a simcomp. Note that the nexecutions variable should be incremented externally by calling the register_execution procedure. This is to allow running the the check multiple times at the same time step
 Ctime_interpolator::time_interpolator_tProvides a tool to perform interpolation in time
 Ctime_scheme_controller::time_scheme_controller_tImplements the logic to compute the time coefficients for the advection and diffusion operators in a transport equation
 Ctime_scheme::time_scheme_tBase abstract class for time integration schemes
 Ctime_step_controller::time_step_controller_tProvides a tool to set time step dt
 Ctuple::tuple_assign_tupleAbstract intf. for assigning a tuple to a tuple
 Ctuple::tuple_assign_vectorAbstract intf. for assigning a vector to a n-tuple
 Ctuple::tuple_equalAbstract intf. for tuple comparison
 Ctuple::tuple_tBase type for an n-tuple
 Cfluid_scheme_base::update_material_propertiesAbstract interface to sets rho and mu
 Cuser_intf::user_final_modulesAbstract interface for finalizating user variables
 Cuser_intf::user_initialize_modulesAbstract interface for initilialization of modules
 Cuser_intf::user_material_propertiesAbstract interface for setting material properties
 Cuser_intf::user_simcomp_initAbstract interface for adding user defined simulation components
 Cuser_intf::usercheckAbstract interface for user defined check functions
 Cuser_intf::usericAbstract interface for user defined initial conditions
 Cuser_intf::useric_compressibleAbstract interface for user defined initial conditions
 Cuser_intf::useric_scalarAbstract interface for user defined scalar initial conditions
 Cuser_intf::usermshAbstract interface for user defined mesh deformation functions
 Cuset::uset_addInteface for adding key to an unorderd set
 Cuset::uset_clearInterface for clearing an unordered set
 Cuset::uset_elementInterface for checking if key is an element of an unordered set
 Cuset::uset_freeInterface for destroying an unordered set
 Cuset::uset_initInterface for initializing an unordered set
 Cuset::uset_removeInteface for removing key in an unorderd set
 Cuset::uset_sizeInterface for getting the cardinality of an unordered set
 Cuset::uset_tBase type for an unordered set
 Cusr_inflow::usr_inflow_evalAbstract interface defining a user defined inflow condition (pointwise)
 Cusr_scalar::usr_scalar_bc_evalAbstract interface defining a user defined scalar boundary condition (pointwise) Just imitating inflow for now, but we should update this Probably passing the whole field, params, coef, etc, would be good
 Cfluid_scheme_base::validate_intrfAbstract interface to validate the user inflow
 Cwall_model::wall_model_computeCompute wall shear stress
 Cwall_model::wall_model_initCommon constructor
 Cwall_model::wall_model_tBase abstract type for wall-stress models for wall-modelled LES